I’m probably sounding like a broken record talking about the hellacious heat we’ve been having lately – of course those that are also suffering from the heat can probably empathize. And those going through a historical drought will probably have the same mean thoughts I’m having towards Mother Nature this year.
It wouldn’t be so bad if our house actually had central air – then we could hibernate in the house and avoid the stifling heat outside. But since we only have a window unit in one of the 4 living room windows (it’s a long large room) and a window unit in each of the bedrooms (or we’d never get to sleep at night) the other rooms suffer (read: I suffer).
Forget about cooking anything on or in the stove – I’m not willing to raise the temps in the kitchen above the typical 90 degrees it’s been lately because it’s been hotter than that outside. It doesn’t help that the kitchen happens to be on the side of the house that gets the early and late afternoon blazing sun to increase the heat exponentially by dinnertime.
And don’t get me started on the second floor bathroom – which happens to be directly above the kitchen, which means it also gets the full heat of the afternoon sun, too. Being that it’s on the second floor and heat rises – well, you do the math. Let’s just say bath time or taking a shower is not so pleasant of an experience when the bathroom is already a sauna to begin with. By the time you dry off you’re already drenched in sweat, making the shower a moot point.
I’m probably one of the few (or possibly one of many) wishing summer would be over already and take the hellacious heat with it.
Which brings me to this week’s question:
Are you one of those that loves (and thrives) in hellacious heat? How do you stay cool?
Have a great weekend.
Happy Aloha Friday!
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So on Fridays let’s take it easy on posting, too. Ask a simple question…nothing that requires a lengthy response. It’s a great way to make new blogging friends!
More Friday Follow Fun:
I am burning up over here! I do live in the south where I would not buy a home without central heat and air. I am over it and ready for fall! bring on sweaters and football!
Sarita Edgerton would like you to read ..‘Fess Up Friday
Nope, I just don’t go out in the heat otherwise I swell up like a balloon and it makes me deathly ill. YUK! It’s the first time since we had the air off in I don’t know how long, but tonight is cool so we’re taking the opportunity to let our AC relax, but I’m sure we’ll have it back on in the morning. Have a great weekend. Love your new picture by the way the Queen & Princess – just lovely!
Though I am not a fan of the super heat we are having right now, I will take this over the past winter. Too cool down…and cool shower in the midafternoon is what I do!!
I loathe the heat! Give me winter weather any time.
Kari would like you to read ..Aloha Friday – Paying Bills
I will take the heat anytime over the cold winters here in RI. It’s the humidity that bothers me, however, we have ac units in mostly every room. I spend a lot of time in my home office which I have an ac so I am comfortable or we use our pool. I have a seat float so that I can read while cooling off.
Cheryl “Mash” would like you to read ..Guest Author Mysti Parker
Here in humid GA- We use box fans to make cross breezes, take cold showers, and drink ice tea like its going out of style. I am actually loving the summer.
Florida girl here, I couldn’t survive without AC ! When I lived in Maine, we didn’t have AC and one Summer it was so bad even all the rental places ran out of window units. Sounds like it’s one of those Summers again.
Amethyst Moon would like you to read ..Aloha Friday, Do you Believe in Magic?
Hate the heat and humidity. I stay in my air conditioned house as much as possible.
No Filter Mom would like you to read ..Aloha Friday
I do not like the heat. I can’t function when it’s hot. It’s rather debilitating. My husband on the other hand like the heat. We have recently started turning on our air conditioner. And I sit in the swimming pool a lot.
Cathi would like you to read ..Aloha Friday – Games
i’m one of those people who stay cold most of the time so the heat doesn’t bother me when I go out for short periods of time if i’m in it a long time then it causes my MS to flare up
becca would like you to read ..Gone Visiting
When the heat and especially the humidity get to a certain level – I stay inside the AC. Trips to Disney World are the only time I can usually be distracted enough to ignore the insane heat.
Beth – TheAngelForever would like you to read ..Crafting with Mod Podge
With the 100+ degree heat Kansas has been dealt this summer and last I completely understand. Thankfully in our part of the woods central heat and air is a requirement (well at least in my house it is!) and so we have an escape. But with electric prices as high as they are we keep our thermostat set at 78 and no one touches it but mama. Not even the hubby gets a break. And playing outside doesn’t happen until after 7! It’s too dang hot! Hopefully you get a reprieve soon and mother nature answers your prayers!
Question: Do you have a Friday linky? I thought you did.
No! I live in heat! Texas, southern Texas, is always hot. We get a few days of winter in December or January, but usually, it’s just hot. I hate it, but I can’t see myself living anywhere else. I don’t like snow, either, so moving isn’t really an option. I stay indoors and use my air conditioning a lot. Sometimes, I go swimming.
Forgetfulone would like you to read ..Aloha Friday
Loooove the heat! I can’t stand to be cold. Bring it on!!
Smellyann would like you to read ..Friday Fragments
I’m one of those people that doesn’t do well in the heat and doesn’t do well in the cold; I’d say the best time of year for me weather wise would be Fall where it’s a nice 50 to 60.
Hope you find some ways to stay cool until this hellacious heat breaks! o.O
Have a great weekend!
I live in Texas so the HEAT is on here!! Plus this past week it has been raining so the humidity is tripled!!
Melissa Rheinlander would like you to read ..#Book Review: Halo Of The Damned by Dina Rae
Sit in my pool.
Have a great weekend!
Harriet would like you to read ..What qualities do you value in a grocery store and what qualities will keep you out of one?
I don’t like the heat, so I’ve been in a mood all week. I drink a lot of water and the fan and AC helps.
Catherine L. would like you to read ..Aloha Friday – Who’s Your Favorite Teacher?
Gah keep talking about it. I could go on and on too love. It’s HOT HOT HUMID and yuck!
I stay inside..or visit places that are cool. Library, museums or play water splash outside with the kids.
JamericanSpice would like you to read ..How Do You Replenish Yourself?
We have been Very hot over the last week. I’ve been taking everyone out of the house for drives in the air Conditioned car. We hve no A/C here. I’ve also filled up the boys water guns.
kyooty would like you to read ..If you’re suffering the Heat?
I sure wish we could share our cool N.W. weather with you and give you some of the rain that has been falling all week long. I’m not complaining, but I AM rubbing it in, ha ha. You guys need to come back home and stay put in Washington. You are a West coast girl and nothing can change that. Your webbed feet don’t know what to do in all that warm weather. 🙂 🙂 🙂
As for staying cool… I think I’d go outside turn on the sprinkler and sit in the shade while it hit me. Yep, that is what I would do… along with a glass of yummy iced tea! And dinners would be done via BBQ. Stay cool if you can!
I don’t like it either. I’m so glad we have central air. I don’t know how people do it!
Motherhood on the Rocks would like you to read ..A THOUSAND WORDS
I’m based in Sydney, Australia, Stacey so I love, love, LOVE the heat! We get it pretty hot ‘down under,’ so perhaps I’m used to it but I’d gladly take hellacious heat over bitter cold anyday. 🙂
Love the blog and you’ve got quite the following back home too amongst my group of friends! Keep up the stellar work.