Meet the newest member of our family:
The transportation was like a tag-team scenario with several dogs from several rescue locations over several states, so the pick up didn’t happen until late Sunday, but thankfully the hubby was willing to fly solo with Princess Nagger riding shotgun to pick up the puppy a couple hours away.
Since the pick up time was past Little Dude’s normal bedtime, and the drive there and back would push the timing way past his bedtime, we decided we didn’t want his normal schedule to get messed up on a school night, so he and I stayed home.
The wonderful people that coordinated everything sent me this picture via email when they were on their way back:
Meet Raymond Reddington (the puppy, not the hubby) (and yes, because of The Blacklist), and yes, we’ll call him ‘Red’ for short. We had tossed around the idea of naming him Elvis 2.0, but he doesn’t appear to be favoring the Wheaten Terrier side, possibly the ‘unknown father’ side. So Reddington he is.
He’s been doing great so far – he slept between the hubby and I and didn’t wake us up at all – we did that to ourselves worrying about him and checking on him. He slept like a dog… I mean log!
I tried to take pictures of him out in the backyard yesterday, but he kept hiding behind me, and since I’m not a contortionist I’ll take pictures when he’s a little less scared of his own shadow…heh.
The cats don’t know what to make of him, yet – they’re steering clear of him for now, hanging out on top of the grandfather clock or hiding in Princess Nagger’s room on the kitty condo. They’ll come ’round, they get along great with Travis and Rolex, but a puppy is an oddity to them.
Luckily the cats won’t get this freaked out:
Speaking of scary shadows… This cracked me up on Facebook the other day – you might not want your little ones around as you scroll down because there might be some questions asked you’re not going to want to answer.
So ready?
Are their eyes averted?
Are your eyes averted?
Ready now?
How about now?
OK, here we go!
The person who posted this wrote that the lighting guys just finished installing the lights, and they couldn’t quite figure out what was wrong with the end result:
Of course I’m giggling like a 12 year old boy!
Speaking of giggling like a 12 year old boy… After Internet users overwhelmingly voted to christen Britain’s new $300 million research ship “Boaty McBoatface” in an online naming poll, a government official suggested the name wouldn’t be used.
“There is a process now for us to review all of the public’s choices,” Science Minister Jo Johnson told the BBC Monday, per Newsweek. “Many of them were imaginative, some were more suitable than others.”
Personally I think they should have gone for it – those in the UK are now exclaiming that Democracy is dead. It’ll be interesting to see what they ultimately do decide to name the boat.
It’s time once again for Leslie’s (aka Rory Bore) Tuesday Coffee Chat!
This week’s prompt or question is:
“Spring Clean! What do you do to prepare for the new Season?”
Not as much as I should, I can tell you that. I mean, I am a pack-rat, so I’ve got stuff I really don’t need, and spring would be the perfect time to purge and clear out the unnecessary stuff, don’t you think? I’ve actually got lists in my head for things I can get rid of, either via Amazon or eBay or donation-wise, so I suppose I should get busy with that.
Princess Nagger has inherited my pack-rat gene – her room is still massively overrun with stuff and boxes. We do, however, plan to really dig in and purge everything she doesn’t need and organize her room into a room she can actually relax in. Even though she says it doesn’t bother her to live amongst the stacks’o’stuff in her room, it bothers me.
The other thing we do (and the hubby’s been working on it now that the weather has been warm and sunny), is clean up the flower beds and clear out the dropped branches, twigs and pine needles.
Oh, the pine needles! They are an overabundance of coverage everywhere! They’re tied in the annoyance factor with the seasonal thick layer of pollen everywhere. Can’t wait until that part of spring is over so we don’t have pollen covering everything including the cars.
These pictures are from right after last year’s spring clean up, but the yard is getting close to looking like this again after the winter months (which should keep the HOA at bay from their nagging):
I still have yet to replant my herb garden, but that’s on the list, so it’ll be done sooner rather than later. Next year I might get ambitious and follow my friends Michele and Jan’s leads with doing a bonafide garden in the backyard. I love being able to go out in the yard and pick fresh veggies, so the very minimum, along with my herbs, we’ll have another tomato plant or two this year. Next year we’ll expand into lots and lots of veggies.
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.
Link up your Random (or not) here:
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

Bwahahahaha bwahhahahaha I cannot get over that picture. That is definitely a hoot!!! And your puppy all I can say is awwwwwwwww. What’s wrong with your yard. I think it looks great!!!
I grin every time I see that picture… 😉
Those were pictures after the hubby got fed up with the HOA nagging us about the few weeds that he’d not gotten to in the flower beds, so he revamped the entire front yard. He’s getting the winter crud cleaned up now and the yard looks almost like that again after the winter weather – luckily the hubby is on it earlier this year so maybe we won’t get a nagging notice from the HOA. I really hate HOA’s. Next house will not be in a neighborhood with an HOA!!!
oh my goodness he is the cutest!!! I want one just like him! And I will name him Captain Rogers, Cap for short. ha. I would so love a dog. The kids would too, but I think it is a bit much right now.
Or, I’ll just get one myself for my bday next month.
Definitely have to get going on our yard work soon too. After the long winter of snow, sand, salt and such, the lawn looks deplorable. If we want healthy grass, it’s gonna be a couple of hours of raking. My gardens have to wait until May because the ground will still be cold. Some spring flowers will come up on their own, but most of my garden appears end of May. I’m going to sand/refinish and paint my front porch this year too. Then make lots of lemonade to enjoy on it. 🙂
OMg -the lights. What would you do??!! I’d die. And then probably keep them. LOL
Ohhhhh! Captain Rogers (Cap for short) would be an awesome name!! You’ve got so much on your plate right now what with all that volunteering you do, a dog might not quite be the right timing. But I will enjoy the day I see you post that you finally got one! LOL! Yes! A birthday present is a perfect excuse! Wearing a big bow… 🙂
I remember those delays for spring when we were living in PA – since we don’t harsh winters here in the PNW, spring is always quicker to show up. 🙂 I’ll look forward to your porch project! 🙂
YES! I’d probably keep the lights too – just for fun (and lots of giggles!)
I need a puppy and a day, no a WEEK off to be with the puppy and myself and the house and the yard and this cleaning thing you speak of.
We are still melting over here in the Rocky Mountains.
I could use a week like that too! 😀 Sorry you’re still melting over there – maybe you need to come for a visit. 😉