Murphy and his Law struck with a vengeance over the weekend. I’d been putting up with the occasional Blue Screen of Death here and there, which prompted me to flip off my computer while doing a restart, but Saturday’s Blue Screen of Death seemed to be a bit more stubborn, as my computer refused to boot all the way up. And of course it happened when I was in the middle of doing important stuff that hadn’t yet been saved.
Maybe not flipping it off this time hurt its feelings.
I had to subject myself to the tedious reinstall of Windows (which takes forever, but luckily my previous files didn’t disappear, just the ones I’d been working on that day). Of course the reinstall also wiped out all my installed software, which is still – you guessed it – packed in a box somewhere. Trying to work on stuff without said software has been quite the challenge! Which is why I’m late with this post, because…well, Murphy happened.
At any rate, I did go around yesterday and take a few pics of the house, since I keep promising – be forewarned, though, it’s a mess!
Looking from the kitchen doorway through part of the dining room towards the entryway and part of the living room – there used to be way more boxes stacked between here and the front door, which means there’s a light at the end of the tunnel:
Looking from the opposite side towards the kitchen:
The living room isn’t set up yet, so I have the new couch and recliners not yet placed where they’ll live, taking up a smaller area at the moment so I have more maneuvering room to get rid of more boxes.
Plus, we’re keeping them covered with cardboard to keep the cats and dogs off until we’re ready to ‘live’ in the living room and keep an eye on them – maybe they’ll decide to leave the furniture alone this time:
See? The chairs especially are definitely not where they’ll end up:
Standing halfway in the kitchen looking towards the dining room. I’m planning to add a small island somewhere in here to increase counter top space, as well as storage. Will probably eliminate the seating that takes up the end counter space (not pictured) to add some cupboards below (need more room for cookware to live!):
Standing in the other kitchen doorway looking down the hall – the stairs to the second level are first on the right, then the main bath, then Princess Nagger’s room. I’ve got artwork leaning in several rooms, waiting for everything to be placed where it’s going to be before I start hanging stuff on the walls:
Love the main bath, it’s way bigger than any of the bathrooms in our old house:
I keep noticing stuff I didn’t notice when we looked at the house, like the floor tiles in the bathroom – the extra touches are impressive (not to mention the fact they used real tile and grout vs. the fake stuff like our previous house was rife with):
Small things they used to do in old houses are obvious like the cedar ceiling in the bathroom (all the closets are lined with cedar as well):
One of the reasons I’ve always loved old houses is because they took pride in the craftsmanship, and built them to last. I have to say I’m very impressed with the upgrades the sellers did – they didn’t cut corners, and I haven’t found anything that made me go “What were they thinking?!” It’s obvious they really cared about the house, which for ‘flippers’ is a rarity, from what I understand.
I often find myself wandering through the house thinking “I love this house!” and whispering a prayer of thanks to God for blessing us with this house.
It’s time once again for Leslie’s (aka Rory Bore) Tuesday Coffee Chat!
The question or prompt for this week is:
“LOVE. What, or Who are you lovin’ lately?“
Well, aside from the obvious, you know – kids, husband, pets, the new house, etc…. that actually pretty much sums it up.
To that end, I’m also loving this song I found special just for this question occasion, that poses that very question! Bet you’re gonna love it too!
Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Valentine’s Day – while many view the day as just another “Hallmark Holiday”, the romantic in me loves this special day. Be sure you let the know the ones you love are extra extra special today!
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.
Link up your Random (or not) here:
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

Cute kitty!
They really took their time and did a good job with the old houses, didn’t they?
Stacy, We predominately use Macs now but we’ve had too many problems with our Windows based computers to not take seriously keeping important files backed off to an external HD. Of course, it’s good to have a daily backup scheduled for your system. I even went so far as to save all of my digital photos to the cloud. Flickr has an impressive 1TB (free) available for folks with a Yahoo email addy. Yes, I had to create one but that’s a small price to ensure I have my images in the cloud, too. No worries with anything going viral like naughty vids or pix. lol The house is looking great! Old houses have a lot of character and yes there’s more pride in the craftsmanship. Have a good week!
Oh, I love that house. We are still looking in The U.P. We found one that was no longer available. So…we will keep looking. I know it is there…somewhere.
Thank you for the tour, your new house is beautiful. Also nice to see your pretty kitty too!
Sorry you had the blue screen of death- that stinks.
Those little special touches are so amazing — especially the cedar on the ceiling and closets. It’s true, the craftmanship is rare these days. It used to be standard because Pride of Workmanship — now it costs extra. Can’t wait to see more once you are all settled. I would have been a walking zombie because I have to open All The Boxes straight away.
Great song!
You have quite the bit of work to do, but it’s good work and you’ll keep enjoying it.
It’s a lovely home.
And I hope the computer issues stay away.
Thanks for sharing photos!