What are your plans for Mother’s Day?  We usually keep things low-key, the hubby’s mom passed away many years ago, and my mom is currently 3000 miles away so making plans with her is obviously not going to happen (aside from the usual phone call to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day, of course!) so in our house Mother’s Day will be all about me.  (heh)

We are a technological world – SmartPhones, Tablets, eReaders – any number of gadgets that we constantly utilize to stay connected or just for fun.  Most of us will spend hours  staring at a screen, muttering “Hold on a sec, I just need to do one more thing…”  when someone is hovering waiting for our attention.  Mother’s Day is Sunday, and it’s important to make sure we spend quality time with our Moms and our kids to show them how much they mean to us and how much they are loved.

Everywhere you look you see parents and children glued to their electronics and completely disconnected with one another.  I joke that our ‘family time’ is spent with each of us in front of our own individual screens – sure, we’re all in the same room, but we’re not necessarily interacting with each other as we’re lost in our own little worlds. 

This Mother’s Day (participating in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for MetLife, where I will receive a promotional item as a thank you for participating), I’m making the commitment to stay off-line as well as asking my family to participate in the MetLife #SocialBlackout movement:


It’s only one day, I’m sure we can survive being unplugged for a day – especially since this will be by choice rather than instigated by Mother Nature and a power outage.   And if I’m being honest, it would be the perfect Mother’s Day gift to not have Princess Nagger babbling on and on and on and on  about Minecraft.  Ahem.

I personally think the #SocialBlackout movement is genius – I also think mothers should be celebrated more than just one  day a year (you know, because we’re awesome), by the same virtue I think unplugging more often than one day would be a good idea, too.  Disconnect to reconnect – that has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

Here are the specifics:

Join the Mother’s Day movement every mom will be proud of: #SocialBlackout.  It’s simple. In fact, it may be the easiest event you’ve ever attended.  Just don’t show up.

Because mom has always been so attentive with us, we’re honoring her on Sunday, May 12 by turning our attention to her instead of our friends and feeds. Just set your profile pic with the official #SocialBlackout image, update your status with a warm Mother’s Day wish and say “arrivederci” to your social sites for a day.

How to spread the Mother’s Day movement:

1. Join the #SocialBlackout event page
2. Invite your friends to join
3. Log off Social Media on Mother’s Day

It’s really that simple.


So what do you say?  Are you in?





Note: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for MetLife.  I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.  As usual, all opinions are my own and not influenced by outside sources.  See my disclosure policy here.


  1. Awesome! I think you’re right, this will be the best gift ever to receive from my children. Time. We have to admit that technology makes a captive of each of us, of our own little worlds. One day of being away from these will be one memory to cherish a lifetime.

  2. Well it’s like this, my Mom and MIL is gone now since 2006. I recently found out my Tricia & Rocky are coming over late morning or early afternoon because of my stenosis acting up severely I will not be going any where so while they’re here yes I’ll join your black out & even in the morning, but when they leave I have much work to do. Happy Mother’s Day to you my dear, dear friend, and I think you should change Princess Nagger’s Name to “Minnie Me”! bwahahahahahaha sorry folks inside joke! Happy Mommy’s Day sweetums!!!!! Have a great one! When I grow up I want to be just like you! 🙂
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