I love cool technology. When Princess Nagger was an infant, we had a basic baby monitor – you know the kind, sound only, leaving you to make wild guesses what antics she was up to.
When Little Dude arrived on the scene, we upgraded to a video monitor so we weren’t flying blind. Since his early background is still a mystery, it helped us be more informative to his Pediatrician as to his sleeping habits – or lack thereof.
It also helped avert disaster when little Destructo-Boy somehow managed to secure a corner of his baby blanket to his bed frame and had it wrapped around his neck – if I didn’t have a video monitor, I wouldn’t have discovered that malady until too late. He also somehow managed to remove all the bolts from his bed frame – and lose them – causing the whole thing to come crashing to the floor.
Good thing I don’t have the predisposition to get gray hair, I’d be completely gray by now.
Even two years later Little Dude still has the propensity to be Destructo-Boy – he’s already disassembled his new bed, luckily no broken bones when it came crashing down while he was jumping on it. Unfortunately the video monitor we had then inadvertently got left behind in Pennsylvania, so we weren’t able to thwart that action, so we bought a new one to keep an eye on him and keep him safe.
The camera we’ve been using is just a basic one – I miss the one we had in PA where I could at least converse with him through the camera (which he always took great delight in, and gave him some semblance of security to thwart his abandonment fears during nap-time or playtime).
Which is why I was thrilled when asked to review the WatchBot 3.0:
Doesn’t it remind you of an old timey rotary phone? It truly is an amazing piece of technology, and when Little Dude outgrows his destructo-mode, we’ll still be able to utilize it to monitor the dogs and cats while we’re away – since you know they cause even more trouble than Little Dude can dream up. Ahem.
Seriously, people – this is a full alarm system in a compact, beautifully designed package. This compact little unit (only about 6 inches tall) has a big heart. It’s the eyes and ears of your house, pets and belonging 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Everything you need comes in the box:
The box arrived a little worse for wear, but luckily there doesn’t appear to be any issues with the content, since there’s good cushioned packing inside.
It’s really easy to follow the instructions to set up and install it in an area you want to have monitored, and download the software to your PC, phone or tablet (or all of them like I did), and you can keep an eye on things no matter where you are.
Pretty cool, no? You are able to remotely log-in and monitor your home from the WatchBot. You can do this by going to a dedicated website from any computer, tablet, cell phone or laptop.
The “eye” of The WatchBot has a large viewing area, but you can also pan and tilt the camera from wherever you are with a simple mouse click. That is definitely a feature I love, because minions and pets don’t just stay in one spot, and my former video monitor could only watch one small-ish area.
Another feature I love is that it has motion sensors, so I can set it and forget it, and check it when I get an email notification that motion or noise was detected. Since it has Night Vision, it won’t matter if it’s the middle of the night, you’ll still be able to see clearly without leaving lights on.
As if those features weren’t enough, it also has the ability to record, as well as a two-way audio so you can speak through the WatchBot by way of your phone, computer or tablet. Plus you have the ability to hook up your WatchBot to a speaker for an alarm function.
The WatchBot 3.0 really has it all and does it all for your peace of mind.
I will be doing a video review of this cool camera, but wanted to make sure you have a chance to get one for yourselves first, since I need to wait for a different plug (you know, U.S. vs. U.K.) to try it out firsthand.
I did install the software successfully on my Windows 8 PC, Android phone and Android Tablet (available for iOS operating systems as well). Can’t wait to see it in action!
Win It!
Wouldn’t you like to have peace of mind? You’re in luck! The awesome people over at WatchBot have offered one of my readers the awesome chance to win £600 worth (that’s over $1000.00 US!) of WatchBot products to try out for themselves!
It’s easy – just complete the Rafflecopter form below, and you’re entered! Please note the Rafflecopter giveaway is being run by WatchBot and not by myself.
Good luck!
A big thank you to Fuel My Blog and WatchBot for providing the security CCTV camera for review as well as offering an additional home security camera for giveaway. No other compensation was received for this post implied or otherwise. The opinions are all mine and not influenced by any outside sources. See my Disclosure Policy here.
If only this was invented back in 1977… but what a wonderful gift it will make for my new great-grandson… Woo Hoo!!!
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