At long last the kids are winding down their school year. Final week, people! Then we’ll finally be able to relax a little without the hectic daily rush. And by ‘we’ I mean ‘me’.

Though I will still be getting up at 5am every morning to have coffee with the hubby before he heads off to work. I’m cool like that. No sleeping in for me. But that’s OK, since I can actually get stuff done in the quiet hours of the morning after the hubby leaves but before chaos erupts when the kids wake up. Then the fun will begin.

Speaking of fun… I double-dog-dare you to do this:

Step 1: Get giant beach balls
Step 2: Paint eyes on them
Step 3: Place in tree facing neighbours house.
Step 4: …..


Princess Nagger and I are brainstorming which trees would work best in our yard. I wonder how long it’d be before we get a notice from the HOA to take them down? It’ll be totally worth it, though. Totally.

Speaking of worth it… If any of you are Legend of Zelda fans, you’re probably like me waiting for the next version of Zelda to be released. You are, right? Right?

Well, the wait will be over in time for the new year – it’s supposed to be released on December 30, 2016. It’s available for pre-order, which I totally did.

Now Princess Nagger and I want to play the previous versions of the game since it’s been a couple of years since we’ve last played, just to get caught up again. Kind of like watching the movies before the newest one comes out. Here’s the trailer in case you haven’t seen it yet:

And now it’s time to tickle your funny bone (since pictures are worth a thousand words, I’ll let the images of these texts do the trick):

FunnyText FunnyText1 FunnyText2


It’s time once again for Leslie’s (aka Rory Bore) Tuesday Coffee Chat!

This week’s prompt or question is:

“What’s in your Emergency Go Bag? You do have an Emergency bag, right?”

Wait…I’m supposed to have an Emergency Go Bag? Oh, I suppose I really should, especially since we practically live in the shadow of a currently dormant but still alive volcano:

You drive on any street in this area and you’ll spy those little blue signs that read “Volcano Evacuation Route”.


I surfed the web yesterday trying to get inspired, but went cross eyed at all the options and possibilities. Most of the stuff in those pre-made (read: expensive) survival kits I already have, and most of that stuff is part of my camping gear. So in a pinch, I could load up my camping gear and be good to go – of course I’d have to add food and water, but that’s easy enough, even in a hurry.

Since I’m pretty well stocked up with wine (and more to bottle in the next week or so), at least I won’t be lacking in that department. Because a survival kit just won’t be survivable without wine.

Just sayin’.

That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.



Link up your Random (or not) here:

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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked

And one for my non-wino friends:

Stacy Uncorked



  1. haha, lots of humor today my friend, I love it!

    those eyes are absolutely hilarious and I want to do that in our pine tree. We are a corner house at the bottom of a hill and I could totally see this pissing off some of my “snottier” neighbors which would really bring a smile to my face. ( I’m a terrible person)
    The text of the animals shapes, that is totally something my daughter would do to me. They have bought those silly things and when I asked why, she responded with “why not?”

    My camping gear, why didn’t I think of that for my go to bag, that sucker is packed. I could perform surgery if I needed to when we are out camping.

  2. Those texts!!! Thank you, i haven’t laughed that hard in a while.

    Grabbing the camping gear does sound much easier than trying to pack a separate bag. Too bad my family never went camping.

  3. Oh my goodness… Volcano Eruption Route? Okay, you win! I can’t even think of anything that could happen here that would be soooo devastating we would have to leave our house. Not even a forest fire because we are surrounded by waters on 3 sides! No earthquakes or tornadoes either. And yet, I still have The Bag. LOL
    We have those Grow A Dinosaur!!! They are awesome… put them in a tub full of water for some real fun. ha.

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