Tuesday has arrived. It seems like just yesterday was Monday. Oh wait, it was. One week ago today I was jetting off to Chicago for the Real Whirled House – it was so much fun and touring Whirlpool was beyond educational.
You’re going to have to wait a little for that, though, I still need to download the seventy-billion pictures I took and carve some time to write all about it. I’m still inundated with trying to get all caught up – it’s like swimming upstream. But it’s coming. I promise.
Speaking of Chicago… Do any of you watch Chicago Fire? I’m really enjoying it, especially since there’s some nice eye candy on there:
The show is excellent – so much so that apparently a news station didn’t get the memo there was filming going on, and started to report the small airplane crash as news. They showed images of the accident while telling viewers to bear with them as they tried to get information. After noting that one wing was knocked off, the anchors got word the crash wasn’t real — much to their obvious dismay. It’s actually pretty comical, here’s the news segment for you:
Christmas is in the air… Have you gotten your Christmas shopping done yet? Or even started? How about those of you celebrating Chanukah starting this weekend? I’m still working on getting final gifts for the kids and the hubby – hopefully the hubby won’t end up buying the things that I have thought of as good gifts for him, since he’s extremely hard to buy for. I keep asking for a list, and he keeps conveniently forgetting to make a list for me. There’s a reason he’s referred to as the Absent Minded Professor.
Princess Nagger has a long list this year, though she’ll have to understand that it’s impossible to get her everything. One thing she knows she’ll have to wait until 2013 for is the Lego Minecraft:
Apparently they’re a hot commodity this year – they’re sold out everywhere, including on Lego’s site itself. The only ones available are the ridiculously overpriced ones on Amazon and eBay – more than three times the original price. Patience in this case is more than a virtue – it’s a wise choice to salvage the budget.
One thing that’s definitely at the top of Princess Nagger’s list is the FurReal Friends Baby Butterscotch:
At least that is a possibility since they’re not sold out everywhere (yet). I’m still kicking myself for not getting her the giant one that was out a couple of years ago – we had already gotten her ‘big’ Christmas present that year when she spied them, so it wasn’t in the budget – but they’ve since been discontinued, you can only find those used for way more than they were brand new. And at least with this one she won’t grow too big for it.
Have you seen the Toys R Us commercial for the new one? It’s hilarious:
I better not show that to the hubby, though, he’s afraid of horses. I know, right? When he was a young boy, he was giving a sugar cube to a horse – but no one explained that with the horse’s teeth being the way they are, you have to feed them by way of an open palm, or your fingers get pinched in the process. Needless to say, the horse bit him and instilled the fear in him henceforth.
He’ll even lock the car doors as we drive past a horse pasture, and asked once what sound a horse makes before they attack. His silly comments are a source of constant entertainment. So naturally anything ‘horse’ we have to get – just to annoy him.
I just might get Christmas cards out this year, though my planning and execution are lacking severely. We never got around to getting family photos taken, so I created these online through RiteAid as a last minute thing:
Since the picture of the kids in front of Mt. Rushmore were individual pics, I had to PhotoShop Little Dude into the picture with Princess Nagger. But it works. Definitely ‘non traditional’ but better than nothing, right? I suppose I better remember to go pick them up so I can actually get them mailed out. Hopefully they’ll arrive at their destination before New Year. Ahem.
My birthday is coming up on Sunday – it’s a big one, so I’ll be putting together something fun for the occasion – my usual Wino/Non-Wino giveaway that’s become an annual event – stay tuned for that. That’s a wrap for week – link up and join in the fun. Everyone is welcome, random or not.
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Keeping the random alive – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:
And one for my non-wino friends:
I’m also linking up with two stellar ladies, Shawn and Impulsive, the lovely hosts of Talk To Us Tuesday. There are no rules so link away.

More Tuesday hops – if you’re stopping by here from there, please do me a favor and follow via LinkyFollowers – since I was robbed of my GFC followers when the cads at Goggle decided to boycott non-Blogger blogs.

