Hello my favorite Tuesday peeps! Here we are, the last week of January! Is it just me, or has January been a long year already?

My sister is making progress every day – she’s bound and determined to get herself to a point where she can finally leave the hospital. Love that determination!

The hubby’s been sick, so he was home most of the week last week. He freely admits he’s a big baby when he’s not well. We’ve determined he actually needs to be taking vitamins or supplements at his age – he kept wondering how come he’s the one who always gets sick, and I don’t. I’ve been waiting to break this out:

Oh! Here’s something totally random (I know, right?!). Here in our tiny town, we have trains running through the center of town – we love them and can watch them from our deck. We’ve even gotten to where we can pick out what train is coming – freight train, people mover (aka commuter train), tourist train, etc. by the sound of the horns. Nine times out of ten, we’re right.

My late father-in-law also had a penchant for trains since he used to work for the post office after he got back from fighting in World War II, and was one of those dudes that rode on the mail car and ‘snagged’ the bags of mail on hooks next to the train tracks on their route. Pretty wild, no? He used to work in an actual post office, too and would bring home interesting stamps that he and my hubby would spend hours sorting through.

So when I ran across this train car oil diffuser, I had to snag it:

Pretty cool, don’t you think? I like it but I wish it wasn’t made of lightweight plastic. And the teeny tiny instructions that come with it don’t tell you where the USB plug is on it – so naturally I filled it with water and oil first, then started hunting for the plug.

Big mistake. I’m spinning the thing around, hunting for the USB C receptacle, thinking it’d be in a logical place on the back or side. I was wrong. It’s underneath the train car, in the dead center. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Yes, I spilled my water/oil mixture trying to plug in the cable after it was filled, and yes, my kitchen smelled like said oil for hours afterward. I emptied it, dried it off, and added the plug before filling it back up again. At least it works! It has a choice of different colors for lights, and the ‘steam’ comes out of the smoke stack – and, if you want, it even makes a train horn noise. Pretty cool!

Once I got it figured out and working, I realized – I should have put it where I wanted to keep it before filling it up that second time. 🤦🏼‍♀️ You cannot carry this into another room when it’s full of water and oil, my friends. This is very lightweight plastic; if you try to move it from one location to another, you’ll slosh water and oil. Not cool. 😉

And, of course, another minor annoyance is the USB C cable that comes with it – it’s white and not very long, so I’ll need to get a longer one (hopefully a dark-colored one) to be able to plug it in where I want it in my living room.

I now have it – empty, again – sitting where it will reside permanently; now I just have to get the right cord so I can actually use it. I keep catching whiffs of the essential oil I had put in it for both false starts every time I’m in the kitchen. 😅

Enough of that – let’s jump into the funnies, shall we?

This cracked me up:

This is valid:

This is funny (1970s Google):

This is hysterical:

This cracked me up:

This is hilarious (and ewww!):

This is funny:

This cracked me up:

This is funny:

This is hilarious:

This is valid:


This cracked me up:

This is funny:

This is relatable:

This is valid:

And I’m just going to leave this right here for you (I love this):

That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up, and join the fun; everyone is welcome etm. 😉

Link up your Random (or not) here:
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked

And one for my non-wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked

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  1. Heeheehee! Turn the phone off, smart kid. Thanks for all the laughs and I do hope your husband feels better soon. I’m praying for your sister as well.