And just like that… 2024 is coming to a close. Where did the time go, people? Hopefully you have something enjoyable planned for tonight – as for me, the hubby has a gig, so we’ll be enjoying fun music at least until midnight. 😉

This is that time of year when everything seems to be moving in slow motion – it’s been nice having time off work, but I’ve been pedal to the metal with all the holiday stuff; I haven’t yet had time to come up for air. Or relax. Or catch up on personal stuff that gets set aside when I’m working too much.

Here we are, winding down the holiday stuff, and *poof*! It’ll be back to the old grind. Why must time fly by so fast?

Yesterday was my annual—I really love my doctor; she actually listens to me, and tells it to me straight. So refreshing! I have a few referrals to deal with in the coming months, but nothing too terribly major, thank goodness!

A benefit of having to drive 1-1/2 hours to see my amazing doctor is that my doc’s office is super close to where my brother and his wife live, so I purposely scheduled my annual to coincide with yesterday being my sis-in-law’s birthday, so we could go out to breakfast.

We don’t get to spend much time together like we did back in the ‘good old days’, so it’s nice to get these moments when we can. She ordered this incredibly huge pancake stuffed with all sorts of yummy stuff:

She certainly had plenty to take home with her! 😂 Before I hit the road to head home, we got a BeReal notification* – so we stopped outside her house and did a quick selfie:

Excuse my tired, puffy eyes; I didn’t get much sleep the night before and had to get up way earlier than ‘normal’ to drive the long distance for a very early doctor’s appointment. But I guarantee breakfast was worth it! This is the second year we’ve done this on her birthday at the same restaurant – we’ve decided we’re going to make it an annual tradition—I know I for one will certainly look forward to it each year! Plus it will make my annuals something to look forward to…heh!

In case you’re wondering about the picture-in-picture effect, that’s an app called “BeReal” – my sis-in-law introduced it to me last week, and it’s been fun exploring. It’s described as:

“It is a simple photo-sharing app to be used among friends. Photos are shared at a different set time every day. Since no one knows in advance when the picture needs to be taken and shared, there can’t be any planning or enhancing for the best impression. This is meant to create a more authentic look into each individual’s life. The app is limited to just one photo shared per day which eliminates the endless scrolling you have with other apps—and it does not offer video content as an option.”

If you decide to explore it (or are already on BeReal), hit me up: randomcoolchick — I can always use more friends. 😘

Oooh! An update on my sister! Thanks for all the prayers—she apparently has nine lives, as she was septic when she arrived at the hospital a couple of weeks ago, but after they pumped her full of antibiotics and had her on dialysis 24/7, the sepsis resolved itself less than a week later. WooHoo! She had to stay in the ICU for another week while they tried to wean her off the medication that was forcing her heart to beat – on Christmas Day, her heart was finally able to beat without the medication, and she was moved to a ‘regular’ room.

She’ll be there at least through this week; then, she’ll be heading to a rehab facility to help her with her limited mobility. Her stroke from 2019 had affected her right side, and this round basically paralyzed her completely on the right, so she has some work to do to be able to get around. But there’s hope! And holy moly, what a huge difference from initially being told she probably wouldn’t be leaving the hospital; she was in such dire straights.

The Swenson clan is a stubborn one, that’s for sure…heh!

Let’s jump into the funnies, shall we? This is valid:

This cracked me up:

This is funny:

I love this:

This cracked me up:

This is hilarious:

This is valid:

This cracked me up:

This is funny:

This is funny:

This is valid:

This cracked me up:

This is funny:

This is relatable:

This is on point:

And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:

That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up, and join the fun; everyone is welcome etm. 😉 Annnnd… See you next year!

Wishing you and yours a Safe and Happy New Year!

Link up your Random (or not) here:

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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked

And one for my non-wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked

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One Comment

  1. Hooray for your sister!

    Many happy returns of the day to your sister-in-law, with many good breakfasts to come.

    Thank you so much for the funnies.

    May 2025 bring blessings to you and yours.