Here we are, the fourth day of the New Year. For those of you who make resolutions, how’s that going for you so far?
I used to be all into the resolution making, determined to keep those resolutions no matter what. Now, not so much. Mostly because I always set the bar way too high for myself, then felt like a failure when I didn’t accomplish all of the resolutions made. So now I’m not going to set myself up for failure – that’s no way to start a new year, right?
Instead, I take the pressure off myself and my high expectations by having random mental ‘resolutions’ in my head – if they come to fruition, score.
Which brings me to this weeks question(s):
Do you make New Year Resolutions for yourself, and how does that work out for you? Or are you going to wing it in the New Year like I am?
Have a great weekend!
Kailani’s had her plate full and hasn’t had the linky up the last couple of months for Aloha Friday, so I’m bringing back the Friday Free For All I used to have available for you – link up if you’re participating in Aloha Friday or just link up so I can easily come pay you a visit:
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Happy Aloha Friday!
From Kailani at An Island Life:
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So on Fridays let’s take it easy on posting, too. Ask a simple question…nothing that requires a lengthy response. It’s a great way to make new blogging friends!
More Friday Follow Fun:
Hi Stacy, I agree with you that we should set realistic goals. So in the end we can feel that we did a good job. And for the next year we can our goals to next possible level. Good luck on your resolutions for the year.
Connor Harley would like you to read ..7 Hot Businesses Today
I must honor my resolution this year & that’s to try & exercise more and lose 75 lbs. this year, but I would be happy with another 50. Wish me luck & I’ll pass the word about your Aloha Friday linky. That’s so so nice of you because everyone is doing it anyway!… oooo I’ll put it on my post. I’m off to change it. Have a great weekend. See you Monday!
Xmasdolly would like you to read ..Flashback Friendship Uncorked Aloha Friday
Happy New Year to you Stacy! I’m so glad Dolly shared about your new link-up. It will e a good chance to connect with one another! 🙂
I used to have long lists of resolutions like everyone else but not anymore. I do usually have a few goals for the new year – but for the past several years I’ve been taking the “One Word” approach to things and it has really worked out well for me! So – I got a little “piggy” this week and linked up twice – once w/Friendship Friday (which has my weekly questions) – and once with my special One Word link up (since it is related to YOUR question!)
Happy New Year to you and your family. Look forward to catching up on the adventures of Princess Nagger (and that cat post I saw when I stopped by!)
What are some of your mental resolution these 2013. I love that you have shared these topic.
Tracyann0312 would like you to read ..Glock accessories
You know what my resolution is this year, one random act of kindness every single day. I’ve been doing really well with this one for a change.
I don’t really remember ever doing resolutions, I am sure I have tried it once or twice but for the most part I wing it through life,probably not the best approach but it is how we do things 🙂
Lucy would like you to read ..Sweeeeet!
I usually do wing it, but this year I made some “missions” via Spin Cycle for 2013. I hope I can accomplish the missions I set for myself!
Ginny Marie would like you to read ..Mission 2013
I’ve made a resolution to make no resolutions this year.
It’s working like a charm. 🙂
Jan’s Sushi Bar would like you to read ..Hot Italian Sausage
I make less grand promises to myself, not resolutions. I’m better at keeping the promises.
VandyJ would like you to read ..I Confess
I haven’t written anything down concrete. I need to work on commitment to myself.
Mary/kyooty would like you to read ..Good Bye 2012
I don’t make resolutions especially in January. I basically review goals and create a vision board.
Tomika B would like you to read ..Have You Met My Super Hero!
This is my first week and I’m having FUN!!!! Thanks for letting me participate! Great place you have here!
Jennifer would like you to read ..Orange You Glad It’s Friday?
I went from making resolution to setting goals.
Aloha Friday and Happy New Year!!
Lynn would like you to read ..Ramble On/Good-bye 2012..Hello 2013
I’m not into the resolution thing this year.
Happy New Year!
Harriet would like you to read ..Have you seen Les Miserables?
I can’t ever remember keeping a resolution I made so I stopped years ago. But that doesn’t stop me from trying to accomplish the same things each year. The turn of the calendar doesn’t inspire me but when I reach the bottom I tend to push forward from there.
This year I would like to Face My Fears and for me it is about making all those doctors appointments that I tend to put off.
Happy New Year and all the best to you in 2013!
Debby Pucci would like you to read ..CHRISTMAS AT THE {PUCCI’S} 2012
I don’t ever make resolutions, but goals? Do that weekly! This year, I’m working making them for the year, then break them down. No one ever accomplishes “resolutions” 🙂
Gina B would like you to read ..Review: “Smart Chefs Stay Slim”
nope i gave up on them because I never kept them so now I make small goals to accomplish each week or month i keep it simple
becca would like you to read ..Friday Confessional 12-4-12
Hovering hubby…I have so been there..I am so with you….wait…I am there right now! 🙂
let’s meet for a girls night 🙂
Harriet would like you to read ..Have you seen Les Miserables?
I usually do, but not this year. I never end up following through anyway.
Shanna would like you to read ..Toddler Tweets