March has arrived! A busy month – we lose an hour a week from Sunday, the week after that is the first day of spring, and the week after that the kids have their Spring Break.
We’re kicking off the month of March with Early Dismissal today, tomorrow and Thursday – the wonderful world of Parent/Teacher conferences.
Luckily Princess Nagger, being in 7th Grade, doesn’t have the ‘typical’ Parent/Teacher Conference – instead, hers is a student-led thingamajig where she’s in charge of telling us how she’s doing with no interaction or conversation with any of her teachers unless we really want to. Since she’s doing excellent in all her Honors classes, there’s no worry there.
Little Dude is the challenging one.
He’s struggling with pretty much every subject – especially math, which he hates so much that when he was doing math homework one day, when he couldn’t figure out a problem, instead of asking for help, he started pulling pieces of the paper off the bottom edge and eating them.
Puts a whole new spin on homework being eaten.
We did, however, get a diagnosis that rules out Autism – confirmation of ADHD, ODD, and Anxiety is what we’re looking at. So far the only ‘plan’ is to schedule another appointment with another doctor to figure out the game plan.
Of course those appointments are booked out three months, so based on his lack of focus and attention in school, he might end up repeating 2nd grade next year since he’s way behind on just about everything, and three months from now is pretty much the end of school.
Totally understandable, though – the poor kid started off the first 3-1/2 years of his life born to a bio-mom who was addicted to drugs – and energy drinks. She apparently drank them like they were going out of style while she was pregnant. Little Dude could eventually be a case study on the effects. You never know.
Meanwhile, we’re still in perpetual ‘hurry-up-and-wait’ mode while getting bounced from doctor to doctor to get him the help he needs. I’m pretty sure there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, just seems like a really long tunnel at the moment.
Oh hey, you know what else happens this month? Pi day! So this cartoon is so right on:
The hubby, being Mr. Literal Man and Eternal Pessimist, truly appreciated the pessimistic interpretation. We all got a great laugh, including Princess Nagger.
Speaking of funny… As you know, I don’t speak of politics in general, but this candidate cocktail list was too funny not to share:
It’s time once again for Leslie’s (aka Rory Bore) Tuesday Coffee Chat!
This week’s prompt or question is:
“How are you? Honesty required.”
I am honestly hanging in there. Between Princess Nagger’s Teenitude and Little Dude’s behavioral issues (and destruction of miscellaneous items and clothing), and some minor health maladies for me, I’m tired. Fatigued. Stressed. Some days feeling like I just want to pick up my marbles and go home.
But I’ll manage. I always do. And maybe someday I’ll expound on that.
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.
Link up your Random (or not) here:
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

Glad to hear that Princess Nagger is still doing so well in school. I wish you all the best with your son and getting help from the doctors. My oldest son, who is now 17, was diagnosed with ODD when he was younger. And, boy, did he show it! I can say, though, that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s rare that he exhibits those symptoms now. I’m soooo ready for Spring to get here.
That is awesome about your girl and her grades! Prayers and hugs sent your way as you go through the struggles with you little guy. Been there, done it and it does get better.
The teentude with my 15 year may be her death… possible mine too, but again, we will all make it.
Happy March 1st!
Great news about Princess!! Way to go. But I am sorry about the struggles the boy is having, and send internet hugs and all my spare wine that I cannot drink because I have one week to go on my fitness challenge!! Then we get two weeks we can drink some sorrrows before I start my next 8 week!!!! challenge. Because I’m crazy. 🙂
It does sound like a tough season for you. I do indeed send genuine good thoughts and prayers your way. All seasons eventually pass, but we all know it’s the holding on until them that is the hardest. One could almost thank Trump for providing us with some much needed belly laughs! HA.
Is spring break here yet? I’m just plain exhausted! Loved the cartoon.
Awwww for some reason I feel like I’ve been neglecting our Princess. How’s she doin? You must tell that pretty little genius of a teenager that Xmasdolly says hello and wish her well. So has she been Mommy’s little helper as always? So sorry to hear about lil’ dude, but let me just add a lil’ something here for you. I raised 4 childs… 2 & 2. Without my Tricia I wouldn’t have had a chance, and then my Tony came in the picture who became the man of the house at 8, and may I add he fixed my toaster that year. I was so proud of him I never forgot that moment, but then there was a gap because little sister went back to heaven. I guess the Lord loved His little angel so much he had to have her back and he knew I needed a special guardian angel and she was it, but then my 2 little ones came along. Robert wet the bed until he was 8 and was a spoiled child by everyone even his siblings. He had a problem with lying so bad (and I’m sorry to say he still does) and Missy when she just grew up too fast… she would take him by the hand and lead him to school. She fought his battles for him, and so did his other two siblings at play. I still have problems with this child of 36 yrs. of age 🙁 So my friend what I’m trying to say is nip it in the bud right now. Do not spoil the child and let him fight his own battles. Sounds to me that your lil’ dude needs a man right now to teach him to fight. I don’t mean physically all the time, but just to fight life. He’ll be fine. I promise. You have to get your mind out of little girl mode and think what would I do if I was a little boy and this happened to me or that. Good luck my special friend and tell little dude we’re all rooting for him. HUGS
I pray y’all find some answers soon Stacy. I know you love that baby big boy.
It’s sad how many people are on drugs and such while pregnant and their children suffer for it.