July has arrived – can you believe it?

School is (finally) out, the weather has been fabulous here in the Pacific Northwest (aside from today’s high hitting somewhere in the 90s, so it could top off at 100-ish and that’s a bit too hot for me… but I’m not complaining, because some people are suffering much worse – and extended – heat right now.

But we can look ahead to the winter months – you know, with Christmas looming only 5 months away. Naturally I’m leaving this counter up so we can keep an eye on how much time we have left before Christmas…mwahahahaha!

Days until Christmas

Today is the Fourth of July – the poor puppies have been stressing out big time, as no one seems to want to wait until the 4th to light fireworks. It’s been constant every day and every night until almost midnight (and beyond) since Friday. Tonight it will probably last into the wee hours of tomorrow morning like it did last year, but this year it’s back to work on Wednesday which means an alarm, so there won’t be overindulging and staying up too late tonight. Sucks getting older and being a ‘responsible’ person! 😂

On that note, let’s dive into the funnies, shall we? This is valid:

As is this:

This is funny:

This is hilarious:

This is hysterical:

This is valid:

This is a face-palm moment:

This is hilarious:

This is funny:

This cracked me up (and is relatable):

This is hilarious:

This is funny:

This cracked me up:

I love this (look closely – those are not horses, those are the shadows of zebras. Pretty cool, no?):

This hilarious:

And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:

That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join the fun, everyone is welcome etm. 😉 Hope you all have a Happy and Safe Fourth of July!!

Link up your Random (or not) here:

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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked

And one for my non-wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked


  1. That cow joke cracked me up! I love puns! You had awesome funnies today. We’ve already had a lot of triple digit temps this summer. Summer starts weather-wise in April and May and gets progressively hotter till we get to September then we might get a cool front. Or a hurricane. I’ll take the cool front. Happy 4th!

  2. Heeheehee! Great fun, thank you. If i ever planted a tree in our yard (no need to, we have too many) that would be me.

    I pray you and your family have a blessed and beautiful Independence Day, and the neighbors run out of fireworks early for the sake of the scared dogs.

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