Halloween – Then and Now
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Halloween – Then and Now

Then… Growing up, we lived in the perfect neighborhood to Trick-or-Treat in.  An idyllic neighborhood full of young families and scads of kids, during a time when neighbors were actually neighborly.  Us kids would get all excited about dressing up and going from house-to-house to see how much candy we could collect (and how much…

The Haunted Clock
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The Haunted Clock

It was a Dark and Stormy Night…  Wait, no it wasn’t.  That’s a different story entirely. Yesterday marked the 1-year anniversary of my Father-in-Law’s passing.  It’s hard to believe it’s already been a whole year.  The hubby was quieter-than-normal yesterday, since it was his final parent and he was an only child, the passing of…

Paper Stacks – To Save or Not To Save
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Paper Stacks – To Save or Not To Save

There are still 6-1/2 weeks until the first trimester ends for Princess Nagger’s 3rd grade class (less than 1/3 of the way into the school year).  The pile’o’papers of her schoolwork is already growing at a maniacal rate.  I have two boxes of Kindergarten papers and one (big) box of First Grade papers stashed up…

Smelly House… Or Not?
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Smelly House… Or Not?

I have a keen sense of smell.  Hubby’s the one with the bionic hearing, I’m the one with the bionic nose.  I think I’d rather have bionic hearing.  There are just some things you don’t want to smell. I’ve always been super careful about the smells in our house – with 2 dogs, 3 cats,…

Cooking Out – Aloha Friday Follow Fun
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Cooking Out – Aloha Friday Follow Fun

Today is the first day of July!  Where’s the summer going already?  We’re still enjoying our fun vacation in Corn Country with my sister and her family, along with my parents who joined us here from Seattle.  Princess Nagger is in seventh heaven, pretty much being the center of attention.  We have a fun-filled weekend…

Road Trip Fun – Aloha Friday Follow Fun

Road Trip Fun – Aloha Friday Follow Fun

I can’t believe there’s less than a week left of June!  The combination of the flurry of activity for the unbloggable coupled with trying to get ready for our vacation (which was supposed to start yesterday, but is starting today) has really made the month fly by at lightning speed. Yesterday was definitely a hectic…