Hello my favorite Tuesday peeps! January is just plugging along, only two weeks left of this month! Tomorrow Maxwell Smart will be 9 months old – he’s gotten so big, this is what he looked like when his puppy picture was posted for adoption – just shy of 8 weeks old:
I knew when I saw those giant paws of his that he’d end up being a big boy – when he went in for his snippety-snip appointment last month, he weighed in at 72 pounds – at not quite 8 months old! Crazy, no? Here’s a refresher of when he was between 3 and 4 months old:
He’s now about twice the size he was in the picture above – I tried to get pics of him over the last few days, but he wasn’t cooperating, so I’ll work on that for next week.
He really is a gentle giant – it’s kind of comical at night, though, if he invades mine or the hubby’s side of the bed, getting him to move over is a major challenge. The hubby commented we need to get a bigger bed, but I don’t think they’re made any bigger than king size, which we already have…heh!
While we’re having a very mild winter so far this year, we did have a doozy of a rain/wind storm last week – knocked out power from Portland to Seattle for 8 hours in our area, less in some, and even more in others. It was crazy! I heard that our rainfall amounts have now exceeded the usual measurable rain for the entire month of January by last week – with two more weeks to go.
Those that are ‘they’ are ‘calling’ whomever they call for potential snow at the end of this week – they’re playing it safe, though, I remember last year around this time of year we were supposed to get a huge snow storm with 22-inches of snow. But as we got closer to the date, the inches kept diminishing, until we ended up with a trace instead. Talk about disappointing! The forecast of course keeps changing, so the ‘trace to 3 inches’ they were talking about is leaning more to the ‘trace’ side of things, so we’ll see what actually transpires, if anything.
Some of you might think I’m crazy wishing for snow, especially those of you who aren’t fans of the white stuff. But you have to understand, growing up here in the Pacific Northwest, any snow days are celebratory days, since they’re truly few and far between. It’s usually too ‘warm’ for it to snow, hence the extra rain instead. I’ll always root for snow over the dreary gray stuff.
Time to move on to the funnies, shall we? Speaking of snow, this cracked me up (our cats who, like most cats, love to hang out in boxes, would never tolerate this):
This is valid:
This cracked me up:
This is hilarious:
This is funny:
I love this – a Facebook friend posted this from their doctor’s office:
I would totally sign up for a Rosie vs. a Jetson Car:
This is funny:
This is hilarious:
This is funny:
This cracked me up (wonder if all the ‘Brians’ are worried?):
This is hilarious:
And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome. Please stay healthy and safe!

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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

Loved ALL of today’s post! The dog with the masks, the dog pulling a kitten, the brians, and even your dog! He is cute! I’d take Rosie over a flying car, too!
I like your pup’s name, Maxwell Smart. Does he have a phone in one of his shoes? 🙂 He’s a handsome doggie. Best of luck on getting a huge snow fall this winter! We’ve had more than usual snow falls, mostly flurries with no accumulation, so far which has been a delight to see but I’m getting over the cold fast. I’m ready for spring. lol Your funnies are great. I love the dog giving the cat a sled ride and the surgeon removing passwords from the man’s brain had me giggling. Have a laughtastic day, my friend!
Our swamp plants, and us swamp creatures, do not particularly do well with snow, so if they try to send us any i will ask it to go your way.
Loved the funnies, and good luck getting a picture of Maxwell.
The first one, about “don’t watch the news”? Absolutely true.
Love your funnies and thanks for hosting.