Hard to believe that tomorrow (11/15) Princess Nagger turns 15. FIFTEEN, people!! Seems like yesterday she was football sized:

She’ll be old enough to get a learner’s permit to learn how to drive – poor kid is in for a slightly more difficult learning experience, though, because all of our vehicles have manual transmissions.

But hey, I learned on a stick, so she can, too! Right? Of course she has expressed no interest in learning how to drive – we won’t push her to do it, I suspect there will come a time when she’ll change her mind. It’s not like I’d have her run errands for me, because I actually like doing that. But I’m sure I’ll come up with something.

We’ve been inundated with lots of rain and high winds yesterday – further north of us, many people were without power. I think we moved to the perfect location – while we have lots of big trees around us, they’re far enough away from the house we won’t have to worry about one of them toppling onto the house. Knock on wood.

We had a crazy hot summer (second summer in a row for unusually long-term hot weather with no rain), this past summer was record breaking with the number of days in a row without rain, so now we’re heading into winter with the mega rainy season. But apparently there’s going to be more to look out for – those that are they are calling for a snowy winter.

Snow in the greater Seattle area is not a ‘normal’ thing, but it’s not unheard of. In fact, way back in 1916 there was a ton of snow in downtown Seattle:

Many many years later we got a ton of snow when I was a kid – so much so that we created paths in the snow in our backyard and us kids played “The Fox and the Hound”. The snow was so deep we could easily duck down and not be seen by our siblings while playing the game.

Apparently this year La Nina is back. Those that are they (aka Forecasters) say La Nina, the cooler, wetter cousin of El Nino, is returning for the second straight winter.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said last week that a weak La Nina has formed and is expected to stick around for several months. La Nina is a natural cooling of parts of the Pacific that alters weather patterns worldwide.

Which means we’re potentially going to see a snow winter this year. I’m looking forward to it, but shhhhh! Don’t tell the hubby or my aunt, because the two of them hate the white stuff.

Check this out – this is a playground set from back in 1909:

Pretty wild, no? Apparently that is a place called Trinity Park that was in Dallas in 1909 and those are indeed kids playing. It was a large park built for children with both parents working. They were also given free milk. I’m guessing that play sets like this is why we have the ‘safety’ ones here in ‘modern’ days.

I never did get around to finishing decorating for fall on the inside of my house – now that Thanksgiving is only a week and a couple days away, I might as well just hang tight and get ready for the Christmas decorating. I will be sure to get the remaining boxes out of the living room by then, that was what stalled my fall decor mojo.

I may or may not go all out like I usually do – why not, after all Christmas only comes once a year.

And now some cat funnies for my feline loving friends:

I especially love that last one, we often refer to our cats as “loaf kitties” when they’re loafing around with their legs tucked under.

If you don’t have an elf on the shelf, might as well dress up your cat to take care of elf business:

And here’s a punny one for you:

That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.



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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked

And one for my non-wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked



  1. Love that cat with the dinner rolls meme! Happy birthday to Princess Nagger tomorrow. It’s her golden birthday – 15 on the 15th! I hate, hate, hate snow and cross fingers we don’t get much of it this year.

  2. Wishing your Princess Nagger many happy returns of the day, and you and your husband some calm when the day comes that she wants to get behind the wheel!

  3. Turbo always identifies our cat when she “loafing” as “Loaf Cat!” or “Loaf of Cat”.

    I honestly think I could like the cat on a couch over the elf on the shelf. The elf creeps me out.

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