It’s All Good…When You Do Good.

Yesterday I had the honor of teaming up with some amazing bloggers in the Philadelphia area.  As you saw from my teaser the other day, The Motherhood teamed up with 77Kids, which is a youth clothing division of American Eagle that is opening this summer.  They’re promoting community involvement with ‘pay-it-forward’ projects all over the country.

7 bloggers from 11 cities (7 x 11 = 77 – creative, no?) found some way to give back to the community in their areas – our group met at the amazing Beaumont at Bryn Mawr Retirement Community (I got a little lost when I first pulled in, so Princess Nagger and I got the scenic tour of the community – I wouldn’t mind living there when I become elderly!)

I had to drive two hours in a torrential downpour to get there, but it was so worth it.  The residents took great delight in all the kids (particularly Joey’s son Boston who was the main entertainment factor when he started dancing).  Princess Nagger was very shy (which she gets from her Mama) but had a lot of fun helping hand out the cute flower arrangements that Sarah and her daughter had put together before the event:

Once the shyness wore off most of the kids, they gathered together and sang songs and played some bean bag toss:

It was so heartwarming to see how happy the kids and flowers and kid-crafts made the residents of Beaumont – they were literally beaming.

It was my first time actually getting to meet some fellow bloggers in real life – and they were all as wonderful in person as they are on their respective blogs:

Jennifer & kids, Colleen & kids, Whitney & son, Sarah, (Princess Nagger and me), Joey & son

We also received a box of goodies that had a really cool 77Kids t-shirt for Princess Nagger, little fliers and coupons to attach to 77 dollar bills (which they also included) and fun toys and candy for Princess Nagger to enjoy.  After we drove home (hitting yet another torrential downpour), though the rain had stopped, we found we had no power at our house.  So Princess Nagger and I decided it was the perfect time to continue the Do Good moments.  She donned her cute 77Kids t-shirt:

We headed down to the local grocery store/dry cleaner/shopping area and handed out the 77 dollar bills to random strangers.  Some people seemed suspicious of our intentions and bypassed us completely, but we managed to convince everyone else that there were no strings attached and they seemed quite taken aback at the small gesture.  Some of the senior citizens that were shopping tried to convince Princess Nagger that she should put the dollar bill in her piggy bank, but I was so proud when she insisted they keep the dollar, as it was for them.

When Princess Nagger woke up this morning, she wanted to know what kind of ‘Do Good’ things we were doing today.  I sure love that kid.

A big Thank You to 77kids and TheMotherhood for the wonderful opportunity to be a part of such a great event.  I was both honored and humbled by the overall experience.


(Disclosure: In addition to the t-shirts & goodies in our box, we did receive compensation for this project, but that in no way diminishes the awesomeness of 77Kids or The Motherhood who put this all together, nor the fun both Princess Nagger and I had bringing smiles to the faces of our precious seniors, and the others we surprised on this very special day.)

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  1. It’s really nice to see a company promote some thing other than competitive consumerism in kids! And I’m sure it helps that PN makes that shirt look good. Glad you all had a good time, and the seniors did too!

  2. What a wonderful project! The residents do look like they are beaming! I think it is very important to teach kids to give back to the community!