Apparently summer is drawing to a close faster than the calendar.Β At least according to the stores who are now rife with fall and Thanksgiving items.Β Before you know it, they’ll have that stuff on the shelves before the Fourth of July at the rate they’re going.Β Crazy.
You know what else is crazy?Β If you don’t have a blogger blog (as in but maybe used to (like I did) and decided to link your old blogger profile through Google+ (because it’s supposedly the thing to do) you might discover (the hard way) that you are now considered a ‘no-reply’ blogger when you’re leaving comments on blogger blogs.Β Did you follow all that?
The lovely Impulsive Addict was kind enough to hunt me down last week after I left a comment on her Talk To Us Tuesday post when she wasn’t able to reply to my comment – since she had been able to do so in the past, and likes to harass me (which I totally welcome) so I had to do some digging and found out that something was changed either with G+ or Blogger recently that changed the easily replied to status to ‘no-reply’.Β
Luckily segregating blogger from G+ and reinstating my contact information did the trick.Β Let me know if you need help doing the segregation, I’m happy to help you become a reply blogger vs. a ‘don’t bother me’ blogger.
Speaking of no-reply, I have been so backlogged and buried with excess life and work that I haven’t been a good bloggy friend replying to the comments that are left to me.Β I’m hoping things will settle down a bit once Princess Nagger goes back to school next week (read: no more random interruptions) so I’ll have time to not only reply to new comments, but reply to old ones, too.Β
That’s your fair warning that you might get a response from an old comment and are left scratching your head because you’ve probably forgotten your original comment and will just think I’ve gone crazy.Β Actually, that crazy ship has already sailed, so really you shouldn’t be surprised, right?
It’s been well over a year (more like two or more) since I moved my blogger blog over to WordPress and am still finding quirks that need to be tweaked.Β Like re-uploading 2,225 images over the weekend that mysteriously disappeared.Β Not sure if it was due to one of the many WordPress upgrades since then, or if they were already AWOL from the transfer, but hopefully there aren’t too many more like that.Β
And I’m still wishing they never would have taken Google Friend Connect away from those of us not on blogger – it’s the universally recognized way to follow people, not to mention easier.Β I went from this:
…to having to start over from scratch with LinkyFollowers.Β And actually that image is an older one, I had actually just about reached 2000 followers when they took it away – I forgot to snip the image for prosperity.
Moving on… have you seen the trailer for the new Tom Hanks movie coming in the fall?Β It actually looks really good:
I still need to post about BlogHer 12.Β I’ll get to that.Β Eventually.Β Hopefully sometime before Blogher 13 arrives.Β While I was in New York, my roomies and I went to a deli not too far from the hotel and I found these that, for obvious reasons, I had to pick up for Princess Nagger:
Notice she was so excited to get them she ripped the bag open to eat them before I could take a picture, so I had to tape it to get the shot.Β Don’t tell me you wouldn’t have done the same.Β When she started digging into the dinosaurs, she discovered with delight that one of them was ginormous:
Here, this will give you a better idea on the actual size:
Needless to say, she saved those for last.Β And didn’t share.
Here’s something funky to leave you with today – stare at the red dot (aka red nose – wonder if her name is Rudolph?) on the picture below for 10 to 30-seconds, then glance away at a plain surface:
Pretty wild, isn’t it?Β speaking of wild, my interview with the two crazy dudes from I’m With Stupid was this past Sunday.Β If you didn’t get a chance to tune in, I’ve got it right here for you to listen at your leisure:
Listen to internet radio with Im With Stupid
on Blog Talk Radio
It was a blast, and I was tickled to find out that it premiered at #10 for the week – at least that means the boys will have me back in the future for more fun.
That’s it for this week – time to link up, hop around and most importantly have fun.
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Keeping the random alive – feel free to snag a badge and play along – one for my wino friends:
And one for my non-wino friends:
I’m also linking up with two stellar ladies, Shawn and Impulsive, the lovely hosts of Talk To Us Tuesday. There are no rules so link away.

Once again I’m hopping aboard this fun friendly train – if you’re traveling on the train, be sure to leave your link so I can follow you back!
More Tuesday hops – if you’re stopping by here from there, please do me a favor and follow via LinkyFollowers – since I was robbed of my GFC followers when the cads at Goggle decided to boycott non-Blogger blogs.

I love the giant gummie dinosaur and it seems that it is very good for the kids when we travel.
TracyAnn0312 would like you to read ..ΧΧΧΧΧΧΧ
Thanks TracyAnn – Princess Nagger definitely enjoyed the giant gummy dinosaur. π
I miss GFC so much too…. And also hate having to start over….
Hilary would like you to read ..Malled….
It sucks, doesn’t it, Hilary? I’m still miffed at Google for that.
