Do you ever have a day where you sit down with a rash of creative thoughts only to put fingers to keyboard and *poof!* those creative thoughts convert into a big blank nothing?
Yeah. That’s what’s happening right this very moment with me. Ooops.
Look! A shiny object! Literally:
Princess Nagger and the hubby created a version of “kitty jenga”… or something. They take turns adding coins on Blackspot while he lays there and purrs. This was a record number of coins, over 200!
When he finally tires of the game and gets up, causing the pile’o’coins to cascade into the basket, the person who lay the last coin has to gather them up while Blackspot smacks at them (playfully) with his paws and claws.
If you retrieve the coins successfully without getting scratched, you win. The hubby usually loses.
I know, they’re crazy. And yes, I was a participant in that particular game.
It’s that time of year again – the kids were a little miffed that I scheduled their eye doctor appointments on their day off school last week. Little Dude was a little intimidated by the complicated eyeball machine:
He thought it was funny he looked like an alien while looking through that thing. Both kids’ eyesight changed just a smidge, so they both picked out new frames – I’ll be sure to share their new specs with you when they arrive.
If you’ve been reading me for a while, you know that my favorite animal is deer, and anything that has a ‘deer’ theme I really like. Unless it’s incorporated into a pair of shoes:
I have to draw the line somewhere, right? That’s just…….. wrong.
It’s time once again for Leslie’s (aka Rory Bore) Tuesday Chat!

This week’s prompt or question is:
“Have you ever won anything?”
Nothing majorly significant – of course I’m not one of those that enters to win anything, so I suppose that would probably make a difference if I were to actually enter to win, right?
I did have a winning weekend once, though – I was treated to a weekend in Las Vegas for my birthday one year from an old boyfriend.
While the trip itself was a win in my mind, he even went one step further and gave me $100 to play the tables. So I went with my usual preference of Blackjack – I like the mind challenge, as opposed to slot machines where I never win anything.
When it comes to slots, I might as well just slap a twenty on the machine and just keep walking.
But when it comes to Blackjack, I give myself a limit (of how much I can afford to lose) and when I win, I only play with my winnings. Works out pretty well – I only lose what I can afford, and sometimes actually come out ahead. Like that birthday weekend.
I started off playing on the $2 and $3 tables, won and lost, until I only had $25 left of the $100 gambling gift, so I decided to play that last bit at a $25 table just for fun – I figured might as well play one last hand and call it a night.
Except I ended up getting very lucky, because I ended up sitting at that $25 table for the next couple of hours, turning that last $25 into $900. I’d say that was a pretty big win, wouldn’t you?
But the biggest win ever? This little miracle (who isn’t so little anymore):
Even when she throws me some ‘tude:
And even when she gets all Drama Queen-y on me:
Biggest. Win. Ever.
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. And that means even if you don’t have a specific Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel post posted, you can still link up, I’m not picky. You don’t even have to add the badge, just link up so I can come harass you on your blog. I promise to play nice.
Link up your Random (or not) here:
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:

And one for my non-wino friends:

Haha, I love the game with the cat! That is awesome.
I always schedule appointments on non school days because to make them during school is a nightmare I don’t care to enter into every again.
I would have picked the slots or roulette because I don’t do math on a good day much less with the addition to an adult beverage. Simply math might as well be trig in my mind.
Happy day my friend.
bah, just as I hit submit, I caught a couple of typos in my post. I win!!!!!
I won about 86 bucks on a casino boat once but I didn’t write about that. LOL. I won it playing the slot machines so it was really only luck anyway.
Those deer shoes! Who would think of that? Hahaha! I need to find out where you found $2 and $3 tables. The last few times I’ve been, most of the casinos have one $5 table that’s already full, so unless I want to slap $10 a hand down, I usually don’t play blackjack anymore. We also sometimes go to Louisiana to the casinos, but they’re not nearly as much fun as Vegas.
Nick won a BBQ Grill at a home show once. I’ve won blog stuff–from you once, yum wine!
That last win…definitely a JACKPOT! The $900 is nothing to scoff at either!
um, yeah, no – not walking on Bambi. they doesn’t seem nice. full points for originality though.
that’s a pretty good Vegas winning weekend!!! And also at boyfriends!! I’ve never had a boyfriend really take me anywhere. maybe a hockey game. not complaining about that at all.
I’m definitely more the type that would lay my $40 on the slot machine and keep walking. to the bar. LOL
at least I will hopefully get my money’s worth there.
We all won the day we became mothers. 🙂
Very nice post. Love your Vegas story.