I have only barely begun Christmas shopping! I have MUCH to do. Nor have I gotten it together for the Christmas cards. I’m pretty impressed with the ones you made! And you Photoshopped! You are industrious.
Gretchen would like you to read ..RTT: Half-lit Pre-lit, Yoko Voice and Lice
Thank you, Gretchen! And I’m glad to know I’m not alone in the much to do department…here’s hoping we both get it all done in a timely manner! 🙂
I LOVE that eBay commercial! Makes me kinda thankful I never did get that pony as a kid. 🙂
From the Real Whirled and now back to the Real World, it’s been a blast!
Melissa Cleaver would like you to read ..GIVEAWAY ~ Once You Receive a Hickory Farms Gift Basket, the Holidays Can Officially Begin ~ ARV $46
I love that commercial too – and am glad I didn’t get that pony as a kid! And yeah, it’s definitely been tough transitioning back into the ‘real world’ from the ‘Real Whirled’… 😉 Thanks for stopping by, Melissa! 🙂
I do love the Lego mine craft and the pony. It is good to have it these Christmas for the kids. Thank you for sharing it.
Tracyann0312 would like you to read ..police tactical gear
Any time, Tracy – they sure have some cool toys for kids compared to when I was a kid! 😀
Someone just told me about that fake plane crash and the not-so-bright news crew. That’s too funny. I DID manage to get my Christmas cards out this weekend. It was an amazing feat!
The video of the news media reporting the Hollywood film shoot is funny. I cannot believe a memo wasn’t sent out. What an embarrassing moment, but a instant laughs for the world wide web. =D
I think I have all of my shopping done. Yay! I just have to get out the gifts to make 100% sure everyone is accounted for. Being a 365-day shopper, I put stuff away and forget. Well, we have a list but with the computer crash incident and still in the process of making sure everything is back in place then I haven’t pulled that file to double check it. That being said, I know it’s not updated anyhow. *sigh*
Oh well, thanks for hosting Random Tuesday Thoughts!
I laughed and laughed and laughed at the news casters and the fake crash – AND your hubby’s fear of horses. Sorry about that last one.
Jan’s Sushi Bar would like you to read ..RTT: Sex and The College Boy
I totally need a reason to be random today! Loved meeting you last week! Thanks for hosting!
Nony (A Slob Comes Clean) would like you to read ..Random Thoughts Tuesday
Turbo hasn’t seen the Minecraft Lego set yet. It would be high on his list if he had I’m sure. He’s obsessed with that silly game.
I’ll be lucky if our far more generic cards get out in time to be New Year’s cards.
VandyJ would like you to read ..Random Tuesday
i am so bad this year Christmas is 3 weeks away and i’ve only bought 1 gift
becca would like you to read ..Sniffle and Sneezes Oh My!!
So much to love here!!! I love the Holiday decor you’ve added which so nicely sets the tone. And I LOVE the commercial – thanks for the laughs. Have a great week and thanks, too, for hosting.
Meryl would like you to read ..Graphic Novels and Critical Thinking: A Piagetian Application for the Classroom
I’m so relieved to say that I’m very close to being done my Christmas shopping! I only have a few little odds & ends that will have to be picked up closer to the “big day”. I got almost all of it done on-line and at Wal-Mart last weekend. Phewf!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!! 🙂
Jill would like you to read ..Tuesday 10: My favourite Christmas tunes… + A Giveaway!
Happy soon-to-be birthday to you! Can’t wait to see what you cook up for it!
My youngest daughter wants a pony and even asked Santa one the other day when she sat on his lap. Santa told her “Ponies don’t do so well in the sleigh. It gets real cold for them and they don’t travel well.”
She quickly changed her request to a My Little Pony. 😀 *phew*
Run DMT would like you to read ..Random Thoughts about a Dirty Girl, Feeling like Alice, a New Challenge and Track Tuesday
Forgot to say that I loved the commercial too!
