We are fortunate that along with the greenbelt behind our property, there’s a drainage field next door, guaranteeing that we won’t have any neighbors up close and personal like we did in PA.

In that field currently growing is an abundance of daisies, a veritable of a sea of white and green:



While I was snapping those shots this evening, I noticed the field had a visitor who was watching me as intently as he was the critters flitting about:


Can you see him? Here’s a closer look:


He seemed nonplussed by my presence, and when I was done with the pictures, he continued to stalk the various critters with playful pouncing.

So far the critter count includes two different wandering cats, one pregnant opossum, several ducks and a zillion frogs (who were arguing with a duck one evening which was quite entertaining). All water critters have vacated now that the field has gone dry, of course – at least until the next good rain. 

Any wild animals in your neck of the woods?



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  1. Those daisies look beautiful. We get dandelions. But in the mountains we get fields of yellow daisies and when we are lucky and the timing is right, strawberries.
    VandyJ would like you to read ..Summer Goals–2014My Profile

  2. You are lucky to have all that land. We have a bit of land too and I love it, especially this time of year when everything is growing and blooming. 🙂

  3. Beautiful photos there girlfriend. We have some ducks, geese and an occasional fox, but possums and coons I see one dead in the street now and then, but never catch the little buggers that turn over our garbage cans. grrrrrr And what a mess. They think my garbage is their own private buffet~ SHEESH~
    XmasDolly would like you to read ..Happy Spring? WWMy Profile

  4. Cool! We have a lot of critters here in central PA, including the cute but oh-so-destructive red squirrels.

  5. Nice photos and love that big, open space! The only animals we have an abundance of here are ducks and geese, they are everywhere and always around the two large ponds we have in the neighborhood. Enjoy the rest of your week and now following on G+. 🙂
    Bernadyn would like you to read ..Bring on Summer 2014My Profile

  6. Wow I wish I could see this on my backyard. Is plenty of concrete here.

    Love the daises and “the visitor”. Congrats

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