It’s Thanksgiving week – which means today is Princess Nagger’s Friday (something she’s very happy about) and tomorrow I’ll be working on getting all my ‘make ahead’ items made ahead to reduce the amount of time spent in the kitchen on Thursday so I can kick back and relax. At least that’s the plan. We’ll see if it actually comes to fruition. You know what they say “Best laid plans…”
It got ungodly cold again, and wouldn’t you know it, the furnace decided it simply did not want to work anymore. The hubby did all he could to try to coax it back to life, but alas, it wasn’t to be. Murphy’s Law – it was working perfectly fine after he dried it out before firing it up after our basement was flooded compliments of Hurricane Sandy, but stopped working sometime Sunday evening. Oh joy.
I wondered why I was feeling a cold draft coming from the heat vents – the furnace was on but just pushing cold air from the basement through the house. We have the furnace dude coming today, so hopefully it won’t be a major pain and we’ll have heat again soon. Fun times.
Speaking of fun times… Princess Nagger had a great birthday – she got almost everything she asked for (shhh – don’t tell her a couple things she asked for I got but am waiting to give them to her for Christmas since once again I went a little overboard buying her gifts). Since things were hectic and I was running out of time for making and decorating her cake, I decided to delegate it to the bakery at our local grocery store. Remember her drawing of the dragon eye? Here it is in color:
Since she added scars above and below the eyeball, we decided to do a regular cake with the drawing in frosting. This is how the bakery did the cake:
The red and yellow are supposed to be scales in case you’re wondering. Princess Nagger was quite happy with it, so that’s what counts:
I took pictures of her opening every single gift, but won’t subject you to them all. Here are the highlights instead:
I forgot to take a picture of her holding her new Furby after she unwrapped it, but thought it was hilarious when she put it down for a nap later using a napkin as a blanket:
Speaking of cool gifts… I found the perfect gift for me for Christmas – though it’s not quite in the budget, unfortunately (anyone want to donate to my wino fund?):
Yes, you’re seeing what you think you’re seeing – it’s a wine dispenser. A Skybar WP0550 ONE 1-Chamber Wine Preservation System to be exact. I think Michele needs something like this, too. They do have them for 3 bottles of wine at a time, but that’s of course triple the cost which puts it way out of the realm of possibilities. One can dream though, right? I better start saving my pennies.
Speaking of crazy… (OK, so maybe not ‘crazy’, but I couldn’t come up with an appropriate adjective, so just go with it). Princess Nagger and I were watching 2 Broke Girls last week (don’t judge – she’s 10 going on 30, and most of the innuendos thankfully go right over her head). We both agreed we had to pause and take a picture of the following:
Notice the Closed sign on the door? It’s normal with “Sorry we’re Closed”. When the guy flips it over to the ‘Open’ side, doesn’t it normally say “Welcome, we’re Open”? Normally… but not this time:
It says “Sorry, we’re Open”. Sorry? We cracked up – and Princess Nagger said I had to blog about it. So there you go.
Speaking (again) of crazy… (for real this time) we added 2 more kittens to our menagerie. See? Told you it was crazy for real this time. We found these cuties on Craigslist:
That was the picture posted on Craigslist (her camera date stamp was wrong). We thought they were funny because with the markings on their heads, they look like they’re wearing toupees. 2 of them are now part of our family. I’m going to save that whole story (and more pics) for tomorrow’s post, so you’ll have to wait.
That’s a wrap for week – link up and join in the fun. Everyone is welcome, random or not. And for those who celebrate, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
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Keeping the random alive – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:
And one for my non-wino friends:
I’m also linking up with two stellar ladies, Shawn and Impulsive, the lovely hosts of Talk To Us Tuesday. There are no rules so link away.

More Tuesday hops – if you’re stopping by here from there, please do me a favor and follow via LinkyFollowers – since I was robbed of my GFC followers when the cads at Goggle decided to boycott non-Blogger blogs.

It seems that she is very happy to her birthday. Another birthday greeting you may give to her. Thanks.
Tracyann0312 would like you to read ..כלי מטבח
Happy Birthday sweetie!!! Looks like you had a great day!
what cute kittens… they remind me of baby Alex (if only I knew him them)
I am sorry about your furnance… Believe me… I feel your pain / chill
Hilary would like you to read ..Images on television don’t prepare you
Love the cake! (Not that I had any doubts). Ah, ten…such awesome presents. Sleep tight Furby!
Andrea would like you to read ..Random zoo
The cake turned out wonderful. I love it. Is that Warcraft? The kitties are adorable.
kyooty would like you to read ..14 Things I Don’t Miss from Childhood
Oh my gosh her cake is beyond amazing!!
I can’t believe you actually noticed the “sorry we are open” sign, hahaha, well spotted! I do love that show, I’ll have to see if I can spot that too.
How cute are your new kittens!
I have been in Furby hell. My kids each want one for Christmas and every single shop (toyshops, departement stores, supermarkets,…) is SOLD OUT!!! Luckily after a loooooooong search I found some decent priced ones on Ebay. You see some buggers decided to buy all the stock and then sell them on so much more expensive! Grrrr. Anyway…they will get one after all, those Furbies better be worth the trouble!
daisy would like you to read ..Get excited for Christmas: ten favorite pins
I do need one of those. “Vacuum technology preserves an open bottle of wine for up to 10 days” Who’s open bottles last 10 days? Not mine!
Looks like PN had a great party. More kittahs?
Congratulations on her birthday – I always feel its the parents who should get the presents!!! Still, she looks wonderfully happy! Thanks for hosting and enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday.
