Life is crazy busy around these here parts, I keep trying to think of something interesting or witty to write about, you know, in random form. I keep coming up empty, so I’m just gonna ramble, m’kay?
I’m still working at nibbling away at all the stacks of moving boxes, trying to cram everything from a three-story house plus basement plus Summer House plus barn into a two-story house with no basement or attic or outbuildings.
It’s definitely a work in progress.
It’s like one of those puzzles that I don’t care for – shift this here and that there and move this over here. You know the kind I’m talking about right? In other words, annoying.
Usually by now I’d have made a trip to the local farms to pick up corn stalks, pumpkins and hay bales to decorate for fall (as a multi-purpose for Halloween and Thanksgiving) but time is a precious commodity and I simply haven’t had the time to go take care of that little detail.
Hopefully I’ll have it together in time for decorating for Christmas if I don’t get the fall stuff out and up before Thanksgiving. Or maybe this weekend I’ll end up finding some super powers and get it done before Halloween. Anyone have some extra super powers you can lend me for this weekend? Anyone? Bueller?
I did save my scarecrows from our house in PA and I do know where those are, so maybe I’ll be able to recreate something similar to our front porch out there on our new porch here like this:
We have a smaller porch, so my usual set up would work even better here at our new house. I’ll keep you posted.
We also have a porch swing, and we were contemplating getting one of those pose-able skeletons I’ve noticed in some local stores this year – have you seen them? They’re like this:
Normally I don’t do Halloween-y type decor, but I thought the skeleton would be fun to have sitting on the porch swing. The hubby also thinks it would be fun to keep him around throughout football season, and have him wear the hat of any opposing team our Seahawks play against on game day.
Maybe that would help the Seahawks start winning again instead of losing with bad plays like they did this weekend.
Whatever we decide to do, or that I make time to do, I want to make sure it’s all done before our housewarming party that’s coming up quickly. There will still be stacks of boxes in the garage since we have yet to get a shed, but that will be better than the current maze of stacked boxes we have in the house, right?
I saw this picture floating around on Facebook and had to share for those that might have missed it:
The challenge was to see if you could figure out from this innocent looking picture why the husband filed for divorce because of this picture. Can you see the creepy aspect? It took me a while to notice, but you’ll get it. I have faith in you. It’s probably just photoshopped or a fluke, but still. Creepy.
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome – random or not. Be sure to visit your fellow randomizers so they don’t feel so lonely.
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Keeping the random alive (barely) – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:
And one for my non-wino friends:
Argh! I wish I hadn’t seen it! Ugh. Anyway, I hope the Seahawks’ defense gets their act together soon or I am dropping them from my fantasy team! I’m behind on decorating too but we have some stuff up and hoping to get to the patch asap. As always, thanks for hosting!
allstarme would like you to read ..Random Tuesday – Evil packaging, eating better, not with it
I really hope the Seahawks get it together, too – kind of a bummer after they played so well last year, but then again, a lot of great players are no longer on the team, and it was a TEAM thing last year. :/
Thanks for being such an awesome loyal Randomizer!! 🙂
Bruiser did some decorating for me. He insisted on making Pumpkin chains and has one on his bedroom door and one on the front window. I might need to get the rest of the Halloween decorations down from the attic…
The thing to be seen in the picture was far clearer in your version than the one I squinted at on Facebook last week. It is a bit creepy.
VandyJ would like you to read ..Tuesday Randoms
Maybe Bruiser can inspire Princess Nagger or Little Dude to help decorate. Unless Bruiser himself wants to hire out for the job. 😉 Hopefully by this time next week I’ll have some decorations up – and maybe you’ll have gotten your Halloween stuff down from the attic by then! 🙂
Glad you didn’t have to squint at that picture – though that might have added to the creepy factor. 😉 Thanks for being such a dedicated Randomizer! 🙂
I’m not sure why someone would file for divorce based on that – I’m not even sure what people think they’re seeing there (I don’t think it looks a BIT like eyes, myself).
I completely sympathize with your lack of decorating. We have our autumn wreath, scarecrow and a pumpkin on the porch (which is tiny), but that’s all Beloved’s doing this year. We’d be nekkid if the Fall decorating had been left up to me this year.
Jan’s Sushi Bar would like you to read ..The Ninja Turtle Scarf
Oh good, if I just put a wreath, scarecrow and pumpkin on the porch, I’ll be golden! Which are things I know where they are, as opposed to my usual ‘Fall’ and ‘Thanksgiving Decor’ marked boxes that are lost in a sea of unmarked boxes. 😉
And yeah, I’m with you on that picture – not to mention the eyeball, eyebrow and bridge of nose that is visible, the semantics aren’t right as in, a person couldn’t fit there in the first place. At least that’s what the hubby and I think. 😉
UGH!!!! Not only could I not figure out why you were “nibbling” on boxes, but now this picture thing has me stumped (duh…the other commenters got it!) Love your skeleton plans!
Andrea would like you to read ..600 + a bit of random
OK, and my 14 year old daughter is laughing at me squinting at the computer and says she can see it from where she is (and already knew about it)…I need to get out more!
Andrea would like you to read ..600 + a bit of random
AAAACK! Found it!!
Andrea would like you to read ..600 + a bit of random
WooHoo! You get a gold star! 😀 Glad I was able to give you a bit of a challenge today – and thanks for the laugh! 🙂
I like your daughter! You can let her know I was laughing, too. 😉
AHAHAHAHA Andrea! Sorry you were stumped – and yeah, you know that whole fiber thing comes into play with the boxes. >;o)~
I’ve always wanted to do a front porch thing. I so wish the next house will have a porch!
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