I am not ready for it to be Tuesday already!
(digs through folders to find some random stuff…)
OK, let’s just have some random fun… I could totally see Princess Nagger having written this paper in 6th grade:
This coffee mug is a must have for all cat lovers:
Or how about this ‘cat organizer’:
Next time I fly, I’m totally going to bring some of Princess Nagger’s dinosaurs along for the ride:
This one totally cracked me up:
And I’m just going to leave this one right here for you:
It’s time once again for Leslie’s (aka Rory Bore) Tuesday Coffee Chat!
The question or prompt for this week is:
“Who do you trust most?”
Myself. Because I always have my best interests at heart, I can trust myself, and I only have myself to blame if something goes wrong.
The thought process behind that statement is that before trusting others, it is important for us to know that do we really trust ourselves. Though it is not possible that without trust any of the relationships would work, but at the same time sometimes blind faith does not work and we make blunder mistakes.
For that reason, even before trust in myself, I trust in God first – He has carried me so many times when I would have not made it through what faced me, and has blessed me in so many ways.
And finally, I implicitly trust my best friend, Peggy. We’ve been BFF’s for just about 27 years (holy moly that’s a long time!), and we’ve been through a lot over the years. She knows I have her back, and I know she has mine.
In Grey’s Anatomy mode, she’s my ‘person’ – someone that I can count on anytime, anywhere. I think I’d honestly be totally lost without her, so I’m sure glad our friendship has withstood the test of time!
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.
Link up your Random (or not) here:
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

I love the sixth grade paper about bacon! I teach 6th graders! Love that cat mug and that dog sign, too! And I put most of my trust in God. People can let you down, but God doesn’t. Have a great week!
Stacy, Your funnies are excellent! I liked the one on “how to distract an Egyptian God”. lol The coffee mug is awesome. We all have I trust God above all else. He carries me through the bad times. I find placing everything completely at His feet gives me total peace about a situation. I trust myself, too. But, it’s the still quiet voice of the Holy Spirit who directs me. Failure to listen usually results in unfortunate circumstance which leaves me banging my head on the wall and it’s at that instant I say, “I should’ve listened to the voice inside!” Have a good day & thanks for hosting the random fun!
“How To Distract An Egyptian God”… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Those are great- I love the dinosaurs on a plane and the dog walk 🙂
If I were you I wouldn’t post that bacon paper on FB. Could you imagine all the hate comments you would get!!!! bwahahahahahaha Sorry, I just had to say that. My bad. I must be over tired or it’s this stupid headache…. hugs
The dog run – LOL!! Those were the best. Perfect pick me up on a cold dreary rainy day here.
I hope that one day I can find the balance between trusting God… and any wisdom He may in imparting to me to help me in this life. Perhaps that is what sometimes makes it hard — as you say, trusting yourself is probably paramount before trusting anybody else. Except Him of course. I’ve had a friend for over 20 years too and the one thing I can always trust from her is the truth. No matter how much it hurts. She will tell me to stop a self pity party, or if I’m having a bad hair day, or if I am being too hard on myself and to give myself a break. All her moments are honest.