I’ll have to check on the whole Blogger/Google thing. I’m sort of learning all this tech stuff on the fly!
Those yellow dinos ARE ginormous!
Tina would like you to read ..Shark Week Random
Let me know if you have any questions, Tina – I’m pretty good at faking the tech stuff on the fly. π
I know! Where is summer going? I’m not ready for it to be over yet.
Cute how they put the big dino in the pack. I bet PN loved her Dino Gummies.
Kind of mean of Google to take away GFN from everyone not on Blogger. I mistakenly thought they just discontinued it.
Elle would like you to read ..Nosy Questions, Bacon Dreams? Must be Random Tuesday
Wish summer would stick around but without the extra heat and humidity. π
Princess Nagger was THRILLED with her gummy dino’s – it was definitely a good call. π
It was man of Google to take GFC away, wasn’t it? It would have been better if they’d just discontinued it so everyone would be on the same page instead of this imbalance going on.
My kids would have loved that big dino gummies! (And I probably would have eaten a few too. π ) Happy Tuesday!
claire would like you to read ..Random (Talk to us) Tuesday β Ch-ch-ch-changes, ducks, slippery slides
I thought about you when I got the gummy dino’s and thought your kids would probably have liked them, too. π Princess Nagger did acquiesce and give me one of the smaller ones – she kept all the big ones to herself. π
Time is certainly flying by, my son will be a senior next week and turns 18 in October. Oy Vey!! And forget about being #10 Stacy, checked this morning, it’s up to #4. Woo Hoo, you da woman!! Cheers!!
Matt-Man would like you to read ..Matt Mahoney and Jason Adams are Viciously Attacked by Jason Adams and Matt Mahoney
I keep forgetting not to blink – Princess Nagger will officially be a tween this November… while I’m not really looking forward to that, I’m not looking forward to fast-forwarding to when she turns 18! Still searching for that ‘pause’ button.. π
WooHoo! #4? That’s awesome! It was a lot of fun – you guys are hilarious! Thanks again for having me. π
I hated when they took away GFC and starting all over..blah.
Now I need to check my setting to see if I am a no reply. I have totally loved WordPress since I made the move.
Heather’s Happenings would like you to read ..Heartbroken
Google sure wasn’t very nice taking away GFC from those not on blogger…sucks having to start over after almost 3 years of building a following! Let me know if you need help figuring out the whole no reply thing – I can help you muddle through that. π I’ve loved WordPress since I made the move, too – much less hassle and no issues like Blogger!
Hope you enjoy your last week of summer- we are already into the second week of school and homework started this week- ugh.
Glad you had a fun time at Blogher. And yes when they took away GFC that made me decide not to make the jump to wordpress.
Emmy would like you to read ..Take Me Out to the Ball Game
I’m not looking forward to the homework routine – it will determine if I’m smarter than a 4th grader or not. Could be leaning more towards the ‘not’ part. π
I wonder if the whole taking away GFC from non-Blogger blogs was an effort to try to get people to switch back over that had jumped ship? I admit I was tempted, just to keep GFC, but I kept getting reminded why I switched when I read about the issues Blogger still seems to have. I’m loving WordPress but definitely miss GFC. π
Summer is vanishing much too fast, but I’ll be happy for the cooler weather. Don’t sweat with not replying. I understand you must be swamped big time. I don’t know how you even do all that you do. You must be super woman in the flesh! Please send some of your powers this way pronto! It was fabulous hearing your voice on I’m With Stupid internet talk radio. Now, I feel wee bit closer to you and what’s this about your DH playing professional football? That’s new to me. Have an excellent day & thanks for hosting all the random fun!
It’s kind of bittersweet that summer seems to be speeding by so quickly – but I, too, will be happy for cooler weather. π
Thank you for your kind words – I’m far from Superwoman, though does having a cape count? π Thanks for listening to the show! It was fun to do – guess the next step will have to be a vlog, eh? *eeek!*
I see the boys got you with the joke I ruined their punchline on – there is a football player named Landon Johnson, but I’m not married to him. π
Thanks for always playing along, Cathy! π
Cool gummy dinosaurs & bag!! Sorry about the Google friends. I am thinking of leaving blogspot and creating my own webpage but being a technodinosaur myself am not quite sure how to do it…
Anyway, have a great week and thanks for hosting.
Meryl would like you to read ..Eucles: Hero of Democracy, Marathon, Common Core Standards, and Visual/Verbal Literacies
I like that description – technodinosaur! π It’s complicated, but not as hard as it seems (or as hard as I made it for myself…heh!) to move from Blogger to WordPress – there are lots of helpful tutorials (more so now than when I moved) if you decide to move and run into questions, shoot me an email and I’ll see if I can help without confusing you more. π
Mmmmm…now I’m craving giant gummy dinosaurs… π
That picture trick is so cool! I love those, some of them are pretty amazing!!
