Welcome to the first Tuesday of December! 17 days until Christmas! Holy moly, I better get busy getting ready. I mean, I’ve been doing shopping here and there, so at least I have more than half of everyone’s Christmas presents purchased. Of course I’ve been stashing them in secret hiding places – how much you wanna bet I’ll forget where some of those hiding places are? Or that I’ll forget what I’ve bought so far? Ah well, ’tis the season!
The fridge saga continues – the new delivery date is now December 28th. Here’s hoping we actually are able to keep that delivery, being that it’s on a Tuesday (and luckily the hubby is off for his Christmas break during that time, and many of my clients will also be not working, which means I’ll have some welcome down time myself). I’m just looking forward to finally not having to be vigilant about water on the floor from the current fridge.
We picked up our Christmas tree this weekend – we actually went and picked it out in the forest of Christmas trees a couple of weeks ago from a local Christmas tree farm, and they waited to cut it down until we were ready to come pick it up. I let the hubby pick it out – once we got it home, it struck me that we now have the tallest Charlie Brown Christmas tree in our living room:
It’s a Noble Fir, but I think the tree itself was so ‘old’ we weren’t able to take advantage of the bottom part of the tree where the fullness usually is, just the top 9-feet. That’s OK, though, I have a string of 1000 lights coming this week, so I’ll be lighting that sucker up (might need sunglasses in the living room…heh!) and will only pull out the ‘special’ ornaments, as they’ll be able to be truly highlighted on the branches.
I’ll be sure to post a pic next week with it all jazzed up. And yes, the dinosaur will be ‘helping’ again this year, so he’ll benefit from some lights and ornaments himself. 😉
I did actually pick up a bonafide Charlie Brown Christmas Tree when we were staying in my parent’s basement after moving back to WA from PA, and were waiting for our house to sell so we could buy one out here:
It did the trick bringing a touch of festivity to the basement. I think I’ll put it on my desk in my basement office, so I can enjoy some festive aura while plugging away. 🙂
Let’s move on to the funnies, shall we? Speaking of Christmas trees, this cracked me up (and it’s something I won’t have to worry about with our Charlie Brown tree):
This is hilarious:
I love this:
This cracked me up:
This is funny:
This is hilarious:
This cracked me up:
This is valid:
This is awesome:
And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome.

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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

I posted that one about lazy decorating with Yoda last week! It’s so funny! And clever. Sorry your fridge saga continues. Can’t wait to see what you do with the tree! Loved the funny about the Grinch and the dog Nativity. Haha!
Heeheehee! Thank you for the ideas, next year i want a tree that “goes through the roof” just to stun the neighbors, i think they’ll get a kick out of it.
Hope your fridge gets to you on that date and turns out to be just exactly what you needed.
“The tree has been up for five minutes” is exactly why we have never put up a Christmas tree.These were a riot!
Love your tree. Very nice. Thanks for hosting.