Can you believe it’s the last week of August already?  I love fall, so I’m looking forward to that, at least.  If it means finally getting rid of this annoying humidity, I’m all for summer coming to an end sooner rather than later.  Apologies to those who thrive in the heat and humidity for my wishing fall would arrive at the speed of light.

When Princess Nagger got home from her first day of school last week, with a flourish she mentioned that she had been called to the Principal’s office.  I know, right?  After pausing for dramatic effect, she said “He just wanted to give me a hug.  I’m popular.” 

The principal is very nice and cares about each of the kids in this not-so-small school.  He even gives them a chance to dunk him in the dunking booth during the fall festival each year, and lets the class that wins the most collected Box Tops for Education pummel him with water balloons on the last day of school.  It’s sad this is Princess Nagger’s last year there.  Hopefully her next school will have an equally awesome Principal.

So far she’s been enjoying school – at least the first three days. Day four was apparently the worst day ever, because she wore her fox ears to school and, in her words, the other kids ‘mocked’ her.  Poor thing.  More on that tomorrow.

I’m sure the other thing that made it the ‘worst day ever’ was because she had a dentist appointment looming over her head at the end of the day, to have a filling replaced that had fallen out.  She was in her usual Drama Queen mode in the dentist chair, dissolving into tears before anything even started:

Poor thing.  Even wearing her fox ears didn’t help alleviate her stress.  Luckily the dentist is amazingly patient, and had her calmed down in no time.  Plus, it was a surface cavity that she didn’t need to have her gums numbed for the filling.  I don’t know about you, but those darn needles they use to numb your gums is what usually hurts the most.  Her day improved from there, so I imagine today’s Day Five will go smoothly.

If you follow me on Facebook, you probably saw when I posted I needed to get a Crustache sandwich cutter.  I did end up buying one:

Gives a whole new meaning to kids playing with their food.  I have no idea why it’s only suitable for ages 12 and up – I hope no one minds that I made a nine year old a Crustache sandwich.  When she got home that next day, I asked how her friends at lunch liked her mustaches – she rolled her eyes and said: “I tried to disguise myself with the mustaches, but they still recognized me.”  Ahem.  So much for using a Crustache sandwich to go incognito, right?

Speaking of school lunch, last year this was Princess Nagger’s lunch box of choice:

Chuck fans will recognize the Buy More name.  Princess Nagger’s 3rd grade teacher was a Chuck fan, so she thought it was cool, too.  I had to snag the image off the ‘net, because Princess Nagger forgot to bring it home.  Last Thursday.  She thinks she’ll have to retrieve it from the Lost & Found tomorrow since it’s been too long (and over the weekend).  The next time she packs, she’ll be sporting a new lunch box:

One of her newest obsessions.  Princess Nagger figures all her friends will be jealous.  This one even came with a thermos:

I ended up ordering two – one for her and one for me.  Not that I’ll ever use mine – I bought mine for the collectible aspect.  Princess Nagger thinks it’s silly to buy one and not use it.

That’s it for this week – time to link up, hop around and most importantly have fun.

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Keeping the random alive – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:


And one for my non-wino friends:




I’m also linking up with two stellar ladies, Shawn and Impulsive, the lovely hosts of Talk To Us Tuesday. There are no rules so link away.

Seriously Shawn

Once again I’m hopping aboard this fun friendly train – if you’re traveling on the train, be sure to leave your link so I can follow you back!



More Tuesday hops – if you’re stopping by here from there, please do me a favor and follow via LinkyFollowers – since I was robbed of my GFC followers when the cads at Goggle decided to boycott non-Blogger blogs.

Flock Together


  1. I must agree with you. Time flows by very fast. I love her set of lunch box also, the cookie seem so very unique. Thanks for another great topic you have shared.
    TracyAnn0312 would like you to read ..bnei baruchMy Profile

  2. Whoa! Love the Crustasche! That would make sandwiches a whole lot more interesting.

    Awww…I remember dentist’s visits like that! Except that was me.

    I miss my lunch box days. I had a ‘Dark Shadows’ lunchbox, and I loved it.
    Tina would like you to read ..Hurricane RandomMy Profile

  3. I’m with you! This summer just flew by in a blink of an eye. I’m glad we have one more week of summer vacation. We’re going to have one last blast of summer this weekend!

    I’m sorry the kids mocked PN in her fox ears. Kids are like that. Any day that involves a dentist is usually bad.

    Love the “Buy More” lunchbox! Chuck was such a good show.
    Elle would like you to read ..My Bargain is Better Than Your BargainMy Profile

  4. Wow… you and the Princess had quite a hectic week… I feel your pain (and hers) I hated the dentist until I found the kindsest, gentlest, greatest dentist ever!!!! Sounds like you did too. Have a great week and thanks for hosting.

  5. Kids can be so mean! I HATED going to the dentist when I was younger….who am I kiddin’ I still hate it. So, I’d be in tears, too. I hope this week PN has a better time with her classmates. =D

  6. Having a dentist visit (sentence, I just can’t call it something so pleasant as a visit) can ruin any day.
    We have a dinosaur sandwich cutter that has been a hit with Turbo for years now. He’s starting to outgrow it some, but I think he will get a sandwich or two that are dinosaur shaped this year.
    VandyJ would like you to read ..Random Tuesday ThinkingMy Profile

  7. Love that lunch box… I haven’t had a lunch box in years, but I’d be tempted to buy that one!

    Tell your girl not to let those other kids stop her from wearing her fox ears. I hate how mean kids can be!!
    Jill would like you to read ..Randomly, Tuesday…My Profile

  8. Poor PN, we hate the dentist here too. 🙁 I am totally digging the Buy More lunchbox, as we loved that show too. I used to carry lunchboxes as a purse years ago. Now I have too much stuff to carry around, so it wouldn’t work.

    I think our pirate-y cookie cutter said the same age range. Who knew they were so dangerous? lol
    Storm, the Psychotic Housewife would like you to read ..Random Thoughts Tuesday – Just One Extra Hour A DayMy Profile

  9. Oh, the sweet, poor girl! I don’t like the dentist either, and you’re right – those dental needles are the WORST. But maybe not as bad as watching the dentist stick it into your gums – maybe I have harder gums than most, but the hand and arm shaking from the exertion needed for sticking me with the needle? THAT scares me!
    Jennifer would like you to read ..A Typical AfternoonMy Profile

  10. I am loving that Crustache Sandwich cutter. Gotta have it!
    Popping by from the Flocking together blog hop. Come over for a cocktail anytime!!

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