Hello Tuesday! The rollercoaster heatwave days here in the Pacific Northwest are still happening – they arrive a day or two earlier each week for a day or two – this week it’s today and tomorrow. There are, I believe, 23 days until fall… not that I’m counting down or anything. Fall really is my favorite time of year, so…
I have started my Christmas shopping. I know, right? Well, OK, if I’m being honest, I started a few months ago – I’m one of those people that shop for people based on them, their personalities, and what I think they’ll personally like. It’s my super power.
But I’ve recently started getting gung ho on really looking for great gifts, because I know that if I don’t do it now, I’ll end up in a rush close to the holidays. This year I’m going to try to go back to my previous mode of having all gifts purchased prior to Thanksgiving, and wrapped over that weekend when I do the Christmas decorations.
Wish me luck.
It’s time to jump into the funnies – this cracked me up:
This is hilarious:
This cracked me up:
This is funny:
This is valid:
This is funny:
I absolutely love this:
This is funny:
This is hilarious (and possibly true):
This is valid:
I love this:
This is funny:
This is about right:
This is valid:
This is funny:
And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:
I am so going to try this idea the next time I go with the hubby to a work or band function of people he knows that I don’t…heh! That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join the fun, everyone is welcome etm. 😉

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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

I used to have an image like that on my syllabus: it was a top down view of someone at a desk with a clear triangle for Zoom viewing and then all the clutter around. Totally identify with that!
Where can we apply for a calorie refund? That last one, i wish i’d read it while my Sweetie was still working.
Hope fall comes early for you (the swamps will stay hot a while longer, lucky us).
That last funny tickled me! Have a great week!
I also often go shopping and buy based on my emotions and it’s expensive