Pajama Day, Easter Snafu, April Fool’s Day for Friday Fragments Fun
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Pajama Day, Easter Snafu, April Fool’s Day for Friday Fragments Fun

Is it just me or are the weeks flying by faster than ever?  I’m way behind on things I thought I’d have done this week, like blog comments and replies and emails and photo sorting and winemaking.  So much to do, so little time.  Last Friday Princess Nagger’s class earned a Pajama Day – she…

LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap Dispenser System and The Kid Who Touches Everything Contest

LYSOL No-Touch Hand Soap Dispenser System and The Kid Who Touches Everything Contest

Kids tend to be messy.  Case in point: That was only one of many messy moments that Princess Nagger had, and to date she hasn’t slowed down in the messy mode.  She’s not your typical girly-girl, she loves digging in the dirt – you know, trying to find dinosaur bones.  I love that she’s adventurous…

Easter Egg Decorating Fun Part One
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Easter Egg Decorating Fun Part One

Easter Egg decorating has been hit-and-miss over the years – the ‘miss’ part being when I boiled a dozen eggs and we completely forgot  to decorate them.  Last year we remembered, but ended up doing them the night before Easter, which wreaked havoc on bedtimes (read: late bedtimes equals a very sleepy Easter Bunny having…

Spring Snow, Easter Egg Teaser, Tulip Destructo Kitty and Purple Day: RTT Rebel
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Spring Snow, Easter Egg Teaser, Tulip Destructo Kitty and Purple Day: RTT Rebel

Here we are fast approaching the end of March, and we finally sort of got the snow we’d been waiting for all winter long: After we got about four inches, the temperature rose and the sun kept playing peek-a-boo through the clouds and random flurries, so it melted down pretty quickly – thwarting plans to…

Over You like a Freight Train the Highway Don’t Care, but they’ll Shed Their Fear – You’re Gonna Miss This as I Walk The Line
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Over You like a Freight Train the Highway Don’t Care, but they’ll Shed Their Fear – You’re Gonna Miss This as I Walk The Line

Where on earth did the weekend go?  Seems like just yesterday was Friday – I apparently blinked Saturday and Sunday away.  At least with the arrival of Monday we also get to enjoy some great music – after all, music makes the world go ’round, right?  I know the actual phrase is love makes the…

(CLOSED) Sid The Science Kid: The Movie Premieres TOMORROW (March 25th) on PBS!
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(CLOSED) Sid The Science Kid: The Movie Premieres TOMORROW (March 25th) on PBS!

Tomorrow is a big day for fans of Jim Henson’s Sid the Science Kid – it’s the premiere of the 90-minute Sid the Science Kid: The Movie!   Sid the Science Kid airs on PBS and is an educational series for preschoolers with a focus on science and exploration.  This will be the first time…

Foggy Brain Friday Fragments with Fun Trivia
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Foggy Brain Friday Fragments with Fun Trivia

Do you ever have those days where your brain is in a fog and your motivational factor is null and void?  That’s pretty much how this week has been.  I haven’t quite put my finger on the ‘why’ yet, I’m sure it’s a combination of still adjusting to the time difference, the hubby’s new schedule…