I’m still sorting through the gazillion pictures I took on our road trip to and from Seattle – I became quite adept at snapping pictures through the windshield of my car while driving at varying speeds. I’ve selected a few that I thought you might find interesting.
The hubby’s GPS took us on a couple of interesting shortcuts – of course Princess Nagger and I were a little trepidatious when he exited the freeway in the middle of nowhere and had us follow him on a narrow windy road:
But the strange twisted road took us through some beautiful mountains and brought us back to civilization, with a gas station that literally had it all:
When you’re out in the middle of nowhere, how handy is it to have one location where you are not only able to fill up your gas tank, but eat a hearty meal in the Restaurant, buy some gifts for that special someone in the Gift Shop, try to win more gift money at the Casino, and finish up at the Deli for a snack? Yeah… we didn’t utilize all those conveniences.
We did fill up our gas tanks, because my tank was getting precariously low and I wasn’t sure what next short cut the hubby might be leading me on Deliverance-wise.
If I had known the hubby’s GPS would take us on a shortcut that went right past Little Big Horn, I would have suggested we stop there and check it out. Unfortunately, he was speeding (literally) ahead of me, and I wasn’t able to get his attention to pull over. So I had to quickly take a shot out my window to see if I could capture the brightly colored Tee Pees:
Next time we’ll be sure to stop. Remember when we were Chasing the Sun(set) when we were driving West and had the sun in our eyes? Driving East I obviously didn’t have the option of capturing sunsets through the windshield, so I had to get creative:
Ignore the water spots – the hubby nicely washed my car that morning, but didn’t rinse off the suds soon enough, leaving spots all over, bless his heart. With the sun setting behind us, it made the clouds in front of us glow in a very pretty manner:
I also attempted to get a shot of the rising moon:
I tried to get some good shots while it was lower in the sky and a glowing reddish-orange, but we were on a bumpy road when I took those shots, so those all turned out blurry. I was happy to get at least one sort of clear shot as it was (while driving 65 miles per hour).
When Princess Nagger wasn’t studiously creating new creatures on Spore on her laptop, she had her nose buried in a book:
But she happily abandoned her book and laptop every time I’d exclaim for her to look at something I thought was cool. The fact that she concurred with me on the cool factor made her a much appreciated travel companion and sometimes co-pilot.
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. I’m also participating in Random Deals Whimsical Wednesday Blog Hop:
fantastic shots.
I found some of my best vacation pics were taken out of my windshield.
debi9kids would like you to read ..11 years of classic Keith
Fabulous pics and thanks for sharing and I especially love the tee pees. Did you stop on the way back? That would’ve been cool. You got some great shots for sure. So glad that your Princess was well entertained & a good travel companion. She should be commended for that far of a trip for sure.
Love the creative photos!!! Esp. the sunset! Very cool!
I hope you post more pictures of the rest of your trip! I love these shots already! I *almost* feel like I’m there riding along with you guys! 🙂
Jennifer would like you to read ..Rocks, Socks & Shoes – WW
You did a great job capturing all those pics. Looks like you and Princess nagger had lots of fun.
More Desserts
Simply Delicious would like you to read ..Rt2-WW – More Desserts
I promise not to be a nagger about taking pictures while driving… promise.
Happy WW!
EdT. would like you to read ..WW: Out to Launch
These pictures are absolutely beautiful!!
Katherine G would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday (Fun in Walmart)
Love the rear view mirror shot.
secret mom thoughts would like you to read ..My Little Mermaid
Fun! We’re leaving for our road trip this Sunday and I can’t wait to capture moments like yours. I love the shot of the sunset in the mirror. That’s awesome!
Sorry I missed RTT yesterday, but I’m crazy busy with all our birthdays and packing. 😛
Run DMT would like you to read ..How to Assemble an Awesome Avengers Party
Deliverance-ish! Love it. At least you weren’t in a boat 🙂 I love side window shots.
MixedMolly would like you to read ..WW: Random Points One Through Five
Love all your photos. I think my favorite is the sunset through the rear view window!
Heather’s Happenings would like you to read ..Can’t Read Her Poker Face (WW)
I still can’t believe you drove that far. Should you really be taking photos when you are driving? Isn’t that a little like texting?
Anne would like you to read ..Busy Cats and Bras, What the Hell!?!
All of the photos are just wonderful – I especially love the one in your side mirror. Just lovely!!
Jan’s Sushi Bar would like you to read ..Make ‘Em Laugh, Make ‘Em Laugh
I can see why they didn’t add a bar to that gas station, but how perfect would it have been? Or maybe if they add the bar, they can add a hotel too for people to sleep if off.
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WOW…I don’t have ANY pictures of Tee Pees!! Great capture while you are driving.
Laurie would like you to read ..It’s A Dog’s Life…
Looks like a great trip, and I love that she would stop what she was doing to look at what was going on outside!
angie would like you to read ..Wordful Wednesday ~ The Broken Window
Your shots are pretty cool, I like the one from the mirror so much! I bet you have had such a great trip, that must be a really nice experience. That country looks great with the mountains, we got lost on a similar place with my husband once (we hadn’t got GPS), it was really fun:)
Helene would like you to read ..How is a tooth implant made?
Love those beautiful blue skies. looks like a great trip!
Dear Crissy would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday: Pretty Random
I would have wanted to stop at the tee pees as well! Looks like a fun time.
alissa apel would like you to read ..WW: Splash {Linky}
Those teepees are cool! And the sunset is so pretty.
Thanks for the link up. Your pics are great!
Amazing shots!! Looks like you had an awesome adventure!
Melanie would like you to read ..Wordful Wednesday – Princess Merida
I only hope I can get such interesting pictures on our cross country trek to Michigan this summer. It’s only two weeks away now. It’s creeping up on us quicker than I thought it would.
VandyJ would like you to read ..Spin Cycle–Comedy Kids
What beautiful scenery you have experienced on your travels! I love exploring new places.
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