Hello, my favorite Tuesday peeps! The first day of October! Whoa! I’m now officially a month behind on getting my fall decorations up. I had glorious plans to do that over this weekend, but I thwarted my own plans. Remember my cracked rib from a couple of weeks ago?

Apparently, I invoked Murphy’s Law by commenting to the hubby on Friday about how my rib felt much better and that I could get the fall decorating done over the weekend. A few hours later, I was trying not to step on one of the dogs’ tails and tripped.

Thwack! I faceplanted on the hard kitchen tile floor, only this time I hurt my left ribs. I guess I wanted to even things out, eh?

I felt myself going down – this time, I didn’t do a tuck and roll (probably since I’m right-handed, and since my previous rib injury was on the right side, I did a tuck and roll on that side, so this time I just put my hands out and landed on my right wrist and left elbow then blammo! I felt my left ribs contact the floor. But I didn’t hear a snap, crackle, pop, or crunch, just the ‘thwack’ sound of me hitting the floor. But oh, the instant pain!

Another online visit to my doctor’s office had me answer a slew of questions (most of which the answers were “no,” which thankfully meant no breakage and no need to go to urgent care an hour away). Tylenol and lidocaine patches have (mostly) been my friends, though Friday night’s sleep was elusive since the pain was so great, but Saturday night and Sunday night were just a wee bit better. Once I get to the point where I’m not involuntarily yelping in pain doing things like, you know, breathing, it’ll be a good day.

Well, at least I have this many days until Christmas – if I can avoid being a klutz between now and then, I’ll actually get my holiday stuff done…heh!

Countdown to Christmas

On that note, let’s jump into the funnies, shall we? This cracked me up (Arby’s needs to fix their sign):

This is hilarious (this elementary school teacher has just about the worst one possible for teaching little kids):

This is funny:

This cracked me up (care package for a coworker who dropped a part on his foot and broke it is just too funny):

I love this (a friend of the storefront owner made this DIY witch flying into her storefront – genius!):

This is hysterical (this dude’s day is not off to a good start):

This is funny (guy’s daughter told him they “only had a little milk left in the fridge”):

This cracked me up (the placement of the movie poster is hilarious):

This is hilarious:

This is funny (the driver of this big truck is refreshingly honest – and it’s not a personalized license plate, either):

This is a big “uh-oh” moment:

This is funny:

And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:

That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up, and join the fun; everyone is welcome etm. 😉

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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked

And one for my non-wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked


  1. So sorry about your ribs! I’ve been dealing with a broken foot since April! So I feel your (my) pain. Hope you heal quickly. Love the puns the best!

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