Teachers Do Make a Difference, Laptop Malfunction, #MaytagMom Update, Furby Wishes and Jennifer Aniston Love
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Teachers Do Make a Difference, Laptop Malfunction, #MaytagMom Update, Furby Wishes and Jennifer Aniston Love

Princess Nagger is actually enthusiastic about school this year – because like I’ve always said, teachers make a difference.  If you’ve been reading me for any length of time, you’ll have figured out by now that Princess Nagger is her own very unique individual.  I know, we all are, but some days Princess Nagger is…

Power Company Power Play, Crazy Tattoo Idea, Wine Opener Fail, Cool Egg Yolk Tip and Hysterical Autocorrect: RTT Rebel
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Power Company Power Play, Crazy Tattoo Idea, Wine Opener Fail, Cool Egg Yolk Tip and Hysterical Autocorrect: RTT Rebel

The Power Company, also known in these parts as Met-Ed (First Energy), pulled a power play on us last week.  Last Tuesday, as a matter of fact.  Just as I was getting ready to fix Little Dude a hot breakfast and get myself a cup of coffee to get started on visiting all my RTT…

September 11th: The Day Time Stood Still – We Will Never Forget
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September 11th: The Day Time Stood Still – We Will Never Forget

Today marks 11 years since those terrible events unfolded the morning of September 11, 2001.  It was a surreal day for those of us who weren’t in the thick of it, worrying about those who were.  Those of us old enough to remember (it seems so weird to say that – but after 11 years,…

Creepy Spider, Homework Fun, Young Lady vs. Ma’am, Vanilla Coke Shortage, Secret Chocolate Stash and Dino Twitter – RTT Rebel
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Creepy Spider, Homework Fun, Young Lady vs. Ma’am, Vanilla Coke Shortage, Secret Chocolate Stash and Dino Twitter – RTT Rebel

I always get thrown off when there’s a three-day weekend, today feels like Monday.  And of course that means by Friday I’ll have crammed five days worth of stuff into four, making it seem like a really long week.  Funny how that works. If you follow me on Facebook, you would have seen the unexpected…

Principal’s Office, Foxy Meltdown in the Dentist Chair, Crustache Sandwich Disguise and a Hunger Games Lunch – RTT Rebel
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Principal’s Office, Foxy Meltdown in the Dentist Chair, Crustache Sandwich Disguise and a Hunger Games Lunch – RTT Rebel

Can you believe it’s the last week of August already?  I love fall, so I’m looking forward to that, at least.  If it means finally getting rid of this annoying humidity, I’m all for summer coming to an end sooner rather than later.  Apologies to those who thrive in the heat and humidity for my…

Lovin’ JT Hodges and Keeley Dodd, Back to School Prep Legend of Zelda Style, Cool Anniversary Gift – RTT Rebel
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Lovin’ JT Hodges and Keeley Dodd, Back to School Prep Legend of Zelda Style, Cool Anniversary Gift – RTT Rebel

The UPS driver made my day yesterday, because he delivered this: Sorry about the flash glare, I was in a hurry and didn’t take or make time to take a proper picture.  That’s JT Hodges newest CD – and an autographed booklet for the CD. Last year he released his first single, “Hunt You Down“ that…

Blogger + Google+ = No-Reply x GFC woes, Hunted down by Impulsive Addict, Giant Gummie Dinosaur, I’m With Stupid Radio Fun
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Blogger + Google+ = No-Reply x GFC woes, Hunted down by Impulsive Addict, Giant Gummie Dinosaur, I’m With Stupid Radio Fun

Apparently summer is drawing to a close faster than the calendar.  At least according to the stores who are now rife with fall and Thanksgiving items.  Before you know it, they’ll have that stuff on the shelves before the Fourth of July at the rate they’re going.  Crazy. You know what else is crazy?  If…