Oh hello there! It’s Tuesday, isn’t it? Well, if you stalk my blog on Monday night, it might still be Monday – but it was an incredibly long day, so I kept thinking it was Wednesday already – whoopsie! Perhaps that was wishful thinking?
At any rate, you will be happy to know we had a wonderful meeting at the school about Little Dude’s behavioral and learning issues – he’s finally going to have a 504 plan in place, so he’ll be picked up three days a week just after his remote classes are done, and go into the school for an hour for special help and learning.
In addition to that, they have tentatively announced that starting November 16th, they will be going to a Hybrid version of school, meaning that they’ll alternate days of the week for remote learning and in-person learning (following all safety protocols, of course). Little Dude really needs that socialization aspect, as well as the hands-on learning, because he often goes off task even in the middle of the virtual class. Things are looking up!
Of course we’re in a terrible surge with new cases as of late – luckily not in our county, since here everyone is quite spread out what with all the forests and farmlands in this area, but it’s a bummer that covid still has such a strong hold, even though really it was expected, if anyone was paying attention to history and the 1918 pandemic.
Enough about that, let’s move on to the funnies! But first, I usually don’t decorate specifically for Halloween, but saw this posted somewhere and thought I really needed it (plus it would make Princess Nagger happy):
Of course it’s not in stock anywhere, so no luck this year. I’ll just have to keep an eye out, maybe I’ll get lucky.
This cracked me up:
This is so true – and it’ll be a Blue Moon (second full moon of the month):
And to that end:
I absolutely love this:
This is funny:
This cracked me up:
This is hilarious:
Gotta love this:
And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome. Please stay healthy and safe!
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

Hooray for your principal getting on it like that! And yes, please reset this year to the factory settings.
Thanks for hosting the funnies, have a great week!
So glad that Little Dude has a 504. Happy for that. Thanks for making me smile with the funnies.