This is the next-to-the-last Tuesday for the kids in school – they can’t wait until their summer break is finally here. I’m looking forward to not having the hectic rush each morning as well as the double trouble crazy car lines.
The world is turning into a crazy place, isn’t it? Or crazier. So much sadness over the weekend, what with the first random shooting of a former Voice contestant who was so excited to do a meet-and-greet after a concert in Orlando. Some psycho traveled to where she was specifically to shoot her.
So senseless. May she rest in peace.
Then of course the crazy mass shooting at a nightclub over the weekend – 50+ people shot dead with another 53 wounded. The dude who did the shooting pledged allegiance to ISIS via a call to 911.
It really makes me sad for my kids and my kids’ kids what an awful awful place the world is turning into. The flags will be flying half staff for the next few days in honor of the lost souls’ memories.
Today’s Flag Day, too. A sad one.
I had some witty and funny stuff for you guys today, but I think I’ll save them for next week, what with the recent tragedies. I will, however, share some levity from one of my favorite cartoonists, Brian Gordon:
And the bonus panel:
It’s time once again for Leslie’s (aka Rory Bore) Tuesday Coffee Chat!
This week’s prompt or question is:
“What would you do differently, if you knew no one would judge you?”
OK, you’re going to laugh, but way back when (in the mid-80’s) my then boyfriend encouraged me to try out for Playmate of the Month.
Yep, you read that right.
I did, and was offered a trip to this mansion, but turned them down:
A few months later, I was invited on a dinner cruise with about 50 people, including this guy:
I went, of course.
Hugh Hefner and I chatted a bit during the cruise, and he kept trying to convince me to further pursue the whole Playmate thing. I respectfully declined, as I was too worried what my friends and family would think should anything come of it.
If I knew no one would judge me for it, I totally would have gone to see where that path would have taken me.
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.
Link up your Random (or not) here:
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

Wow, I would totally have turned it down too but that’s pretty crazy!! i wrote about the state of things in the world as well today. Sigh.
Wow. What an awesome thing, to have had the opportunity to be a playmate and turned it down. Believe me, that would never have been an offer I would receive. LOL. Oh well. So sad about the tragic incidents of the past few days. I worry for my kids as well.
It’s a mad mad world we are living in. So much hurt. Rage. Hated. So many with all 3 bottled up tight inside them, it’s no wonder it explodes in a mad fury. All senseless. They are hurting, they hurt others — and the world keeps spinning.
But did you see all the blood donors??!! There are still helpers!! Good people fighting the good fight. Because most of us know it’s worth it.
And hopefully we can fix it before our kids, or their kids inherit it.
Oh you are braving than I!!! I think I could do a “glamour” style shot, but I definitely am too chicken to go nude!! That’s not even worrying about judgment — I’m just chicken!! LOL
Hugh would be an interesting person to talk to I should think.
I love this post! And you are my hero, how very cool for something like that to be a part of your past. I have taken nude pics but mine were for a doctors office and let me tell you HOW.AWKWARD.. So you are my hero!
Thank you for sharing!