I’m such a sucky hostess. I come here each week, throw down some drivel, add a linky and then don’t have a chance to come by and visit anyone – or if I do, I’m squinting at my tiny phone screen late at night when I’m supposed to be sleeping, but end up not being able to leave a comment because (no surprise) the internet connection craps out with an error message.
Would y’all rather I take another hiatus until we get into our new house and I don’t have the every 5-minute interruption mode that happens when 4 people are all crammed into the same room while trying to be invisible so your parental units aren’t inconvenienced while you’re occupying their basement in the hurry-up-and-wait mode? (which also leads to very long run-on sentences).
Let me know in the comments – I just feel really bad about not being able to visit everyone with the time constraints and lack of dependable internet.
One thing’s for certain – DSL is barely a step above dial-up – especially when the signal from my dad’s office upstairs is routed through a non-robust wireless router that tends to be sporadic on signal from there to the basement. It’s worse than cell phone signal, which also is hit-and-miss when we’re here in the basement. I can’t wait until we get our new house so I can have my sanity and fast/reliable internet connection back again.
Speaking of our house… Looks like there really is a light at the end of the tunnel, since there has been quite the activity of showings at our old house in PA last week – there’s at least two different parties interested in buying our house. So we’ll see if any offers come through – meanwhile the house we’ve made an offer on out here has a tentative closing date of December 1st – so see? Hopefully only one more month of Spacy Stacy to deal with.
It sure would be great if we could close on the house out here and get moved in by my birthday in December – that means we’d be in before Christmas which would be sah-weeeet! *fingers crossed*
Speaking of birthdays… Little Dude’s birthday is this Saturday. He didn’t ask for a party, and until we get this ADHD and ODD thing figured out, we’re not doing cake, either – he gets really bounce-off-the-walls-crazy with any kind of sugar. We’ll make him his favorite dinner of course (he keeps changing his mind on that) and have him open gifts which, at that age, is really all they care about, right?
His school does allow for sending in ‘treats’, but instead of cupcakes I’m putting together goody bags of trinkets and toys for each kid in his class. It’s Parent-Teacher Conference week, so the kids are a being dismissed at noon every day this week – if he was going to be in school all day on Friday, I’d totally send in cupcakes so he could be hyper at school vs. at home. I know, I’m bad.
He’ll be all hyped up the day before, anyway – he gets to have a Halloween party at his school, so you know there’s going to be wall-bouncing going on. They get to bring their costumes in their backpacks and will put them on for a “Halloween Parade” in the hallways of the school before their early dismissal – so they’ll be coming home in their costumes all ready to trick-or-treat. Of course they’ll be home five hours before trick-or-treating commences, but you know. They’ll be ready.
Little Dude is going as a firefighter, since that’s what he wants to be when he grows up:
I got the costume from Target (jacket, hat, axe) – it’s actually pretty good for the price, the jacket isn’t a wimpy little thing, it’s more like a rain jacket and I like the reflective stripes that add to safety when they’re out collecting candy. I think I’ll keep the toy axe at home until trick-or-treating time, though – no need for him to have that part of his costume at school. Especially when you combine Little Dude + Chocolate + Caffeine = Crazy Town. Just sayin’.
Princess Nagger is a little jealous because her school isn’t doing anything fun – they are, however, letting the students bring one piece of their costume in as show-and-tell. Provided they’re not wearing it, and it’s not a weapon or mask. Or scary or gory. So Princess Nagger isn’t going to bring any part of her costume in:
I told her she could just wear the clothes that day, since they’re not actually a costume, I put the pieces together to recreate the look of Katniss (I still need to add red to the inside zipper part of the hoody jacket, and definitely need to style the wig better and do the ‘proper’ braid – I’m not even sure if I got the wig on right side up, I was in a hurry to take pictures. I also need to paint the bow silver – I have the paint, just waiting for a dry day to get it done).
I’ll share updated pictures next week – she’s so pale that brunette-ish doesn’t work well with her coloring. I’m thinking I might need to at least put some mascara on her, and maybe darken her brows for the evening. What do you think?
That’s a wrap for this week – you know the drill, link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome – random or not. Be sure to visit your fellow randomizers so they don’t feel so lonely.
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Keeping the random alive – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:
And one for my non-wino friends:
I’m also linking up with two stellar ladies, Shawn and Impulsive, the lovely hosts of Talk To Us Tuesday. Though they’ve been AWOL for a few months – we might need to storm their castle and find out if they fell in their moat or something.
