Tuesday already? Last week was sort of discombobulated, what with the 4th of July being smack dab in the middle of the week. Threw our mental days off, that’s for sure! I hope you all had a great 4th of July – we decided to stick close to home this year, what with the uncertainty of police coverage in our tiny town because of the new mayor pulling a fast one and canceling the contract we had with our neighboring tiny town and their police coverage.

Looks like us joking we moved to Mayberry will be even truer than we thought, since the new mayor is bringing back our police force of one chief and one officer. You know, like Sheriff Taylor and Barney Fife. Should be interesting for sure!

We did get to enjoy fireworks, though – from the comfort of our deck as they were going off all around us. Of course we were ready to call it a night around 11:00, but the locals ended up continuing their fireworks fest until at least 2:00 in the morning. Poor Reddington (our half Wheaten, half Papillion) was freaked out for days on end, since people were setting off explosive stuff days before – and even days after – the 4th.

Moving on… Remember when I said I might be invoking Murphy’s Law bragging about our awesome weather (and no heat) we’ve been having? Well, the heat is coming later this week. I’m ready, though, I did expect to invoke Murphy’s Law in the opposite direction by buying a window A/C for our bedroom while it was still spring. I’m glad I did, though, because sleeping when it’s too hot never works out.

Speaking of heat… I thought the label on this hot sauce was pretty funny:

Bad news – the donor board swaparoo didn’t work for me. My hard drive is still 1000% inaccessible. I did find a local data recovery company that can do it for 1/6th the cost I found online, so I’m trying to decide if I want to take it there and keep my fingers crossed that I didn’t fry the drive messing with it, and the data is is still recoverable. It would just be so depressing if it isn’t.

The sad part is if it is fried, I won’t be able to recover the last 5+ years of pictures . That would suck. But at least I have important ones uploaded to my blog, so that part isn’t a total loss, just all the rest, along with my website files and such that are stuck on that drive. And all my winemaking notes and recipes. And all my creative crafty stuff. Ugh. I sure hope I can get the data recovered. Lesson learned, though – never ever keep all your important stuff on one drive, make sure you back everything up regularly.

See, I had a hard drive crash years ago – my main drive on my computer decided one day to stop working. So I thought I was doing the ‘right’ thing by getting an auxiliary drive and keeping everything on that. Well, that was a good thought, but I really should have had another drive to keep backups on in case that drive decided to konk out, which it clearly did. Lessons learned. The hard way.

Thankfully I had been saving all my Virtual Assistant work to my computer’s hard drive instead of the auxiliary drive, so all my work for this past year for that isn’t lost, just everything else. *le sigh*

I’m still going to hold out hope that I’ll eventually get the data, right now I’m just making do with what I have and am hoping for the best. Have I mentioned I happen to be an eternal optimist?

I can totally relate to this:

I thought this was funny:

And this:

I absolutely love this, especially since I named our WiFi “FBI Surveillance Van”:

Here’s some irony for you:

And finally, I’m going to leave this right here for you:

That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.



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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked

And one for my non-wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked



  1. Ugh! on possibly losing the files. Still saying possibly because i am holding out hope they date recovery people can work a miracle.

    Hot Wheels in real life! That was a fun picture, it reminds me of my brothers and their collections from way back when.

    Our poor guardian angels, we do give them a workout, don’t we?

    Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!

  2. Eek! I’d have a tension headache from all those data problems. Wishing you the best with it.
    The Wifi password meme is pretty funny.
    I work for 9-1-1 so I get to hear all about the before, during, and after fireworks problems. Thankfully, it’s mostly died down around here.

  3. Our dog hid in the basement and we played the radio loud so he didn’t have to hear the neighbors shooting fireworks til late at night. It worked out pretty well.
    I’d seen the Popeye one, it would be rather funny.

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