playing a Thanksgiving Song while wearing our Stretchy Pants for another Thanksgiving Song when we Gobble Gobble!

playing a Thanksgiving Song while wearing our Stretchy Pants for another Thanksgiving Song when we Gobble Gobble!

Hello, Monday peeps! It’s here, it’s here! Thanksgiving week is here! Hopefully you all have amazing plans this week. I’ve been working too many hours each week, so me personally am looking forward to having a bonafide 4-day weekend—that break is long overdue, let me tell you. 😉 Since it is Monday, you know that…

Thanksgiving Song makes us Gobble Gobble and need to wear our Stretchy Pants, so i’m thankful for The Thanksgiving Song!
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Thanksgiving Song makes us Gobble Gobble and need to wear our Stretchy Pants, so i’m thankful for The Thanksgiving Song!

Monday has arrived, and this week is Thanksgiving week! Man, that got here fast! Are you ready? This is one of my most favorite holidays, so I’m psyched for this week for sure! And, since it’s Monday, you know that Monday means music! This week is a freebie week, so grab your favorite tune(s) and…

Whiskey Colored Eyes see Snow On The Beach Where We Started singing the Thanksgiving Song

Whiskey Colored Eyes see Snow On The Beach Where We Started singing the Thanksgiving Song

Hello Monday – it’s a short week this week, hard to believe Thanksgiving is already upon us! The turkey is slowly thawing in the fridge, and I’m double checking to make sure I have all the extras to make for the feast on Thursday. I decided to give myself a break this year, and when…

Thankful for the Thanksgiving Song, Thank God for You, and my Stretchy Pants!

Thankful for the Thanksgiving Song, Thank God for You, and my Stretchy Pants!

Can you believe it’s already Thanksgiving week?! Hopefully you all have fabulous plans with family and/or friends for the extended weekend. Meanwhile, since it is Monday, Monday means music! For the month of November, our Spotlight Dancer is our friend and regular MMMM participant (and fabulous contributor), DRILLER’S PLACE! The theme selected for this week…

Missing Thanksgiving but Thankful for the Thanksgiving Song, and Thank God for You!

Missing Thanksgiving but Thankful for the Thanksgiving Song, and Thank God for You!

Monday has arrived – and you know what that means… music! For the month of November, our Spotlight Dancer is our friend Robin from Songbird’s Crazy World! The theme selected for this week is “In honor of Thanksgiving, songs that spell out the word “grateful”.” Sad to say I’m not playing by the rules this…

Thankful for Home, and Thank U for the Thanksgiving Song!

Thankful for Home, and Thank U for the Thanksgiving Song!

Thanksgiving week! Can you believe it? I do like it better when Thanksgiving is ‘early’ like this year, since that means an extra week to get ready for Christmas on the other side. Usually I have my Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving weekend so I can relax through the hectic portion of the season. For…

a Thanksgiving mash-up because i’m Thankful for the Thanksgiving Song, so Thank U!

a Thanksgiving mash-up because i’m Thankful for the Thanksgiving Song, so Thank U!

It’s Thanksgiving week, people! Is it just me, or does Thanksgiving seem ‘early’ this year? I mean, it’s always the fourth Thursday of November, but I think because there are five Thursday’s this year, it’s a week earlier than ‘normal’. Either that, or when it ends up being at the end of November, people consider…