Princess Nagger’s Fuzzy New Ears
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Princess Nagger’s Fuzzy New Ears

If you’ve been reading me for a while, you know that Princess Nagger has a penchant for sporting cute fuzzy ears.  Recently she begged, pleaded, cajoled and negotiated to get a new pair she discovered on Etsy.  Being that her negotiation tactics were successful, I wanted her to pose in them for me to share…

Psycho Heat and Crazy Movers – it’s all about Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel
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Psycho Heat and Crazy Movers – it’s all about Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel

It’s been a while since Mother Nature has been kind.  A long while.  I have exactly four weeks to finish packing three stories of eight rooms, plus a basement, 2-story Summer House and shed.  Four weeks.  Panic mode is beginning to set in.  And of course for this week, Mother Nature has decided we need…

Goodbye Earl because This Ole Boy is gonna Blow – see ya Online!
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Goodbye Earl because This Ole Boy is gonna Blow – see ya Online!

Mother Nature really has it out for us this year, it seems.  This week we’re in for a major heat wave – as if the oppressive heat we’ve already been having hasn’t been enough.  The poor hubby is trying to get all the outside stuff done so our house and property will be attractive for…

Princess Nagger’s Portal Obsession Part 2
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Princess Nagger’s Portal Obsession Part 2

Last week you got to see Princess Nagger’s new toy stemming from her current obsession with Portal, which is a puzzle-platform game that makes you use your brain and solve the puzzles by teleporting yourself using the “Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device”: Another quirky part of the game are turrets that are part of the…

Packing in a Sauna, Barn Facelift and Dino Creation – Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel
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Packing in a Sauna, Barn Facelift and Dino Creation – Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel

As usual, time is flying by way too fast.  I’m starting to feel like I’m never going to get the house purged and packed in time for our move next month – especially considering all the interruptions that happen All. The. Time.  I feel like I’m stalled in the dining room (which, by the way,…

Aw Naw, he’s Redneck Crazy while she’s Better In A Black Dress… Ka-Ching!
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Aw Naw, he’s Redneck Crazy while she’s Better In A Black Dress… Ka-Ching!

Mother Nature has not been my friend.  She’s been inundating us with extreme heat and humidity, making my purge and pack mode go as slow as molasses, especially since it’s not getting cool at night (at all – I mean c’mon, 71 for a low?!) meaning the house also doesn’t have a chance to cool…

Get Healthy, Give Hope with Produce for Kids! (#sponsored)

Get Healthy, Give Hope with Produce for Kids! (#sponsored)

I’m always looking for ways to encourage the kids to eat healthy, so I was happy to learn that Produce for Kids is launching its annual Get Healthy, Give Hope campaign with major supermarket chains across the country, including one of my favorite local grocery stores, GIANT (aka Martin’s in some areas), to help raise money for Our Family Foundation….