Part-Time BFF – and a Promise
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Part-Time BFF – and a Promise

I’ve been somewhat lackadaisical on my blogging the last year or so, in part because of the craziness of getting ready for the great move from Pennsylvania back to Washington State, followed by the temporary status of Basement Dwellers followed by the next-to-final move into our new house. The reason I say ‘next-to-final’ is because…


EntreCard Credit Give Away at Anything Goes ♥

Anything Goes officially turned 2 months old yesterday, January 7, 2009 and because of that they are holding an EntreCard Credit Giveaway where a total of 20,000 EntreCard Credits will be given away. As of today, January 8, there are 19 left (well, 18 after I finish the final step! 😉 ) This is technically…