It’s a crazy, crazy world we live in. Yesterday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon was the epitome of crazy.
So sad. It goes without saying that I’ll be keeping all those affected in my thoughts and prayers.
Speaking of crazy… There’s been what I can only describe as bus driver roulette going on this year for poor Princess Nagger. She had a kind, caring, awesome bus driver from Kindergarten through last year, but for some reason this year she was assigned to a different bus.
Probably because she’s one of three kids that get on at the bus stop that’s practically across the street from our house (that’s convenient, isn’t it?). Up until this year, she was the only one who got on the bus every day, and one of two dropped off at the end of the day:
For whatever reason, the bus driver that started this school year quit after the first two weeks. Then we had a run of substitute drivers for a couple of months, which meant the bus was always late – anywhere from 10 minutes to 40-minutes late.
One of the substitutes was scatterbrained, constantly forgetting to turn on those all-important flashing lights, and one time even starting to drive away before the parents of the other kids finished crossing the street after depositing said kids on the bus, almost running them over.
Certainly not the kind of bus driver you want driving your precious cargo around.
We were relieved when it seemed that we finally got a permanent replacement bus driver for the duration of the school year (who was on time every day). Except recently, when the bus was 40-minutes late picking up and dropping off, we learned that he was out sick.
Only him being ‘out sick’ has now lasted more than a couple of weeks (and no word from the school’s transportation department), so we’re back to substitute scatterbrained mode.
Yesterday, not only was the bus late picking up, but she almost sped right past the house and the bus stop – good thing Princess Nagger and I always wave to her old bus driver as she drives by, because we thought it was her, only it was PN’s actual bus that was flying by.
I was able to make eye contact with the driver, threw my hands in the air like “Huh?” and she slammed on her brakes and came to a stop more than two houses down past the bus stop, but didn’t put on her flashing lights right away (so naturally the ignorant drivers going in the opposite direction kept driving past, prohibiting the 2 kids across the street to cross over).
The next 6-1/2 weeks are going to be interesting.
Speaking of interesting… have you seen K-Mart’s hilarious video? No? Well, I’m here to entertain you, so here you go:
I bet you’re laughing like a 12-year old boy, aren’t you?
Speaking of funny… This was posted on Facebook yesterday and cracked me up:
That’s a wrap for this week – link up and join in the fun, everyone is welcome, random or not. Be sure to visit your fellow randomizers so they don’t feel so lonely.
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Keeping the random alive – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:
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I’m also linking up with two stellar ladies, Shawn and Impulsive, the lovely hosts of Talk To Us Tuesday. There are no rules so link away.
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I would be so pissed off about the bus driver situation. I hope you’ve called the school and yelled at somebody. And I must admit, I just laughed out loud at that K-Mart commercial. That’s funny!
Gretchen would like you to read ..RTT: Hashtag, Batman and Helpful Hints
You’re right, the Boston Marathon tragedy is crazy. So, so sad. Hopefully, fingers crossed, the bus situation gets fixed soon. I laughed out loud at that car decal pic.
Terra Heck would like you to read ..Random Tuesday Thoughts – Prom and Birthday
So sad to hear about the Boston tradagdy. I too will be annoyed with the bus arrangements which you have been having. Hope it resolves soon.
Dominique Goh would like you to read ..Pre Mother’s Day Giveaway- (US) ends 9th May
Hope the bus driver debacle finally comes to a happy end. That can be quite unnerving to a young one…not to mention how it makes mom and dad feel.
Good luck
I am watching the news now… no words – so horrible….
I can’t even imagine how frustrating the bus situation is for you and the princess…
Hilary would like you to read ..what a weekend….
It is a crazy world OK, and some of it is crazy in a very unpleasant way.
Thanks for an interesting and stimulating post.
LOL, looks like Daddy has two wives!