Run DMT would like you to read ..Random Thoughts about a Dirty Girl, Feeling like Alice, a New Challenge and Track Tuesday
Oh my goodness, that little horse is adorable! It’s crazy to believe that those legos are all sold out, do you remember when it was tickle me elmo? Geeze. LOL! Christmas shopping is stressful!
Also, thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂
Miss Angie would like you to read ..Flash Sales, Parties, Wine, and More!
Great post! I found you from the Tuesday Train blog hop on My Mad Mind’s blog. My son also wants a toy I can’t seem to find. Ninja Turtles seem to be big this year.
Amusing Miss would like you to read ..Where are you Donatello?
That pony commercial cracks me up. I always wanted one when I was little and my Pops always said hell no, they’re a pain in the ass! This is proof why he was right! 😉
That’s hilarious about the local news. They’re way too excited about the idea of a crash. Our local news is pretty bumbling too-I could see them doing something like that!
Mrs. Match would like you to read ..TTUT-Nursery Updates
I live in Chicago and had heard that show was really good. I will go back through On Demand and look for it. That news clip was humorous! I love your Christmas card. PN and LD as soooo cute! I miss younger kids…sometimes 😉
Gina would like you to read ..Random Is The Only Way Today
The first time I saw a Chicago Fire premiere I immediately wanted to watch it but my hubs saw me drooling over the guys and made fun of me so I never DVR’d it and I’m secretly regretting it. That’s terrible yet hilarious about that news station.
Julie From Momspective would like you to read ..Random Tuesday Thoughts – From Life to Death
I am SO envious of your photoshop skills!!!
Never watched Chicago Fire, too many firefighters in the family that said it was so unrealistic and not close to truth. But I love the eye candy! 🙂
Marvi Marti would like you to read ..TTUT ~ OMG? Seriously?
The week really has gone by fast! My daughter wants Butterscotch too. I told the inlaws that they could get it for her if they’d like to. My DH used to be afraid of horses too because he was kicked by one. Men are such wimps, lol You just reminded me that I need to get the ball rolling on our cards to be sent out – eek!
Storm, the Psychotic Housewife would like you to read ..Random Thoughts Tuesday – Still Stalking UPS
I won’t show my son the Lego Minecraft, because he would not want to wait for Christmas.
Chicago Fire looks hot!
Tina would like you to read ..Randoms
Love the card! I admit to procuring a minecraft set from ebay, but got $10 off with bill me later and really only spent about $15 more than if it was available on lego.com….but here’s the thing-it came shipped from lego, with me in the shipping address and the “seller in the buyer section! I called them for an explanation and really didn’t get a very good one. That was a couple of months ago and I have been meaning to call several more times, but moved on (well, sort of obviously)! My only sanity was that the guy was not a big seller on ebay, must’ve just gotten lucky. Did you see that on ebay they were also selling the secret for how to get a set! Ugh!
Andrea would like you to read ..Random Reallys?
My husband is the worst at getting a list together!
Stacie would like you to read ..Tipsy Tuesday (#194)
Ok first off, never heard of the show. Jealous you got to go to Chi-town though because I love Chicago! And I love your new header! Do you do them yourself or have them done??
Nicole would like you to read ..Christmas Spirit
I’m definitely looking forward all the photos from your trip. Sounds like it was amazing and fun! I haven’t gone on any trips, but I can sympathize with the whole “swimming upstream”. I can’t get anything done!
I totally missed the fac that there are Minecraft Legos! J-Man would love them too. Filing that idea away for his birthday.
Loved the pony commercial!
You’re way ahead of me on the Christmas cards. I haven’t even ordered mine yet.
Sorry I’m so late commenting! If I didn’t have to leave work early today because the kids are sick, then I probably wouldn’t have been able to comment until next week.
Elle would like you to read ..A Few Minutes Later and I Would Have to Call this What the Hell Thursday