Embarrassing Princess Nagger about Monthly Maintenance thanks to U by Kotex Tween

Embarrassing Princess Nagger about Monthly Maintenance thanks to U by Kotex Tween

Poor Princess Nagger.  As she speeds towards her next milestone birthday where she’ll officially be a Tween, I keep regaling her with everything she’ll be expecting as she grows and transforms into a woman.  She is not amused. We’ve already geared up to have the talk, initiated the talk, covered how to be prepared for…

Doing a Happy Dance Thanks to Maytag!  #MaytagMoms

Doing a Happy Dance Thanks to Maytag! #MaytagMoms

For once in my life, I am speechless. Literally and figuratively. I’m sure you’re wondering why, right? Well, it’s because I now have major Maytag awesomeness in my kitchen: And the new dishwasher that was patiently waiting in our living room for installation: Has now replaced this old monstrosity: and is now nestled in its…