Another busy (but fun) weekend under our belts – it’s hard to fathom there are already people posting ‘back to school’ announcements on Facebook. Of course, if we were still in Pennsylvania, the kids would be starting in just over two weeks – they’re very happy to know they have a little more than a full month before that first day of school.

Which means you have more than a month to be safe from my ‘first day of school’ pictures…heh!

It’s Monday, so you know what that means – music! And today is an extra special Monday’s Music Moves Me, too – today marks the fifth year this fun has been bringing music to your ears! I know, right?!

That five years sure has gone by fast! I’ve loved being a part of it, even though I didn’t start off as one of the co-hosts five years ago, I was simply a willing participant in sharing music and linking up.

Thank you, Marie, for deeming me worthy to co-host with you and Callie and Naila, along with the myriad of special guest co-hosts and all the cool Spotlight Dancers over the years.

We have a special giveaway on this magnificent milestone, details are at the end of this post. Meanwhile, this week’s theme is a freebie week, so grab a favorite tune and play along, m’kay? Let’s have some fun!

Let’s start with a song from this particular artist’s first country solo album. The Eagles’ frontman said he named the LP after the area where he was raised, explaining: “I’m a Southerner and a Texan. It’s who I am and where I come from.”

You’ll recognize the amazing artist who lends her voice to this uptempo duet about a woman who tries to reach out to her old lover. The main artist said he’s always been a fan of her voice, and was glad to have her on the project.


Without further ado, here’s the inimitable Don Henley featuring Martina McBride with “That Old Flame”:

Next up is a new (to me) duo who recently released their second song to date, an uptempo tune that’s highly catchy, and with its rhythm-driven track easily earns it’s summer anthem status.

The duo mixes the groove of recent Thomas Rhett and Brett Eldredge songs with the pop candy of Maroon 5 – which I like in a new country song. Though for the country purists, it raises an eyebrow as to whether there still exists a line between pop and country, with both sound and lyrical content leaning heavily into the pop realm.

Whether or not this song deserves the #country hashtag is beside the point; the song sounds great. It’s ear candy, and should connect well with listeners.


Without further ado,here’s Waterloo Revival with “Bad For You”:


Next up is an artist who keeps it mellow with the first single from an upcoming project. This song is a gentle way for the singer to describe his love to someone. The artist relies on simple, everyday images to tell his story – he’s talented like that.

This new single is a bluejeans-and-T-shirt kind of love song, good for any occasion – an easy love song that everyone will find something familiar in.


Here’s the inimitable Tim McGraw with “Top Of The World”:

Last, but certainly not least, we’re rounding off the selections with a party song – especially since today is the perfect time to party what with our MMMM anniversary and all, right?

This artist is considered one of the hardest working songwriters in nashville – while I’ve shared this song recently, it’s worth sharing again. The lyrics for this song unfolded over several sessions – quite unusual in the Nashville songwriting community, where writers generally crank out one song for each pre-arranged session.

This artist, however, doesn’t settle for anything, examining every single lyric to make sure it’s right, not stopping until they’re great. That’s one of the reasons he and his songs tend to connect with so many people.

His hard work results in another song that’s vastly different from anything else at country radio, with perfectly-balanced lyrics. His lyrics and progressive musical approach elicit strong criticism from some quarters, especially hardcore traditionalists, which luckily doesn’t seem to faze him.

Music is constantly evolving, so whatever someone calls country now, that wasn’t what country was even 20 or 30 years ago. Probably why I myself prefer ‘New Country’ over the old stuff, and why I wasn’t a country fan years ago, too. The new stuff like this? I’m totally a fan.


Here’s the amazing Sam Hunt with “House Party”:

That’s a wrap for this week – thank you for being a part of Monday’s Music Moves Me all these years – be sure to scroll down to enter our giveaway in celebration! Have a great Monday!


Now on to the particulars of Monday’s Music Move’s Me:


I have the supreme honor and privilege of being a co-host with the inimitable Xmas Dolly and our musical cohorts, Callie from JAmericanSpice, and Naila Moon from Just the Stuff Ya Know. (Naila is taking the summer off, but will be back to hostessing in the fall). *waves* Hi Naila! Enjoy your summer!

