Don’t Stand So Close To Me because Jessie’s Girl has Bette Davis Eyes working 9 to 5

Don’t Stand So Close To Me because Jessie’s Girl has Bette Davis Eyes working 9 to 5

Back to a semi-regular week this week now that Spring Break is over – though this week will prove to be busier than last, because Princess Nagger has a doctor appointment on Tuesday, the hubby has oral surgery scheduled for Wednesday morning which means he’ll be home the remainder of the week with a level…

there’s a Ghost at the River Bank working 9 to 5 – just American Kids who are All In!

there’s a Ghost at the River Bank working 9 to 5 – just American Kids who are All In!

How’s the weather in your neck of the woods? We’ve been enjoying outstanding weather, only a couple of days of a little bit of rain, but beautiful sunshine and no humidity to speak of! Yep, I’m so glad to be ‘home’. Guess what?! This week marks 199 weeks of Monday’s Music Moves Me! Can you…