Was it just me, or did last week seem like a super long week? I made a comment to a friend on Friday that it was a long month that past week! Wonder how the next three weeks will go?
I had my one-week follow-up for my Lasik surgery last Thursday, my eyes are healing nicely, no infections, and my far sight is clearer every day! Near sight, not-so-much, but I knew that going into this. I’m just happy I can see far away without corrective lenses! I’m OK with having to wear readers to see close-up, and when I no longer have to wear safety glasses (I think they said 2 weeks for those, just to make sure to keep dust and whatnot out of my eyeballs as they continue to heal) then the reality of not having something on my face to see distances will finally sink in.
I remember getting my first pair of glasses when I was in Jr. High – I hated them, and never wore them. I didn’t get contacts until after I graduated, I remember the first time going into a store and marveling that I didn’t have to squint to see the aisle signs navigating the store. I wore contacts all the time after that – but always had glasses so I could rest my eyes after a long day.
I’m looking forward to never having to buy prescription glasses again – insurance only covered a very small percentage of the overall cost of glasses, so that’s an expense I am thrilled I never have to budget annually. Now that my eyes are fixed, next up will be my hearing. Last time I had my hearing checked, it was at 80%. It’s frustrating not being able to hear clearly, and worse with having to deduce what people are saying behind masks, since I tend to read lips to compensate.
I strongly believe my hearing is directly related to my chronic sinusitis issues – when my sinuses are in an uproar, my hearing sucks. When my sinuses are clear, my hearing is as well. My doctor referred me to an ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat specialist) who was the worst doctor I’d ever encountered in my life. He was extremely condescending, didn’t listen to anything I had to say, and wrote off my hearing loss as age-related, not sinus-related.
He would literally talk down to me with his arms crossed standing over me, and interrupt me whenever I tried to explain symptoms and ask questions about possible solutions. He never let me finish a sentence, always cut me off at the pass. I fired that doctor, and haven’t pursued an alternate referral as of yet.
Years ago when I was suffering from tonsillitis every six months, a really nice ENT recommended a tonsillectomy (he said my tonsils looked so bad, they looked like they had smallpox at some point, and was surprised they already hadn’t been removed). For insurance purposes I had to get a second opinion so insurance would cover it – the second ENT I went to was a jerk like this most recent ENT. He reluctantly agreed to sign off on the tonsillectomy request, but said “You do realize that just because you get your tonsils out doesn’t mean you’ll never have a sore throat again.” Um, duh! I know the difference between a regular old sore throat, and a screaming agony sore throat caused by tonsillitis, dude!
So hopefully when I pursue a new referral to an ENT, I’ll get lucky and get a nice one like the one who performed the actual tonsillectomy many moons ago. Someone who will actually listen to me and treat me like an intelligent adult. That’s not too much to ask, is it?
Alrighty – enough bellyaching, let’s move on to the funnies!
I LOVE this:
This cracked me up:
This is funny:
This is hilarious:
This is crazy:
This is hilarious:
I love this:
This cracked me up:
This is funny:
This is hilarious (and true!):
This funny:
This cracked me up:
This is funny:
And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome.
Link up your Random (or not) here:
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:
And one for my non-wino friends:
Glad your surgery went well. I would have fired that ENT, too. Doctors sometimes are arrogant, and I can’t deal with that! You had a lot of funnies! The comedy club one… which I had the guts to say that to someone! I’ve seen the angry bunny! Love that! And I loved Schrodinger’s Plates! Have a great week!
Hooray for Lasik! It’s wonderful to hear that you won’t need glasses all of the time any more.
Those funnies were great, i am still chuckling.