LOL; the extra stick figure sticker is awesome; I really don’t like those things, any more than I like Honor Roll stickers, etc. Personally, I think it’s too braggy and revealing. But maybe I just don’t want any old stranger knowing each member of my family!
Claire would like you to read ..Random (Talk to us) Tuesday – Random indeed
I shared some random thoughts about Boston too. 🙁
I have seen those Kmart ads and shared them too. So freaking funny!
That bus driver situation sounds so MADDENING!!! I would be furious! Go get your chauffeur permit so you can drive those kids around safely and on time!
Great post. My thoughts and prayers go to all those affected in the Boston bombings. And how sad that a delegation from Newtown CT was there to run for those who died. It is all so heartbreaking. Thanks for the lighter side – that add was great.
Meryl would like you to read ..Neuromania, Neuromyths and Neuroscience
I was shocked to see the incidents in Boston yesterday.
Your bus troubles make me kind of glad we live close to the school.
Yep, my inner 12 year old is definitely giggling over that Kmart video.
VandyJ would like you to read ..Random ish Tuesday–Where Did Spring Depart To?
The terror in Boston was felt by all and prayers are certainly going up.
Yikes, substitute bus drivers! You know, school bus drivers aren’t what they use to be. Granted, we had this one crazy preacher bus driver when I was a kid who must have either hated his job or us kids. He literally preached at us every day, saying if we didn’t change we were headed straight to hell. What a scare tactic that was, but we all knew it was true that is if we really didn’t change. But, what kid wants to hear that outside the church? lol
The stick people decal is a hoot. That would be a great trick to play on a neighbor. =D
Thanks for hosting another week of random!
That sticker is hilarious.
And the stuff in Boston is heartbreaking. It’s nice to see all the people who were helping after the explosions though. A little light on this horrific event.
Kendra would like you to read ..RTT: Candy Crush, Dignity and Ladders
Ah, the ol’ bus driver issues. We had our fair share of them when I was a kid. In particular, a driver who was well-known in town for having a fondness for alcoholic beverages, if you know what I mean… Can’t say I ever thought he was actually *drunk* while driving our bus, but there were mornings when he was bleary-eyed, and we caught him a few times nodding off behind the wheel. On those days, some of the older boys on the bus would sit right behind him and talk to him all the way to school (about an hour’s drive from where I lived.)
The best part? He’s STILL driving a bus to this day. Gotta love small towns, eh? -_-
Jill would like you to read ..Finding light in times of darkness.
The Boston Marathon bombing bothers me. So senseless. I changed what I was going to post. Just didn’t feeling like trying to share anything funny. I’ve shared the Kmart ad and most everyone gets a laugh. The family sticker one is funny. Guessing the husband put the extra one in the picture. This couple must have a good sense of humor or someone might have many questions.
lisleman would like you to read ..senseless violence bothers me
Okay, yes – I laughed like a 12-year-old boy at the Kmart commercial.
Thank you for that. Yesterday was…strange for me and I needed the giggle.
Jan’s Sushi Bar would like you to read ..Polls, Trolls and Dietary Fat
OMG!! That video is awesome! And followed by that funny picture.. That is awesome.
That sticker thing is hilarious. Jake takes the bus home from school because it’s the first stop so he gets home as early as he would if I picked him up but if he had to take the bus in he’d have to be at the bus stop at 6:30 and he doesn’t even wake up until 6:50. They have the kids outside early here!
❤ Julie Maloney ❤ (Momspective) would like you to read ..Controlled Chaos – Doesn’t Feel So Controlled Lately
That bus driver would get an earful from me! It’s hard to keep the good drivers, though. The pay just isn’t worth the stress, unfortunately!
It’s such a rough week. The Marathon is a big deal and now I wonder if it will continue?
Mary/kyooty would like you to read ..Tuesday strikes again, It’s not so Random now
Wow! the bus driver situation is scary. I do hope it gets better..
Reshama would like you to read ..The Two Cars
Oh the stick family addition is priceless! I love the new SHIP!!!!
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