More Tuesday hops – if you’re stopping by here from there, please do me a favor and follow via LinkyFollowers – since I was robbed of my GFC followers when the cads at Google decided to boycott non-Blogger blogs. The Tuesday hops seems to have diminished – if you have one let me know and I’ll add you here, too!
No! No more hiatus! While it’s always lovely to have you drop by, I think we can deal with your business for a little while longer. I am crossing my fingers for your house deals! So exciting. And a relief to be on your own again. I love PNs Katniss wig! I think it looks cute on her.
Gretchen would like you to read ..This Week on the Spin Cycle: 10/28 – 11/3
Don’t go… snippets are better than nothing… we all understand!
Hilary would like you to read ..We all have fears, don’t we?
I like having the place to link up regardless. I won’t hold it against you that you don’t comment. 😉
Claire would like you to read ..Random Tuesday – No really, RANDOM
Keep on keeping on, we’re reading. 🙂 So what you’re saying is you’re going to be getting fiber?
Halloween here is going to be a “what are you wearing out of that box?” I’m not buying anything this year.
Mary/kyooty would like you to read ..Random Tuesday Thoughts, Bird, Appliances are Toast.
No, no hiatus – I may actually have some random to post some day, you never know. 😛
I really cannot recommend the cookbook “Eat Like A Dinosaur” enough for children with behavioral issues that are linked to sugar and other food intolerances. Seriously – the folks who wrote it cured or curtailed a host of issues of their sons’ (they have 3) similar to Little Dude’s through diet, and every recipe in the book is geared towards kids. It couldn’t hurt to try.
Love love LOVE PN’s costume. She absolutely nailed it!
Jan’s Sushi Bar would like you to read ..Comment on Turkey with Tarragon in Cream Sauce by Robyn
Um, don’t know what happened to your CommentLuv – it’s linking to a comment on an older post?
Jan’s Sushi Bar would like you to read ..Chorizo-Stuffed Mushrooms
You don’t suck – and I know I only speak for myself, but I don’t think you need to go on hiatus (unless you want to) – I certainly don’t mind that you’re not able to visit and leave comments right now. You’re in transition, and I totally understand! 🙂
I’m really getting the whole “hurry up and wait” thing right now, as my painter has been at my house for three weeks now and he’s still not even close to being done. I guess that’s what I get for hiring someone who has a “day job” and can only work at it in the evenings. *sigh* I hope my house will be back to normal in the next month…
I used to love dressing up for Halloween parade at school and all the treats we always got! It was such a fun day! Not so much for the teachers who had to deal with us, I guess. 😉
While comments are lovely, I really enjoy having a place to link up each week. Don’t run off–hopefully it’s only another month of sporadic visits. I can live with that!
Very cute costume for PN. Turbo is a mummy and while the kids can take their costumes to his school, the rule is nothing gory and no weapons. So he’s going in the mummy get up and has to change after. I need to get creative with the safety pins so he can get it off after the parade in the morning.
VandyJ would like you to read ..Random And It’s Tuesday
I sure do hope you get to move into your new house very soon! This is the first time I’ve seen Little Dude! He’s adorable! I totally understand your reluctance for adding sugar to his issues! I think you are right. Presents and feeling special and loved are where it’s at. Princess Nagger looks great too!
Sylvia would like you to read ..My Daughter’s Boring Chronic Illness
Wellllll, I was going to complain about the lack of snacks and drinks, but I think it’s super swell that you invite us over at all! Do what works for you, take care of the sinuses, tiny screen, storage unit, Halloween costumes (yeah, you might need a break)….I will be here spilling the random every Tuesday because Id be lost without!
Andrea would like you to read ..Don’t be jealous of my random
Sorry about your sucky DSL! I hope things go your way with the house situation.
cyndy would like you to read ..So, it’s Tuesday.
It makes me sad when schools don’t allow students to celebrate Halloween or other fun holidays. I understand that it takes the focus anyway from learning but the kids are so excited. Let’s be real. They won’t be focused on the learning if they’re excited about Halloween.
PN looks GREAT as a Brunette. It really makes her blue eyes stand out. Love the Katness costume! The firefighter costume is adorable too.
I hear ya about the Halloween sugar fest. My youngest daughter doesn’t handle the sweets well either. We’ve been trying to keep it under control too.
Run DMT would like you to read ..Random Thoughts about Being Snappy, a Mom Squad Reunion and Track Tuesday
Sorry it’s taken me almost a week to come over and leave my link and comment.
I loved PN’s Katniss costume! Little Dude was an adorable fireman.
Hope things get settled for you soon!
Elle would like you to read ..Minecraft Pumpkin & Early Thanksgiving, It’s Time To Get Random!