Want to join in the fun? It’s easy – just find a tune that rocks your boat, post it and link up – don’t forget to grab Xmas Dolly…er, um, I mean her button…over at her place here. Check out Xmas Dolly’s sidebar for the random themes we sport each week – and you can always ask for a specific theme of music you like, too. Check out the other music lovahs and let’s jam!

And now, for our giveaway!

It’s our “5th” Year Anniversary! “5” years of Rock & Roll with all my friends… new & old! We would like to celebrate with a HUGE GIVE-AWAY!

We are going to have “5” Winners! Yes “1” Winner for each year! So stop by and play with us for five weeks and enter our give-away!

There are so many prizes we had to make two rafflecopters for you to enter on. One here and at Xmas Dolly’s, and the other one over at Callie and Naila Moon!

Thanks for Subscribing to emails & Following us!

Here’s the rundown of the list of prizes for this rafflecopter:

  1. $25 Gift Certificate at Target & a bottle of Princess Nagger Licor del Café (a coffee-flavored liqueur that is made by Stacy from the finest coffee, Vodka, Brandy and organic Vanilla Beans),
  2. $10 Gift Certificate for Best Buy, and
  3. 2 Tix to IMAX (must be used by 12/31/15).

Here you go – good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


    1. Don Henley is timeless, isn’t he? 😉 Thanks for the dance, Steve! (notice I’m doing a bit of catching up – hence the deluge of replies from me…heh!!!) Enjoy your weekend! 🙂

  1. It seems like school just ended and it’s already time to go back. Where’d the Summer go?! Here in Florida, school starts next week. Way too early! I like the Don Henley Martina McBride song. It’s new to me and it’s fab! Have yourself an awesome week!

    1. I know, right?! Where did the summer go?? Man you guys start early!! But I bet you get out at the end of May, right? It’s a trade-off here, where they don’t get out until mid-June. What happened to June, July and August being THE summer months?? It appears they end up having more days off during the school year than they used to, hence the weird start/end times. Crazy!!

      Glad you liked the Don Henley / Martina McBride song – I love it, too! 🙂 Hope your weeks aren’t flying by too fast! Or that they are – whichever you prefer. 😉

  2. Happy Anniversary! What luck to have a few minutes to tune in to today’s Musical Monday! Where has the time gone? I know the Princess must be getting big as mine is about to enter middle school – eek. Always enjoy stopping by your world and hope all is well

    1. Thank you, Stacey! So good to see you (and sorry for the belated reply). Time flies by way too fast, that’s for sure!! Middle school already?! I really really need to stop blinking. Princess Nagger is going into 7th grade – which seems impossible, because it was just yesterday we were getting ready for Kindergarten!! I’m still searching for that pause button… 🙂

  3. That tune with McBride and Henley is fabulous. I never heard that one before. You did a great job with our give-away my friend, and keep on advertising on your twitter and FB & anywhere else you’d like too. HUGS Going hospital tomorrow to get knocked out and they’re going to shoot me up with some steriods and woo hoo NO PAIN fingers crossed. A few extra prayers are in order here. Luv ya Girlfriend hugs to my Princess & “The Dude”! ~hehehe~ You give your own hug to the hubby & you get a hug from me!!! 🙂 hahaha please send lots of prayers I really need to get rid of this pain this time. I was in the ER last Friday cuz I just couldn’t take it anymore. 🙁 hugs

    1. Isn’t that such an awesome tune? I love it! How’s your pain level? Did you get all the necessary shots? Here’s hoping you’re pain free for a good while!! Always keeping you in my thoughts and prayers my friend! 🙂

  4. It has been great partying along with you too my pretty! Happy Anniversary and thanks for being such a cool host.
    Thanks for the tunes also.

    Have a fun week and hope you get some rain!

    1. Thank you very much, Callie! It’s been a pleasure partying with you on a weekly basis all these years! 😀

      Looks like we might finally get some rain in the coming days…I’m keeping my fingers crossed it helps with all the giant wildfires burning all over the state!

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