I wish Princess Nagger hadn’t eaten them all gone, I could go for one right now, too! π
Isn’t that picture trick cool? I like weird stuff like that. π
Stacy, if you wouldn’t mind I may share this. So many of my regulars are no-reply suddenly and I’ve been meaning to do a post on it but I didn’t know why they were that way.
Debby Pucci would like you to read ..HOME AGAIN HOME AGAIN JIGGITY JIG
Debby, feel free to share away! If IA hadn’t hunted me down to let me know I was suddenly ‘no-reply’, I would have been blissfully unaware. π
duh- thanks on the linky 411
I’ve entered your blog and FB.
Ya know…..I could just add you to the permanent list if you want…cause you are the random cool chick after all.
Harriet would like you to read ..Randoms and Tuesdays
Thanks, Harriet! And I would be honored to be added to the permanent list – that would be so cool!!
i didn’t understand any of the G+ talk or the friend connect stuff but totally love the tom hank preview
becca would like you to read ..Fragmented
Doesn’t that movie look intriguing? I love Tom Hank!
There is much moaning and gnashing of teeth in our house about the end of summer – The Young One begins his senior year in high school next Wednesday. In many ways, I’m sorry to see it end, as well – who likes getting up at 5:30 a.m. in order to wake and feed a 6 ft. tall zombie? – but in many ways I’m glad, because there will be no 6 ft. tall zombie just waking up and waiting to be fed when I come home for lunch every day.
Jan’s Sushi Bar would like you to read ..RTT: The Halfway Point, Trolls, Star Trek and The World Versus Breakfast
The Young One sounds a lot like Princess Nagger! During the summer she sleeps in very late, and there’s a lot of moaning and gnashing of teeth with the prospect of school starting in a week. Getting up at 5:30 am to wake and feed a 6 ft. tall zombie doesn’t sound all that fun – but at least you’ll have a zombie-less lunch each day. π
That’s exactly what makes me afraid to go over is losing all my followers. It’s so hard for me to get what I got. Love the trailer you put up. I sooooooooooooo GOT to see that movie. It looks awesome. Thanks for sharing. Don’t forget to put your give-aways up on my linky today at SHOW OFF TUESDAY! HUGZZZZZZZ Dolly
Xmasdolly would like you to read ..SHOW OFF TUESDAYS! LINK UP YOUR GIVE-AWAYS & REVIEWS!
While followers weren’t actually lost, the confirmation of those followers was…which sucks!
Doesn’t that movie look great? Can’t wait to see it when it comes out.
Thanks for the reminder – I’ll stop over later! π
Love your blog!!! New fan and follower. π
Ruby would like you to read ..Giveaway! PrintRunner Sticker Set
Thanks Ruby! I’m following you back! π
Forget Thanksgiving, Hobby Lobby has skipped straight to Christmas…and that was a month ago!
Stacie would like you to read ..Tipsy Tuesday (#179)
UGH! Just when I don’t understand the latest GFC thing, there is something new to puzzle me! mmmmm…gummies….
Andrea would like you to read ..Random Reminder
GFC is a never ending confusion thingamajig, isn’t it? π Glad the gummies distracted you sufficiently. π
I’m so behind in my blogging too and I’m hoping it will get better when my girls go back to school on Monday. I haven’t blogged about BlogHer either yet. So much to tell!!! π
Cloud Atlas looks so intense! I can’t wait to see that! That’s right up my alley. Did you watch the new Grimm? I missed it but I’ll catch it onDemand. I can’t wait for the new Once Upon a Time to Start!
Run DMT would like you to read ..Random Thoughts about Back to School Shopping and Being Back on Track {Tuesday}.
It seems everyone has the same trouble about getting behind in blogging during the summertime months – which is to be expected, since family comes first. π
Cloud Atlas is right up my alley, too! Can’t wait until it comes out! I’m actually watching the season premiere of Grimm on Hulu+ as I type this… π Both Princess Nagger and I are looking forward to the premiere of Once Upon A Time, too – that’s one we watch together. I don’t let her watch Grimm, ‘cuz it’s just too… grim! π
Good post, I get behind blogging too!
Blogging? Blogging??? It sounds familiar..
Sprite’s Keeper would like you to read ..Little Fish, Big Pond
Debby told me all about this post— can you tell me exactly what I’m supposed to do to stop being a no-replier? π Thanks!
Pam would like you to read ..When They Come Back…Look Out!
HELP!! I cannot seem to get this fixed! If you can lend a hand with any tips or steps to fixing this problem, I would love you forever. and. ever.