Hello, my favorite Tuesday peeps! My ribs are slowly healing – my right ribs no longer hurt (yay!) and I understand I should only have one more week of the left ribs feeling like I’m getting stabbed every once in a while…heh! There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s not a train!

We’re getting closer to one of my favorite holidays:

I love Thanksgiving! Our local barbecue joint that decided to close its restaurant and focus solely on catering has decided to offer a full Thanksgiving spread to those interested – I’m interested! Turkey, ham, and all the sides at a very reasonable cost – everything will be smoked on their giant smoker, of course, so that’s a bonus.

The double bonus is I won’t have to kill myself trying to get ready for it – my double rib injuries have wreaked havoc on stuff piling up to where I have a ‘wall’ of boxes in the kitchen to deal with. I mean, I’ll definitely deal with it before Thanksgiving (hopefully next weekend when my ribs aren’t protesting). I’m looking forward to the first year in probably 30 years, where I won’t be cooking the entire Thanksgiving feast all by myself. It’ll be a simple warm-up and enjoy—I’m going to enjoy it thoroughly, let me tell you!  

Christmas is coming!

Countdown to Christmas

Let’s jump into the funnies, shall we? This cracked me up:

This is hilarious:

This is funny:

This cracked me up:

I love this:

This is hysterical:

This is funny:

This cracked me up:

This is hilarious:

This is valid:

This is hilarious:

This is funny:

And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:

That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up, and join the fun; everyone is welcome etm. 😉

Link up your Random (or not) here:

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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked

And one for my non-wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked


  1. Heeheehee! There’s actually a book called “How Do You Spank a Porcupine?” It’s about a family raising one, I read it years ago and enjoyed it.

    Thanks for all the great funnies and enjoy that Thanksgiving feast. I may be doing something similar this year, if we can find a place that does it and everyone agrees their food is good enough (the latter is the biggest problem).

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