Meryl would like you to read ..Slam Poetry… Was Homer’s Iliad the First Slam Poem? [Great teaching points and background]
Happy Happy Thanksgiving! FANTASTIC cake! She looks SO happy about it!
Lauryn would like you to read ..Italian Peppers and Spinach Quiche
I think the cake turned out pretty well, considering the design.
Claire would like you to read ..Random (Talk to us) Tuesday – Busy Bee, TTL HWT, Vacation Time, Over it
I had a whole random post in my draft, but decided to post it next week because I realized my last post was an RTT as well. 😀 hahaha
Belated happy birthday to PN! So, she’s into dragons now? My 4 year old is still not over his love for dinos. 😛
I’ve seen a couple of episodes of 2 Broke Girls, still have not decided whether I love it or hate it though.. 😛
It’s weird, by my grandma’s neighbor has a cat that looks kind of like the ones on the photo, it looks like he has hair parted in the middle, I thought it was cute and odd at the same time, I should remember to take a photo when I visit my grandma this weekend.. 😛
Have a happy week ahead Stacy! 😀
Ane would like you to read ..Random Tuesday Thoughts: Annoying, Squeaky, Clean and Random Stuff
I love Princess Naggers cake! So glad she had a great birthday!
We are total Two Broke Girl fans and I loved last weeks show. Love the sign, I didn’t catch that while watching.
Hope you get your heat back today.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Heather’s Happenings would like you to read ..Stuck Again And Some Random
Boo to the non working furnace. That stinks. Here’s hoping that it’s a relatively inexpensive fix.
Looks like PN had a fabulous birthday!
Those cats are pretty cute. Looking forward to checking them out tomorrow between cleaning and brining the bird.
Happy Birthday PN! Love the cake. Is that an Easy Bake Oven?! I want an Easy Bake Oven! I remember mine fondly. And what World of Warcraft is that? Is it a PC game? Jude might be intrigued.
I am not doing RTT for the first time in about 120 years, and it’s a little freaky. Blame Thanksgiving!
Gretchen would like you to read ..The Thanksgiving Plan
Those toupe wearing kittens are so cute. Congrats on your newest family members!
Love that you had a cake made based off princess’s drawing. That is really sweet! Tots jealous of her easy bake oven. I always wanted one!
Happy Birthday to your precious daughter! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Gabby would like you to read ..Goats
Great pictures—I love the colors on the cake!
Jessica would like you to read ..Small Business Saturday, November 24th
I love how the bakery was able to turn the picture into such a neat cake! Looks like she had a wonderful birthday!
Heidi would like you to read ..Lose Weight During The Holidays With Diet Doc – Review And Giveaway
Wow, PN’s dragon eye cake turned out amazingly well! She must’ve been thrilled! Your girl is full of character, that’s for sure 🙂
That wine dispenser looks like a Keurig. But for wine. I love my Keurig. I KNOW I would love this too. hee hee!
Hoping your furance man gets you all fixed up and toasty warm ASAP! 🙂
Jill would like you to read ..I have so many things to say today.
I’ve been wanting kitties SO BAD lately but the hubs can stand cats so it’s going to have to be good enough to play with my neighbors. Congrats!
Julie From Momspective would like you to read ..Random Tuesday – One Thought At A Time (linky)
Awww…what pretty kitties! We added to our menagerie as well this week!
Zane has the exact same Imaginext dragon, and he loves his, so Princess Nagger will adore hers as well.
Now I want a Furby…
Tina from NJAMB! would like you to read ..Randomitis
I watch Two Broke Girls, too. It is my silly, guilty pleasure. I saw the same thing and LOL. Great pictures as always. I’m lame today. Sorry if I embarrass you.
Gina would like you to read ..Lame Butt Randomness
The cake definitely came out awesome – they did a great job! It looks like PN raked in the goodies, for sure. 😉 Too funny at the Furby!
Wait, a bottle of wine lasts more than one sitting? lol 😉 The new additions look adorable – we’ve been contemplating adding another one to the insanity here. Can’t resist the cuteness!
Storm, the Psychotic Housewife would like you to read ..Random Thoughts Tuesday – Anyone Need Some Of Our Rain?
That is the BEST that you had her drawing made into a cake!!
She’s a good Furby Mama, I see, lol.
Happy Birthday to you daughter. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Rosey would like you to read ..My Blue Ribbon Hubby
Help us with our campaign to help Hurricane Sandy Victims in the Rockaways, NY
fIRST of all I don’t think anyone likes me. Every time I sign up my name isn’t on the list 🙁 Also, will you adopt me??? You give the greatest birthday parties, presents and especially cake! The smiles are totally priceless on your little princess & I truly believe the part about what was it 10 going on 30? LOL Love the signs in the store windows. I had to go tell Dave. Too funny! You should be like me and have a heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning man live next door & we’re buddies. Hope it was a minor fix and you’re all warm & toastie! Happy Turkey Day! Oh & love the cats with the toupees. Maybe you could dye them red for a while… the toupees that is… no blue like Katy Perry!
Xmasdolly would like you to read ..SHOW OFF TUESDAYS. SHOW ME YOUR GIVE-AWAYS & REVIEWS!
Glad to hear Princess Nagger had a blast on her birthday. I love the cake you got for her.
Sarah Park would like you to read ..11 Reasons Why People Never Make Money Online
I saw a similar wine preservation at BJs the other day and thought it was so cool!
That cake came out perfect! Looks like she had a wonderful day!
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