It’s Valentine’s Day, people! Are you doing anything special with your loved one? We did our Valentine Dinner last Friday night – we rarely (if ever) actually go out on the actual day, because everything gets jacked-up price-wise, and there are way more crowds of people out and about celebrating. Both the hubby and I like to avoid crowds, so we hunker down at home instead.
Usually we either graze or order out for dinner so I don’t have to cook that night (I established that moratorium many years ago…I mean, I buy my own chocolates and flowers, so I’m boycotting slaving away in the kitchen…heh!!) The hubby views Valentine’s Day as a Hallmark-created holiday where price gauging takes place, and to a degree I do agree with him. But I’m also a romantic at heart, so I need a little romance.
Hence the special Valentine’s dinner last Friday – our local amazing barbeque place was doing a special early Valentine’s dinner of prime rib, so we decided we needed to check it out. We are so glad we did – typically we do birthday and anniversary dinners at local restaurants that have prime rib – if our special day doesn’t fall on the typical Friday or Saturday they serve prime rib, we’ll adjust our celebratory day to coincide for dinner. It works.
Our prime rib Friday night was the best we’ve ever had at a restaurant, so we’ll definitely be moving them to the top of the list for our special celebrations. The hubby’s birthday is in a month-and-a-half, so I’ve already reached out to the owner to plant the seed for prime rib that weekend, since it’s not always on their menu. Here’s hoping it will be that particular weekend!
OK, enough of that – let’s dive into the funnies, shall we? This is funny:
This is hilarious:
This cracked me up:
I love this:
This is hilarious:
This cracked me up:
This is valid:
This is hilarious:
This is funny:
This is valid:
This is funny:
This cracked me up:
This is valid:
This is hilarious:
This cracked me up:
This is funny:
This is valid:
This cracked me up:
This is funny:
And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join the fun, everyone is welcome etm. 😉

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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

I didn’t realize that baking soda expired…. learn something new every day.
They should put an extra column on the “Nutrition Information” panel that tells you how many calories etc. in the whole package.
Maybe I should try that book, too…
Happy Valentine’s Day! We don’t go out either, it’s so much better for us to pick another night.
Thanks for the great funnies. Being in bed with the light on does feel like that.