Princess Nagger has always been a picky eater. Getting her to eat healthy is a daily challenge. For example, she used to love broccoli until she saw a cartoon that mocked, them referred to them as mini trees – after which she wanted nothing to do with said mini trees.
Little Dude isn’t quite as picky, that boy could sit and eat all day long if we kept putting food in front of him. Although he does have his moments where he’ll be fixated on wanting something specific (like corn dogs) for dinner, so when he’s served the same dinner everyone else is eating (since I’m not a short-order cook) he’ll sit the entire meal looking forlornly at his plate and not touch it. And yes, he’ll end up eating it for lunch the next day. And exclaim how yummy it is.
Because they’re both so active (and picky), I want to make sure that they are getting everything they need for their growing bodies, especially since it’s tricky trying to sneak veggies into their diets. I’ve always been a stickler on taking a daily multivitamin, so getting them to take vitamins has been easy – except if they don’t taste very good. Luckily, L’il Critters saves the day!
Princess Nagger thought these bottles we got were so cute, especially when compared to the ginormous bottle I usually get at BJ’s:
We love L’il Critters Gummy Vites at our house – both kids look forward to taking the cute little colorful bear-shaped gummies every day. In fact, if I forget to put them on Little Dude’s breakfast plate before setting it in front of him, he starts to whine about wanting his vitamins, and won’t start eating his breakfast until they’re placed on his plate.
Princess Nagger loves the cherry, strawberry and tropical punch – for some reason she’s not fond of the orange or lemon, but luckily Little Dude loves them, so everyone’s happy.
We’ve tried other types of vitamins – you would think that all children’s vitamins would be tasty, but trust me, they’re not. Not only are some like chewing on dry chalk, but some taste really bitter. Yes, I test taste before giving anything to my kids, why do you ask? If I think it tastes yucky and bitter, you know it’ll be ten-times worse for them.
L’il Critters Gummy Vites are neither chalky nor bitter – it’s one of the few times Princess Nagger will take something that is specifically healthy for her with a smile:
You can find L’il Critters at drug and grocery stores nationwide. They range from $4.99 to $10.99 depending on the size of the bottle, and you’ll find coupons for them periodically to save money, too.
Find out more about L’il Critters Gummy Vites on their website and on Facebook.
Do you take a daily multivitamin or give your kids a multivitamin?
Note: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for L’il Critters. I received a product sample and promotional item as a thank you for participating. As usual, all opinions are my own and not influenced by outside sources. See my disclosure policy here.