Oh lordy! I’m so not ready for it to be Tuesday already! **shuffles through random stuff** nope, not ready at all! But that won’t stop me from entertaining you, even if it’s in Meme form! Because that’s all I have for today – sorry/not sorry, annnnnnd you’re welcome!
Um yeah, so this happens to me All. The. Time:
You have to admit, this is pretty punny:
That face!
This makes me want to get a plasma ball for my cats:
Annnnd….I’m just gonna leave this right here….
That’s a wrap for this week – keeping it short and sweet this week!
You know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.
Link up your Random (or not) here:
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

Thanks for the chuckle. My Tuesday comes with a dental appt for the boy.
Happy Tuesday
You gave me the smile i needed this morning!
Hope you’re having a great week. Those memes are funny, especially the one about the cat with the remotes.
I have gotten much better about writing things down because even though I’ve always had a great memory, my life is way too busy to really remember things.
Very funny, thanks for hosting and thanks for making me laugh and smile.
I really like the cat ones, and that last one is a riot.
Those are all funny. 🙂