Today is the first day of school for Little Dude – all remote learning for now, though. The hubby set up a perfect little ‘no distraction’ area for him in his getting-nicer-by-the year Man Cave in our detached garage, so here’s to kicking off a successful school year!
I’m hoping that at the very minimum there can be some hybrid school after the first of the year, depending on the status of the covid numbers between now and then. I’d love to be able to send him off to school so he can benefit from the in person teacher instruction, as well as hang out with friends for the ever-needed socialization. Only time will tell.
Well, in spite of it being a holiday weekend, being that my work is virtual, I ended up working a very long day yesterday (Monday). I had planned on making a brisket on my smoker, but because of the timing of some virtual rehearsals and whatnot, I decided to postpone those dinner plans, since I’d not be able to be available to ‘babysit’ the brisket.
Good thing I did, though – even though it was sunny and warmer than normal, we had some major gusty winds happening yesterday, and our power got knocked out for a couple of hours. Since the smoker runs on electricity (to keep the wood pellets burning and smoking), that would have been a disaster.
Of course that also threw my work schedule off, too, since I had things to do – and for whatever reason, my shiny new laptop didn’t hold a charge once the power went out, so I’ll be chatting with a tech this morning to find out if I need to exchange the entire laptop, or if they’ll simply send me a replacement battery.
At least I hope it’s just the battery – when the power came back on, my laptop kept insisting on booting up to a black/blank screen, with only the mouse icon showing (and moving). It took a few tries shutting it off, waiting, then turning it back on (and, I’ll admit, one Fonzie move when I whacked it once on the last non-boot up cycle) before it finally booted all the way up. At least it’s under warranty, but I better figure out an alternative if I need to send it in for repairs. Wish me luck!
Since I’m once again (and forever and a day) running late, let’s dive on into the funnies, shall we?
I have an extra extra early virtual training to produce this morning, I’ll be needing copious amounts of coffee, so I think this is hilarious:
This is punny:
This is hilarious (and oh so true):
This cracked me up:
This is hilarious:
This is funny:
Somewhere in Texas:
This cracked me up:
This is valid:
This is hilarious:
And I’m just going to leave this right here for you:
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome. Please stay healthy and safe!
Link up your Random (or not) here:
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:
And one for my non-wino friends:
Oh, that poor Corgi! What a cute puppy! Authorization (cracked me up!) And the racoons. I hope our kids can go in person soon as well. I know from experience as a teacher that you can’t get the full experience online. At least they’re trying. Have a great week!
We’re all ready for the COVID numbers to bottom out for good so life can resume to normal once more. I realize that we’ll never be free of this virus but hopefully over time this menace won’t be the big bad scary anymore. Only time will tell. Here’s to another good year of schooling. What grade is PN in now? I’ve lost track. The years really get away from ya, don’t they? Thanks for the giggles. I’m working backwards, will jump to yesterday’s post to sample your tunes. Have a giggletastic week, my friend!
Gotta love a pup that will eat and wear a whole jar of jam. Thanks for the funnies and the link up, and good luck with the computer and school stuff!
Hope Little Dude is succesful there. Wishing him luck. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
love these memes!
here’s hoping for a fantastic school year even with all the new challenges you are presented with.