This is Halloween:  Monday’s Music Moves Me

This is Halloween: Monday’s Music Moves Me

Here we are, back for another edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me.  With Halloween in just 6 days, the theme for this week is, of course, Halloween.  When I think about Halloween songs/music, I immediately think of Monster Mash – but I thought I’d do something a little different, with “This is Halloween” from The…

Do De Rubber Duck – Monday’s Music Moves Me

Do De Rubber Duck – Monday’s Music Moves Me

This week is free choice for Monday’s Music Moves Me.   When Princess Nagger was little, she used to giggle profusely whenever I’d attempt to sing the Rubber Duck song from Sesame Street.  Last night when I was washing her hair in her bath, I started to sing it, and she still giggled over it.  And…

Sarah McLachlan “Angel” – Monday’s Music Moves Me

Sarah McLachlan “Angel” – Monday’s Music Moves Me

This week’s theme for Monday’s Music Moves Me is a movie song.  When I saw that, I knew exactly what song I wanted to share, it gives me major goosebumps every time I hear it.  From the movie City of Angels, a song simply entitled ‘Angel‘ by Sarah McLachlan: Here are the lyrics: Angel lyrics…

Carrie Underwood: Mama’s Song – Monday’s Music Moves Me

Carrie Underwood: Mama’s Song – Monday’s Music Moves Me

This week it’s ‘free choice’ over at Monday’s Music Moves Me.  Since I’ve always been a big fan of Carrie Underwood (yes, I watched and voted for her when she was on American Idol), I thought I’d share her world premiere video that was released a little over a week ago.  It gave me goosebumps…

Big Big Big BIG Water – Monday’s Music Moves Me

Big Big Big BIG Water – Monday’s Music Moves Me

When I mentioned to Princess Nagger that this week’s theme for Monday’s Music Moves Me was ‘Water’, she insisted that I share the Land Before Time’s ‘Big Big Big BIG Water’ song.  She was singing it over and over again, so now it’s stuck in my head.  I thought I’d let it get stuck in…