Hallelujah for Friday!  Princess Nagger’s especially happy since it’s a three-day weekend for her, and next week is her last week  of school.  This year seemed to fly by extra fast – I really need to stop blinking so it can slow down.

I missed Friday Fragments last week because I was down for the count with a dead laptop.  It was dead because I inadvertently killed it.  It took me a little over 48 hours to revive it, but thankfully it’s back in full swing.  I, however, have yet to get back in full swing since I’m still playing catch-up.  So let’s get started, shall we?

Before we get to the entertaining fun, I just want to say that the tornado in Oklahoma was so heartbreaking – the destruction, the loss of lives, completely mind boggling and sad.  If you’d like to help the victims, US News has a a list of many ways to do just that – I’m going to do what I can, and certainly will be keeping them in my thoughts and prayers.

In other news…  I’ve always been a fan of Kellie Pickler – she’s cute, dorky, and even though she didn’t win American Idol the year she was on, she’s done quite well for herself since.  I don’t watch Dancing With The Stars, but a news article caught my eye about the freestyle dance she did in the finals:


It would be so cool to be able to dance like that!  Here’s a video of the dance so you can be amazed:

Amazing, right?  I was happy to hear she won the whole thing – the cool thing about her is she doesn’t let fame go to her head.

Speaking of humble winners…  One of my favorite country boys won Celebrity Apprentice! I love how humble he always is, and after being runner-up to Piers Morgan 5 years ago, it was nice to see this boy shine:


And of course he makes awesome music. I’m loving his newest album that was just released last week.

Speaking of favorite country boys… One of my favorite country singers, Jake Owen, had to do a little improvisation at his May 17th show in Charleston, South Carolina while performing Van Halen’s “Jump”.

He was doing air splits (for lack of a better description) when he sang the chorus, and the crotch seam of his jeans gave way – front to back.  Normally this wouldn’t have been a huge issue, but he had decided to go commando that night.  Ahem.

He ended up having to use his t-shirt to create a makeshift cover so he could finish the set:


Good thing he’s been working hard at keeping himself in shape so he wouldn’t have to be shy about showing off his killer abs.  He later tweeted:  “going commando=bad idea. Although, great breeze here.”  Gotta love his sense of humor and how he took it all in stride. 

Whatever brand of jeans he was wearing probably won’t be relied on for future concerts.  Just sayin’.

Still speaking of favorite country boys… You regulars already know how much I love and admire Brad Paisley – well, he’s gone up a few more notches in my book, because he made a promise to one of his fans he met during a ‘meet and greet’.

A fan was stricken with pancreatic cancer and only had weeks to live – during his meet and greet with Brad Paisley, he gave one of his personal guitars to Brad, telling him if he was going to play it, he wanted him to keep it, and if he wasn’t going to play it, make sure to give it to someone else so it wouldn’t collect dust.

Paisley followed the instruction he was given – toward the end of recording his new album ‘Wheelhouse,’ he plays the guitar leads on ‘Officially Alive’ with that guitar.  As the album ends, it’s one of the last things you hear.

“He told me, he said, ‘I want this to live on,’” Paisley remembers. “So we ended the record with it.”

The terminally ill fan (who passed away last November) and his guitar are living on forever in music history. More proof that Brad Paisley is not only an awesome artist, but truly a stand-up guy.  And easy on the eyes:


That’s a wrap for this week – don’t forget, if you have fragmented or random thoughts more than once a week, you’re always welcome to join me for Random Tuesday Thoughts each week as well. Have a great weekend!


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Friday Fragments brought to you in part by Mrs. 4444’s (and be sure to roll your tongue when saying that):




More Friday Follow Fun:


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  1. Sounds like the Jake Owen concert goers got more than their money’s worth. 🙂

  2. That is hi-lar-ious about Jake Owen! And I agree, at least he had a good sense of humor about it. Yep, the jeans brand probably won’t be getting his endorsement. I hope you and your family have a fantabulous weekend!
    Dawn would like you to read ..Friday Fragments – Frag On!My Profile

  3. With Turbo’s birthday tomorrow, things are gearing up for a roller coaster ride for us here this weekend. The kid gets a three day birthday, what with friends and family and holiday and stuff.
    Hope your weekend is without clothing malfunction and with plenty of fun.
    VandyJ would like you to read ..Confession FridayMy Profile

  4. Brad Paisley is just adorable…

    That is hilarious about Mr. Owen’s jeans… Could you imagine being in the front row for THAT show? 🙂

    I loved Celebrity Apprentice finale. I really felt that Pen should have won, but how could you let Trace make it to the finals AGAIN & not let him win? I like how the 2 big guys respected each other.

    Now THATS a picture … if I was ever in that pose Kellie is in – call 911
    Rebecca Jo would like you to read ..Friday FragmentsMy Profile

  5. Brad Paisley is the real deal. Genuine gentleman.
    Okay, how did I miss Jake Owen????? You peaked my curiosity.
    Have a great weekend!
    Tami would like you to read ..Friday FragmentsMy Profile

    1. Okay, you can call me a ‘dirty ol’ woman’………but truly, I was NOT looking at the abs all that much. But, the bulges were nice. ;o)

      ADDENDUM; [added info 12:40 PM] Sorry, I shoulda posted what it is on my photo fragments today…it’s a wasp nest. And the size of it all was phenomenal!! About the size of a two loaf bread box! Abandoned tho, thank goodness.

  6. I noticed in that dancing pic that they were both barefoot. I’ve never danced barefoot but I don’t think I could use that as an excuse.
    Mr. crotchless country singer – I’m always a little suspect when stuff like that happens on stage. Was it part of the act? I read/heard (really I didn’t make it up) that a promoter PAID women to throw panties at Tom Jones.
    lisleman would like you to read ..fragments of past repliesMy Profile

  7. Hi Stacy, you sure have your finger on the pulse of everything that is happening!
    Thanks for the info about all the Friday fun. At one stage I tried to have one for each day of the week, but other activities got in the way.
    Jan would like you to read ..Friday FragmentsMy Profile

  8. Thanks for visiting my site today. Kelli and I loved “The Croods”. You really should go see it.

    Saw that dance by Kellie Pickler–awesome!!

    Loved the story about Brad Paisley.
    Cathy would like you to read ..Friday FragmentsMy Profile

  9. I was watching Dancing with the stars ON DEMAND whenever I had the notion too, and I got involved also because of Kelly Pickler. She’s such a cutie, and her story of her life touched me. This dance I missed because we’ve been on vacation, but I watched this & thank you by the way, it brought tears to my eyes. What a perfect, PERFECT form, and dance they both did and seeing tears in her husband’s eyes. WOW! They were great! Thanks for sharing, but I’m glad I read further to find out they got their just rewards and WON! Thanks girlfriend. It made my day. I really thought that little Disney star was going to make it, but don’t get me started on that. Oh & the jeans trick was awesome patching it with his Tee Shirt BWAHAHAHAHA!
    Xmasdolly would like you to read ..Riddle Me This (Linky), Flashback, Friendship, & Happy Aloha Friday!My Profile

  10. was thrilled when both Kelly and Trace won their season on relity tv and OMG could I get front row tickets to that Jake Owen show and tell performance wow. As for Brad he is a good man and what a beautiful thing he did
    becca would like you to read ..Write Your Heart Out 5-26-13My Profile

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