So yeah. It’s Tuesday. I’m awake! Well, OK, I’ve been awake for a few hours now, getting used to getting up ultra early to see the hubby off to work, then do some work of my own in the quiet hours of the morning.
Right now I’m in desperate need for more coffee, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging since I had a Blonde Moment and super busy day yesterday, so I didn’t get a chance to write this post and have it ready for your perusal last evening.
Yesterday was an emotional day, what with the horrible massacre in Las Vegas. I’m still not sure what to think about that whole thing – my heart goes out to those who lost family and loved ones in this senseless act.
On a lighter note… remember when I was contemplating getting this dinosaur skeleton?
Well, I got it! I couldn’t resist.
Of course it comes mostly un-assembled (no, I didn’t have to put together every last bone), but did run into an issue where no matter how much I finagled it, I could not get the head to attach to the neck bone. I thought I was gong crazy until I took the bazillion screws out that hold the two halves of the neck bone together, and discovered that the receptacle piece inside the neck bone that the head is supposed to attach to, was put in backwards.
Even if I had taken a hammer to the head to pound it into the neck-bone wouldn’t have worked. And yes, I did briefly consider grabbing a hammer…heh.
Aside from that, it was mostly easy to put together, so now I need to figure out how to rearrange the living room to put him in the perfect spot. I will be doing that (hopefully) before next week, so I can share that moment with you. I’ll also be (finally) pulling out my fall decor and getting busy on that business, too.
We need to think of a name for this dinosaur, though – any suggestions? One of my friends said he looks like a “Floyd” – which does fit, any other ideas for naming this cool new addition?
Speaking of dinos… Princess Nagger has asked for one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes for her birthday:
The videos people have been posting wearing this are hilarious, so I’m going to have to get one to instigate some hilarity of our own. I’ll keep you posted!
In other news… We’ve been spending our weekend free time helping my mom at her house, getting it ready to put on the market so she can downsize to a more manageable house for her. My dad is still status-quo, still at the psych ward while they try to stabilize his medication. His official diagnosis is dementia, so I’ve been getting educated on the ins and outs, since I had been reading up on Alzheimer’s instead.
Once he’s ‘leveled out’ medication-wise, he’ll be transferred to a different long-term care facility than where he was at previously. The new place is bigger, more secure, and they encourage socialization with similar patients, which I think will be beneficial to my dad’s overall mental health. I’ll keep you posted about that, too.
So yesterday Tom Petty actually did die – of course he was still clinging to life when the major news media posted he had expired (*cough*CBS*cough*) so I posted this on Facebook yesterday (hoping that Tom would actually pull through like a champ):
He did eventually pass away last evening, at least he was surrounded by his family, friends and bandmates when he did. I wasn’t a huge fan of his, but did have favorite songs of him and his band from the 80’s.
And, to end this post on a happy note, here’s a cat nosed cat for ya:
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

Floyd sounds like a great name for a dinosaur, and i am certain the inflatable costume will bring much joy.
Yesterday was very difficult, we also lost a church member here. No matter if it is expected or not, it’s sad when the time comes.
I love the dinosaur, very cool. Praying for you and your family. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend.
That dinosaur skeleton is so cool 🙂
Now, that was random. How about naming him Prince Reggan?
That cat nose cat is too cute!
And you did find the dino decor eh. Cool.
How about skeledino? for the name 🙂
Happy weekend to you and get some rest.
Bonysaurus might be a good name. When I heard about Tom Petty dying, I remembered hearing “I Won’t Back Down” on an episode of 7th Heaven. You might want to consider a different font color as it was hard for me to read. Otherwise, I enjoyed the post.