You’re in for a treat – Princess Nagger is interviewing me today about my Summer Beauty Tips!
PN: “I bet you’re regretting bringing those cheap disposable razors on vacation, aren’t you?”
Me: “I sure am – how did you figure that out?”
PN: “Well, for one thing, you’ve got scrapes and scratches all over your legs. Looks like the cat attacked you.”
Me: “Like you like to say: ‘I know, right?’”
PN: “Hey! That’s my line!”
Me: “I gave you credit.”
PN: “OK then. So did you always have freckles?”
Me: “Yep, as a matter of fact, I read in a book somewhere that if you rub lemon juice on your freckles before going out in the sun, they’ll fade away. Picture me rubbing lemon juice all over my nose before heading out to the backyard to play.”
PN: “Obviously it didn’t work.”
Me: “Definitely not. As a matter of fact, the lemon juice just made my face burn a little faster, and even more freckles showed up as a result. In fact, there was one summer I not only rubbed lemon juice on my face, but I put baby oil on my legs and arms before I went out back to lay in the sun.”
PN: “Baby oil?!”
Me: “Yep, it was supposed to be the best way to speed up a tan instead of using the tanning oil that had sun block in it.”
PN: “Did it work?”
Me: “Well, not in the traditional sense. It worked by giving me a major sunburn which turned into a nice tan – the part that didn’t peel, that is.”
PN: “Ewww! I hate sunburns, they hurt.”
Me: “It only took one really bad burn – from that attempt at a tan – to change my mind about my methods. I had to soak in a stinky vinegar bath to ease some of the sunburn pain. It was not fun. And it wasn’t pretty.”
PN: “Did you ever have any other bad sunburns?”
Me: “Only one more, when I was fishing with my dad. I thought I’d done a good job putting on sunscreen, but apparently didn’t do as good a job on my shoulders and knees – so I got bad burns on just those areas. And ended up with freckles on my shoulders afterwards.”
PN: “Were you bummed about having freckles?”
Me: “Sure, back then I was, then as I got older I embraced my freckles – because usually people do mistake me for younger than my age, which is always a good thing.”
PN: “How do you keep your hair looking so shiny?”
Me: “It’s not easy, especially when it’s hot and humid out, but I have certain products I use that help with that. What I use also helps protect my hair from the heat – and getting fried by the sun.”
PN: “Really? Your hair can get fried by the sun?”
Me: “It sure can, especially if it’s not protected.”
PN: “Weird. So what are you going to do about your cat-scratch legs?”
Me (laughing): “Well, I’m definitely tossing those cheap-o disposable razors and will be making a special trip to get a Venus one like I have at home.”
PN: “Venus? Isn’t that like a planet or goddess or something?”
Me: “Yes, but in this case it’s a razor that makes you feel like a goddess instead of a cat scratching post.”
PN: “Nice! I’m glad I don’t have to shave my legs yet, it seems like it would be a pain in the butt.”
Me: “Don’t you mean a pain in the leg?”
This fun post was brought to you by the Venus Embrace razor (thanks Venus!), which was provided to me for free. My favorite feature is that there are 5 blades plus a Ribbon of Moisture to help minimize nicks and cuts. That makes me feel much better!
Check out Kendall and Kylie Jenner with your daughters here on Venus’ Facebook page here. There are also some more great summer tips from Venus here.
So, now it’s your turn! To enter to win a $50 Visa Gift Card, tell me in comments, What’s the best beauty tip you have shared with your daughter to prepare her for the summer? Or share your funniest beauty mishap – Princess Nagger wants to know!
Good luck!
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Have you checked out the Life Well Lived section of There are some great tips and expert posts on everything from Looking Your Best to Getting Happy and Getting Organized!
I keep suggesting showering and putting on deodorant, and am met with the same heavy sigh evey time! My own beauty mishap was the time I thought maybe I could wax just a little bit of my own eyebrows. I would not recommend that! This post has the whole story
Super cute! Maybe she has a career in journalism ahead. 🙂 I hate disposable razors too btw. BRUTAL!
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I do not have a daughter, and I am very sad that I won’t be able to pass on any beauty secrets. But your daughter is so pretty that she made me smile!
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Haha, that was most fun!
Tip: Drink the water. I promise it’s really good from the inside out in helping your skin.
And whatever you do, wear sunscreen ALL THE TIME! 🙂
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I read somewhere about using hair conditioner and I have used it all the time…and it is SUPERB! Thank you so much for sharing. My post is here Have you a great week. hugs shakir
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use lots of sunscreen
Always use sunscreen! You will thank me later.
Best beauty tip is to drink alto of water, and watch out for the bad and greasy foods!
i once fell asleep sunbathing with big sunglasses on and i woke up looking like a racoon..took a week to fade
Always wait to apply sunscreen. Your body needs SOME UV to synthesize Vitamin D.
My mother always said to moisturize and wear sunscreen wheenver you’re outside.
My best beauty tip – always remember to wear sunscreen. It’s just a simply step daily but goes a long way to keep your skin healthy.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
My mother always emphasized the importance of wearing sunscreen. She has really great skin so I’m listening to her!
wash your face twice a day and exfoliate once a week
My best advice is to wear sunglasses all the time! Macular Degeneration runs rampant in our family.. it is hereditary.
i tell her to wear SPF
My tip is to wear sunscreen every day
I’m with you on the freckles; hated them as a kid and now I love ’em! My funniest mishap was this one time when I followed a magazine article and used a mayonaise hair mask. It was gross and so hard to wash out!
My funniest beauty mishap was when I rubbed my eye and mascara ran and my son thought someone gave me a black eye!
Jennifer Marie
lilnursejen at yahoo dot com
Use q-tips to apply that makeup when you run out of shadow brushes. It’s the easiest way out. =)
*easiest way out of a jam
2nd entry tweet –
wear sunscreen all the time
Always wear spf & moisturize!
tweeted –
I like to rub my legs with a pumice soap or stone before I shave them.
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I put on makeup that doesn’t match my skin color to try to cover up my acne, didn’t look good and probably irritated the acne too. Thanks for the tips and giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail
songyueyu at gmail
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I do not have a daughter to share with but one secret I have learned about keeping your hair shiny is when you wash the last rinse should be with very cool water, it helps get the soap out and cool water closes the hair cuticles up to make it smooth and shiny.
Put lots of sunscreen on!
My best advice is to keep blotters in your purse for wiping off excess oil, especially during the teen years. SAVED MY LIFE in high school!
I don’t yet have a daughter to pass on my wisdom, but I believe that spf protection on our face is essential
sometimes less make up is more
When we were younger my sister stole my liptsick and smeared it all over her face, and she thought she looked pretty. It was too funny.
don’t forget to protect hair from sun
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My only tips to my daughters are to wear what makes them feel good.
Always pluck your eyebrows and use moisturizer.
Always use sun screen even if your skin is naturally dark. Dark skin is no protection against the sun.